[文献分享] 孕妇咖啡饮用与出生结局:孟德尔随机化研究

本文主要是介绍[文献分享] 孕妇咖啡饮用与出生结局:孟德尔随机化研究,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

文献来源:Brito Nunes C, Huang P, Wang G, et al. Mendelian randomization study of maternal coffee consumption and its influence on birthweight, stillbirth, miscarriage, gestational age and pre-term birth [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jun 9]. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;dyac121. doi:10.1093/ije/dyac121


1. 基本信息

2. 主要内容概览:

3. 主要结果和内容

3.1.  Study 1: Two-sample MR analyses

3.1.1. 各人群研究的样本量

3.1.2. 遗传工具变量的筛选

 3.1.3.  MR 相关的Statistical analysis

3.1.4. 两样本MR主要结果

 3.1.5. 两样本MR敏感性分析

  3.1.6. 水平多效性和异质性检验

3.2. Individual-level data MR analysis using GRS (ALSPAC and UKBB)


3.2.2. ALSPAC

3.3.Study 3: Associations between self-reported coffee consumption and pregnancy outcomes in the ALSPAC study

4. 结论

1. 基本信息

期刊International journal of epidemiology





一句话介绍:孕妇咖啡消费与出生结局(出生体重,死产,流产,胎龄和早产)进行因果推断: 两样本MR、基因风险评分的个体数据水平的MR、传统的队列研究

2. 主要内容概览

Three studies (Fig. 1 and Table S1) to investigate:

U sed a two-sample MR approach to assess the effect of these genetic instruments of coffee consumption on pregnancy outcomes using GWAS of birthweight , miscarriages , stillbirths and gestational age and pre-term.
Additionally, performed an individual-level MR analysis using GRS for offspring birthweight, gestational age and pre-term birth in ALSPAC and for offspring birthweight, number of miscarriages and number of stillbirths in UKBB using linear regression .
Finally, assessed the association between coffee consumption in pregnancy and offspring birthweight, gestational age and risk of pre-term birth in ALSPAC using multivariable regression

3. 主要结果和内容

3.1.  Study 1: Two-sample MR analyses

3.1.1. 各人群研究的样本量

3.1.2. 遗传工具变量的筛选


•SNP SET 1:  E ight independent SNPs that reached genome-wide significance in the GWAS of coffee consumption mentioned above (rs1481012, rs4410790, rs9902453, rs7800944, rs17685, rs2472297, rs1260326 and rs6265 ).   ( both male and female )

•SNP SET 2: Six out of the eight SNPs for which there was no strong evidence of horizontal pleiotropy based on the results of a phenome-wide scan using PhenoScanner at a P-value threshold of 5 × 10 −8 . rs1260326 was associated with alcohol intake frequency, T2 D , fasting glucose levels, TC, CVD and CKD, and the SNP rs6265 associated with BMI, weight, body fat and smoking.

•SNP SET 3:  Tested the association between each of the eight SNPs and alcohol consumption and smoking. Five out of eight SNPs were associated with alcohol consumption or smoking, after Bonferroni correction ( P < 0.05/8 = 0.00625 ). 3 SNP left.

 3.1.3.  MR 相关的Statistical analysis

Two-sample inverse-variance weighted (IVW) MR analysis: Estimate the causal relationship

Cochran’s Q: A heterogeneity test of causal effect estimates

MR–Egger intercept: Directional pleiotropy

MR–Egger regression, weighted median, weighted and simple mode estimation approaches: Sensitivity analyses

I2GX: Assess the potential for weak instrument bias in the MR–Egger regression

Bonferroni correction of P-value for the two-sample MR analysis was 0.05/5 phenotypes tested = 0.01 controlling for latent horizontal pleiotropy

3.1.4. 两样本MR主要结果

基本没有发现咖啡消费与这几个关注的妊娠结局有因果关系,除了6SNP set的BW有统计学差异。

 3.1.5. 两样本MR敏感性分析

  3.1.6. 水平多效性和异质性检验

3.2. Individual-level data MR analysis using GRS (ALSPAC and UKBB)

3.2.1.UKBB UKBB人群的基本情况

UKBB is a large prospective population-based cohort containing ∼500 000 individuals (aged 37–73 years; 54% female), representing 5.5% of those who were invited to participate. 遗传工具变量


Both weighted and unweighted GRSs using the three sets of SNPs mentioned above in the two-sample MR section, resulting in six different GRSs for coffee consumption.

The weighted risk scores were created by multiplying the coffee-increasing alleles by their effect size from the exposure GWAS, whereas the unweighted risk scores were obtained by adding the number of coffee consumption increasing alleles together. 母亲咖啡消费GRSs与自报告的咖啡消费量的关系

Linear regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between the maternal GRSs for coffee consumption (both weighted and unweighted) and self-reported and maternal coffee intake (cups/day) in addition to the number of spontaneous miscarriages, number of stillbirths and birthweight of the first offspring, adjusting for maternal age at birth.


 An association was found between coffee consumption and the different unweighted and weighted GRSs, suggesting that having more coffee consumption increasing alleles identified in the sample of both men and women would increase a woman’s coffee consumption. 母亲咖啡消费GRSs与出生结局的关系

Linear regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between the maternal GRSs for coffee consumption (both weighted and unweighted) and self-reported and maternal coffee intake (cups/day) in addition to the number of spontaneous miscarriages, number of stillbirths and birthweight of the first offspring, adjusting for maternal age at birth.

•Without  association : GRS analyses for the miscarriages and stillbirths
With association: GRS analyses for offspring birthweight, and the association remained after adjusting for smoking in the sensitivity analysis. Mother–offspring pairs


Maternal genome is correlated 0.5 with the offspring genome.

This means that using maternal SNPs in MR studies of maternal exposures and offspring outcomes without conditioning on offspring genotype could violate core assumptions relating to horizontal pleiotropy and complicate interpretation of results. We, therefore, leveraged the mother-offspring pairs in the UKBB.

结果是Not able to detect any associations between maternal GRS and offspring birthweight in these analyses

3.2.2. ALSPAC ALSPAC研究介绍

ALSPAC is a longitudinal birth cohort study established to understand how genetic and environmental factors influence health and development in parents and children. 在ALSPAC人群中验证GRS与每日咖啡摄入量有关而与其他混杂因素无关

Examined the Association between the GRSs and maternal coffee intake (cups/day) at Week 32 during pregnancy.    

(GRSs of eight and six SNPs account for 0.37% and 0.35% of the variance, respectively; P<0.003)


Examined the association between maternal GRS quartiles and two potential confounders (alcohol drinking and smoking during pregnancy) using chi-square tests. ×

与混杂因素吸烟饮酒无关 在ALSPAC人群中验证GRS与妊娠结局关系(BW, GA, PTB)

 Q:   Is there any association between the GRSs of coffee consumption and three pregnancy outcomes (BW, GA, PTB) with and without conditioning on child’s unweighted GRS or individual SNPs ?

A: Maternal GRSs were not associated with offspring BW, GA or PTB either with or without adjusting for offspring genetics

3.3.Study 3: Associations between self-reported coffee consumption and pregnancy outcomes in the ALSPAC study



To explore whether previous observational associations regarding coffee consumption and BW were applicable to ALSPAC, the phenotypic association between maternal coffee intake at Week 32 during pregnancy and the three pregnancy outcomes were examined.




effect size / OR



−9.63 grams/cups, 95% CI: −17.57, −1.69


−4.52 grams/cups, 95% CI: −14.92, 5.88

pre-term birth


1.11, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.19


1.08, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.14

gestational age


−0.03 weeks/cups, 95% CI: −0.07, 0.01


−0.02 weeks/cups, 95% CI: −0.05, 0.01

Covariates: maternal age, maternal smoking and alcohol intake during pregnancy, and child’s sex.

4. 结论

§ did not find strong evidence of a adverse causal relationship between maternal coffee consumption and birthweight, gestational age, the number of stillbirths , risk of pre-term birth or spontaneous miscarriages
§ Notably, a null association may be due to a lack of power and needs to be validated in even larger studies .
§ The observational association with birthweight attenuated when these variables were adjusted for , suggesting these factors may have confounded previous observational relationships.



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