宏基因组按:宏基因组学是近年最火的研究领域之一,表观遗传学更是十余年热度不减,而将两者很好的结合开创宏表观组的房刚老师绝对是本领域的大佬,两篇Nature Biotechnology持续保持领先优势。近期的被邀约撰写的Nat Rev Genet更为更多人加入本领域提供了最好的指南。作为本领域的同行,这项研究非常值得作为基础知识学习。而想在本领域做出创新的博士,一定不要错过这次千载难逢改变命运的机会,也许下一篇Nature Biotechnology*的一作会是你。话不多説,赶快看正文。
- Nat Biotech: 宏表观组—DNA甲基化辅助宏基因组binning
对本领域不够熟悉,快读读房刚老师的最新Nature综述,绝对手把手带你入行。 上发表了一篇题为
- Nature Reviews Genetics: 现代测序技术解密细菌表观组(Deciphering bacterial epigenomes using modern sequencing technologies)
本综述详细的总结各种测序技术,尤其是第三代测序技术在细菌表观遗传组研究中的应用,以及表观遗传学在细菌基因表达和致病菌中的重要功能。IF 20+ 分的综述,绝对一文顶百文,本领域最好的教科书。
纽约西奈山医学院房刚实验室招聘博士后: 宏基因组与表观基因组
实验室介绍: 西奈山伊坎医学院(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, US News Top-20) 位于纽约曼哈顿。我们实验室 (计算和实验结合) 在2012年开启了细菌表观遗传组学的研究 (Nature Biotechnology)。之后研发了基于第三代测序技术检测DNA化学修饰的方法,以及表观遗传学在细菌功能和致病性的调节。在2017年,我们第一次利用DNA甲基化信息对肠道菌群进行高清晰度更完整的分析 (Nature Biotechnology, 2017)。通过挖掘肠道细菌的表观遗传组,并把它作为一个有高度区分度的条形码(epigenetic barcode),宏基因组的分析可以达到菌株的层面(strain level),并且将质粒等可移动元件(mobile genetic elements)和主染色体关联在一起。我们对第三代测序技术(read length > 20kb; 检测多种DNA化学修饰)有着独特的(>9年)经验。
实验室目前诚聘多名博士后:表观基因组、 宏基因组。具体从三个方向上利用第三代测序技术、整合生物学,系统生物学的角度对人类疾病以及精准医疗开展研究研发。
成功的应聘者 会有以下独特的机会:
i) 学习掌握第三代测序技术,并深入学习我们的经验;
ii) 丰富的临床菌群样本和经验丰富的合作者;
iii) 在一个开放的有很多新机遇的宏表观基因组学研究中创新和发现;
iv) 研发开创性的技术并将其应用到深度发掘各种形式的微生物菌群(人类与环境样本)和它们的宏基因组, 研究菌群与宿主以及不同药物之间的相互作用;
v) 非常具有竞争力的工资待遇,以及位于曼哈顿学校所属公寓的租方待遇。
1a) 计算背景的申请者有坚实的计算生物学,细菌基因组学,宏基因组、或其它组学(DNA, RNA, ChIP sequencing)分析研究的背景;
1b) 实验背景的申请者有丰富的哺乳动物或土壤菌群分析经验, 细菌遗传学, 分子生物学背景实验背景;
1c) 计算和实验背景都具备的申请者鼓励申请,但是两者具备其一即可;
请将下面的材料发送至 fanggang@gmail.com :
课题组网站: http://research.mssm.edu/fanglab
- Beaulaurier J, Schadt EE & Fang G#, Deciphering bacterial epigenomes using modern sequencing technologies, Nature Reviews Genetics, 2018
- Beaulaurier J, Zhu S, Deikus G, Mogno I, Zhang XS, Davis-Richardson A, Canepa R, Triplett EW, Faith JJ, Sebra R, Schadt EE & Fang G#, Metagenomic binning and association of plasmids with bacterial host genomes using DNA methylation, Nature Biotechnology, 10.1038/nbt.4037, 2017
- Topol A*, Zhu S*, Hartley BJ, English J, …, Rapoport J, Gage FH, Dudley JT, Sklar P, Mattheisen M, Cotter D, Fang G# & Brennand K#, Dysregulation of miRNA-9 in a Subset of Schizophrenia Patient-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells, Cell Reports, doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.03.090, 2016
- Wu TP, Wang T, Seetin MG, Lai Y, Zhu S, Lin K, Liu Y, Byrum SD, Mackintosh SG, Zhong M, Tackett A, Wang G, Hon LS, Fang G, Swenberg J & Xiao A, DNA methylation on N6-adenine in mammalian embryonic stem cells, Nature, 10.1038/nature17640, 2016
- Beaulaurier J, Zhang XS, Zhu S, Sebra R, Rosenbluh C, Deikus G, Shen N, Munera D, Waldor MK, Blaser MJ, Chess A, Schadt EE# & Fang G#, Single molecule-level detection and long read-based phasing of epigenetic variations in bacterial methylomes, Nature Communications, 10.1038/ncomms8438, 2015.
- Chao MC, Zhu S, Kimura S, Davis BM, Fang G,# Waldor MK, # (2015) A cytosine methyltransferase modulates the cell envelope stress response in the cholera pathogen, PLoS Genetics, doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005666.
- Topol A, Zhu S, Tran N, Simone A, Fang G, Brennand KJ. (2015) Aberrant canonical WNT signaling in hiPSC NPCs derived from four schizophrenia patients. Biological Psychiatry. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.12.028
- Munera D, Ritchie JM, Hatzios S, Bronson R, Fang G, Schadt EE, Davis BM, Waldor MK, (2014) Autotransporters but not pAA are critical for rabbit colonization by Shiga toxin-producing E. coli O104:H4, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/ncomms4080.
- Schadt EE,* Banerjee O,* Fang G,* Feng Z, Wong WH, Clark TA, Luong K, Kumar V, Chen-Plotkin A, Sondheimer N, Korlach A, Kasarskis A, (2013) Modeling Kinetic Rate Variation in Third Generation DNA Sequencing Data to Detect Putative Modifications to DNA Bases, Genome Research, doi:10.1101/gr.136739.111
- Feng Z, Fang G, Korlach J, Clark T, Luong K, Zhang X, Wong WH, and Schadt EE, (2012) Detecting DNA modifications from SMRT sequencing data by modeling sequence context dependence of polymerase kinetic, PLoS Computational Biology, 9(3): e1002935.
- Fang G*, Munera D*, Friedman DI, Mandlik A, Chao MC, et al. , Genome-wide map of methylated adenine residues using single-molecule real-time sequencing in pathogenic Escherichia coli, Nature Biotechnology, 10.1038/nbt.2432, 2012.
Postdocs/Scientists: Long Reads and Epigenomes; Pathogen, Microbiome,Human Diseases.
Job description: Multiple positions are available at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (Top-20 medical school in the US) in New York City. Our lab is in the Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences and the Institute for Genomics and Multi-scale Biology.
Our lab (computation + experiment) pioneered the fast growing field of bacterial epigenomics (Nature Biotechnology, 2012; Nature Reviews Genetics, 2018). We also pioneered the use of DNA methylation for high resolution microbiome analysis (Nature Biotechnology, 2018). In addition, we contributed to the discovery of a novel form of DNA methylation (6mA) in mammalian genomes (Nature, 2016; Genome Research, 2018). We have unique expertise in the use of third generation sequencing (Single Molecule Real-Time by PacBio, ~20kbp read length, and the emerging Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology).
We are looking for highly motivated candidates for multiple PostDoc Fellow positions on the topics of Epigenomics, Trancriptomics, Microbiome analysis. We focus on both novel Technology Development, Disease Systems Biology and Precision Medicine. Three research sub-directions are
- Bacterial epigenomics, epigenetics for the discovery of novel regulators and drug targets in pathogens and their interactions with human.
- Novel technology for, and its applications to, high resolution characterization of gut microbiome and its important roles in human disease.
- Novel technology for the mapping 6mA in eukaryotic genomes and functional characterization of its functional roles in human diseases.
Successful candidates will have unique opportunities to i) build on our unique expertise in third-generation long read sequencing, ii) large scale collection of clinically relevant samples and a strong network of collaborators, iii) take the lead role in projects developing cutting edge, pioneering genomic and epigenomics technologies in the context of innovative applications with high biological, biomedical and clinical impact, iv) Compensations for successful candidates are highly competitive. Subsidized housing (in New York City) is also available.
Recent publications: Nature Reviews Genetics, 2018 * Nature Biotechnology, 2018 * Genome Research, 2018 * Nature, 2016 * Cell Reports, 2016 * Nature Communications, 2015 * PLoS Genetics, 2015 * Biological Psychiatry, 2015 * Nature Communications, 2014 * Molecular Psychiatry, 2014 * PLoS Genetics, 2013 * PLoS Computational Biology, 2013 * Nature Biotechnology, 2012 * Genome Research, 2012
Lab page with details: http://research.mssm.edu/fanglab
Requirements: 1a) Candidates with computational background are expected to have solid training in bioinformatics, genomics, epigenomics transcriptomics, or metagenomics, 1b) Candidates with experimental background are expected to have solid training and skills in molecular and cellular biology. 2) Ability to learn and master new technologies and skills, 3) Abilities to lead an independent research direction while adapting to a collaborative environment, 4) An innovative yet critical thinker.
How to apply: Please send the following to fanggang@gmail.com: 1) A brief cover letter, 2) CV with a list of publications, 3) PDF files for the papers in which you are first or co-first author.
Thank you for the interests!
Gang Fang, Associate Professor, Genetics and Genomics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, US
点击阅读原文访问课题组网站: http://research.mssm.edu/fanglab
- 10000+: 菌群分析
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