Faucet installation with hot and cold water pipe input

2023-11-04 05:32

本文主要是介绍Faucet installation with hot and cold water pipe input,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  • Summary
  • Problem and solution
  • Deck hole 2.8 cm - smaller than the required 3.0 cm
  • old faucet cold input only - new faucet both cold and hot input
  • Installation
  • Reference


Installed the faucet with hot and cold water input pipe, the facet brand is 汉派, deck mounted, one of the tap can be pulled out and move to different position with a spray. It costs around 500 RMB.

The old faucet was as below, it was leaking, needed to be replaced.


The new faucet:

new facet

The test on the faucet:

width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/i8NaNWU2F-Y" allowfullscreen="">

Problem and solution

Deck hole 2.8 cm - smaller than the required 3.0 cm

After uninstalled the old faucet, about to install the new faucet, I found the hole on my sink deck was too small to install the new faucet. The issue was that my old faucet was cold water pipe input only, the deck hole was 2.8 cm. However the new faucet requires 3.0 cm hole.

2.8 cm

It requires 3.0 cm diameter.

3.0 cm

3.0 cm



Need to change the deck hole from 2.8 cm to 3.0 cm. Bought below hole saw 3.0 cm diameter, cost 6.5 SGD.

hole saw

This cone saw was too expensive, will cost 35.5 SGD, gave up.

cone saw

cone saw

Used electric drill to cut the deck hole from 2.8 cm to 3.0 cm, need to use water to cool down the drilling.



old faucet cold input only - new faucet both cold and hot input

Old faucet was cold input only, while the new faucet is with both cold and hot input pipe, so I bought a two way brass diverter. It cost SGD 5.5.

two way brass diverter

two way brass diverter

two way brass diverter

Old cold only input,

old cold only input

After installed the two way brass diverter.



After changed the deck hole and installed two way brass diverter, remaining work was easy.

Before installation:

Before install

before install

Connect the hot and cold water pipe to the faucet and insert through the 3.0 cm deck hole.



Finally connect the hot pipe and cold pipe to the two way brass diverter.

Below is a small tool to uninstall the arm of the faucet.



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