Accuracy Versus Precision(准确率Vs精度)

2023-11-01 11:20

本文主要是介绍Accuracy Versus Precision(准确率Vs精度),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Accuracy Versus Precision

A surveyor strives for both accuracy and precision.  Many people use the terms “accuracy” and “precision” interchangeably.  However, for those in the surveying profession (as well as other technical and scientific fields), these words have different meanings.  To surveyors, “accuracy” refers to how closely a measurement or observation comes to measuring a "true value," since measurements and observations are always subject to error.  “Precision” refers to how closely repeated measurements or observations come to duplicating measured or observed values. 


Using four cases of rifle shots fired at a bull’s eye target, each with different results, helps to distinguish the meaning of these two terms.


Image illustrates the distinction that surveyors make between the terms “accuracy” and “precision” as applied to surveying measurements and observations.

These four sets of rifle shots illustrate the distinction that surveyors make between the terms “accuracy” and “precision,” as applied to surveying measurements and observations. Click image for larger view.

Case 1: Not accurate, not precise:   A shooter stands, aims through the rifle’s telescopic sight, and fires four shots at a target.  Upon examining the target, the shooter sees that all four shots are high or left and scattered all around that part of the target.  These shots were neither accurate (not close to the center) nor precise (not close to each other).


Case 2: Precise, not accurate: The shooter assumes a prone position, rests the barrel of the rifle on a support, takes careful aim, holds his breath, and gently squeezes the trigger.  The target shows that these four shots are very close together, but all four are high and to the left of the bull’s eye.  These shots are precise (close together), but not accurate (not close to the center of the target).


Case 3: Accurate, not precise:  The shooter adjusts the rifle’s telescopic sight and, full of confidence that the problem of inaccuracy has been solved, stands and quickly fires four shots.  Upon studying the target, the four holes are scattered across the target, but the location of each of the four is very close to the bull’s eye.  These shots are accurate, but not precise.


Case 4: Accurate, precise:  The shooter again assumes a prone position, rests the barrel of the rifle on a support, takes careful aim, holds his breath, and gently squeezes the trigger four times.  This time, the four holes are very close to the center of the target (accurate) and very close together (precise).


To illustrate the distinction between terms using a surveying example, imagine surveyors very carefully measuring the distance between two survey points about 30 meters (approximately 100 feet) apart 10 times with a measuring tape.  All 10 of the results agree with each other to within two millimeters (less than one-tenth of an inch).  These would be very precise measurements.  However, suppose the tape they used was too long by 10 millimeters.  Then the measurements, even though very precise, would not be accurate.  Other factors that could affect the accuracy or precision of tape measurements include:  incorrect spacing of the marks on the tape, use of the tape at a temperature different from the temperature at which it was calibrated, and use of the tape without the correct tension to control the amount of sag in the tape.



对于Accuracy 和 Precision按照中文翻译确实有很大相近之处,最近在做有关检测的任务,需要用到这些指标,在网上查了一堆资料,感觉有些杂,好多都是文字说明,有点绕,wiki上也是一堆文字,不过感觉还不错,总体的感觉是中文资料确实没有英文的好,这点不得不承认,看到这篇英文,感觉写的太好了,读完之后(主要是那四幅图太直观明了)索性把它翻译一下放在这里方便大家参考,这是我第一次译文,可能会有一些小问题,参阅者如有发现望指正。

在区分Accuracy 和 Precision时看到不错的资料链接放在于此:




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