偏振去雾成像、水下偏振成像等偏振成像方法是这几年比较热门的一个研究方向,每次学术会议一定会有人讲相关的内容。但是相关的技术距离实际应用仍有多远的距离,尚不得而知。本文简介的是最新一期Optics Express上西安电子科技大学邵晓鹏教授课题组的研究论文。
Enhancement of underwater vision by fully exploiting the polarization information from the Stokes vector
Underwater imaging method based on polarization information is extremely popular due to its ability to effectively remove the backscattered light. The Stokes vector contains the information of both the degree and angle of polarization of the light wave. However, this aspect has been rarely utilized in image reconstruction. In this study, an underwater polarimetric imaging model is established by fully exploiting this feature of Stokes vectors. The transmission of light wave is described in terms of the polarization information derived from the Stokes vector. Then, an optimization function is designed based on the independent characteristics of target light and backscattered light to estimate the target and backscattered field information. The real-world experiments and mean squared error analysis verify that the proposed method can remove the backscattered light and recover the target information accurately.
Yi Wei, Pingli Han, Fei Liu, and Xiaopeng Shao, “Enhancement of underwater vision by fully exploiting the polarization information from the Stokes vector,” Opt. Express 29, 22275-22287 (2021)