Citrix and NVIDIA team up on GPU hardware virtu...

2023-11-21 19:40

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Together with NVIDIA at their GPU Technology Conference (GTC) in San Jose, California, this morning we unveiled a technology platform for private and public clouds that combines NVIDIA’s new VGX™ virtual GPU technology with Citrix’s XenDesktop and XenServer hypervisor desktop virtualization solution. Sumit Dhawan, Citrix GM and VP, joined NVIDIA’s CEO Jen-Hsun Huang on stage at the GTC keynote to introduce this breakthrough technology for delivering 3D graphics from the cloud.


Applications and desktops are becoming increasingly graphical, so it is imperative that desktop virtualization systems provide cost-effective solutions for rendering and delivering 3D graphics with no compromise in user experience. And at Citrix, we well know that more and more employees are demanding access from non-traditional devices such as tablets and smartphones. Mobile workers need to use these devices to access data, video and more. And organizations want to keep the data and applications safe and manageable in the private cloud.

NVIDIA VGX™ GPU虚拟化扩展了GPU的能力,使得设计工程师和放射线研究者能够共享同一物理GPU。思杰通过和NVIDIA 强有力的合作,将 VGX 集成到 XenServer hypervisor,我们期待年末出一个基于硬件的 vGPU 的 beta 版本。

NVIDIA VGX™ GPU hardware virtualization extends GPU capability beyond power users like design engineers and radiologists to other workers in the organization who need access to large 3D models but don’t require the power of a dedicated graphics card. We’re aggressively working with NVIDIA to integrate VGX into the XenServer hypervisor and we’re looking forward to beginning joint beta trials of hardware-based vGPU before the end of this year.

这个新技术的可伸缩性很有潜力。XenApp HDX 3D已经存在GPU共享,但它只限于基于DirectX的应用程序,且只能兼容Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services (RDS),每一个显卡也仅能支持10到12个用户。我们期待 NVIDIA VGX-accelerated XenDesktop平台上一个多GPU显卡能够支持100个用户,提高用户密度一个数量级并将具有3D图形能力的虚拟PC价格降到1000美元以下。这个新技术提供了没有限制的应用兼容性,因为它运行着标准的Windows 7虚拟桌面且同时支持基于DirectX和OpenGL的应用程序。VGX通过直接存取GPU帧数据改善了交互性。即使对于大的3D模型,它也保持了高性能属性,因为没有必要将数据从用户会话传到另一个会话(API intercept model)。

Scalability of this new technology looks very promising. While GPU sharing has been available for some time with XenApp HDX 3D, it has been limited to DirectX-based applications compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services (RDS), with scalability of no more than 10 or 12 users per high-end graphics card. We expect our NVIDIA VGX-accelerated XenDesktop platform to be able to serve up to 100 users with a single multi-GPU graphics card, improving user density on a single server by an order of magnitude and slashing the cost of a 3D graphics capable virtualized PC to under $1,000. And this new solution offers unrestricted app compatibility since it runs standard Windows 7 virtual desktops and supports both DirectX and OpenGL based applications. VGX also improves interactivity by providing direct access to the GPU frame buffer. And it maintains high performance even with large 3D models since there is no need to transfer the data from the user session to another session (API intercept model).

Last week at Synergy in San Francisco, we announced a new release of XenDesktop HDX 3D Pro that is scheduled to ship at the end of June as part of XenDesktop 5.6 Feature Pack 1. This new release is the first solution on the market to leverage NVIDIA VGX™ for faster frame buffer access. XenDesktop 5.6 FP1 HDX 3D Pro provides a very responsive user experience, even over 1.5 Mbps T1 connections. And it is “vGPU ready”, meaning that it will be compatible with XenServer VGX-based GPU hardware virtualization when available. This opens up hardware-accelerated virtualized 3D professional graphics – both OpenGL and DirectX – and High Performance Computing applications to a large “second tier” of users who don’t necessarily need a dedicated GPU. The possibilities for leveraging this new technology are truly exciting!


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