


Photogrammetry is the process of using multiple photos of the real-world objects to author game-ready assets. It’s best suited to objects that are time-consuming to produce in 3D sculpting software. This post explains how new Unity features assist you in working with photogrammetry. We’re also sharing our Fontainebleau photogrammetry demo project, including all meshes, textures and materials.

摄影测量是使用现实世界对象的多张照片创作可用于游戏的资产的过程。 它最适合在3D雕刻软件中生产耗时的对象。 这篇文章解释了Unity的新功能如何帮助您进行摄影测量。 我们还将分享枫丹白露摄影测量演示项目,包括所有网格,纹理和材料。

Last year at Siggraph 2017, we revealed a highly detailed field guide for professional artists. It takes you through the entire process, step-by-step, for producing high-quality, reusable, and game-ready digital assets from photos and video.

去年在Siggraph 2017上,我们为专业艺术家提供了非常详细的现场指南 。 它逐步引导您完成整个过程,以从照片和视频中生成高质量,可重用且可用于游戏的数字资产。

Part of this workflow, the team released the De-Lighting tool on the Asset Store. It enables artists and developers to remove lighting information from photogrammetry textures, so that the final assets can be used under any lighting condition. We also gave a talk at Siggraph about an overview of the photogrammetry workflow and shared technical details about the De-Lighting tool.

在此工作流程的一部分中,该团队在Asset Store上发布了De-Lighting工具 。 它使艺术家和开发人员可以从摄影测量纹理中删除照明信息,以便最终资产可以在任何照明条件下使用。 我们还在Siggraph上发表了有关摄影测量工作流程概述的演讲,并分享了有关De-Lighting工具的技术细节。

使用摄影测量资产创作材料以进行游戏开发 (Authoring material with Photogrammetry asset for game development)

This year, we created a step-by-step guide to shows how to use a layered shader to achieve the same level of quality as shown in the photogrammetry workflow guide, but optimizes on texture memory budget to cater for your gaming needs.


Here’s an overview of the steps of authoring material with Photogrammetry asset in Unity:



Check out the complete guide:Layering materials in Unity with Hight-Definition (HD) Render Pipeline

查看完整指南: 使用高清(HD)渲染管道在Unity中对材料进行分层

Photogrammetry allows you to get a qualitative result, but requires a very high texture resolution to conserve details, as shown here:


This is unpractical for game authoring due to memory budget, and it doesn’t allow you to add any variation to the object.


Unity 2018.1 beta introduced a preview of Scriptable Render Pipeline. We will release two built-in render pipelines with Unity 2018.1: the Lightweight (LW) Render Pipeline and High-Definition (HD) Render Pipeline. HD Pipeline provides a shader dedicated to photogrammetry material authoring name: LayeredLit.

Unity 2018.1 beta引入了Scriptable Render Pipeline的预览版。 我们将使用Unity 2018.1发布两个内置的渲染管道: 轻型(LW)渲染管道和高清(HD)渲染管道 。 HD Pipeline提供了专门用于摄影测量材料创作名称的着色器: LayeredLit

A layered shader defines the visual with a combination of individual materials.You can see the main material in the picture above is mixed with other materials like stone, ground element and moss. These other materials are tileable. This means they can wrap around objects and you can reuse them on different objects. Using a combination of materials enables you to have a similar visual quality as a high resolution texture (as in a similar texel density on screen), but with low resolution textures, which saves memory:

分层的着色器通过单独的材料组合来定义视觉效果。您可以看到上图中的主要材料与其他材料(例如石头,地面元素和苔藓)混合在一起。 这些其他材料是平铺的。 这意味着它们可以环绕对象,并且您可以在不同的对象上重复使用它们。 结合使用多种材料,可以使您获得与高分辨率纹理相似的视觉质量(如屏幕上类似的纹理像素密度),但具有低分辨率纹理,可以节省内存:

A layered shader allows you to share textures between assets, and to combine tileable materials to add variation. This makes it easy for you to populate a large world at low cost:

分层着色器使您可以在资产之间共享纹理,并结合可贴砖的材料以添加变化。 这使您可以轻松地以低成本填充大型世界:

枫丹白露演示 (Fontainebleau demo)


We created the Fontainebleau demo to illustrate the photogrammetry workflow and the use of the LayeredLit shader. This technical demo is authored with game development condition in mind: it’s a representative game level and targets the standard PlayStation 4 platform at 1080p @ 30fps. The level represents a part of the Fontainebleau forest and uses a limited set of meshes and textures that are reused with different variation with the help of the LayeredLit shader. There is a playable first person and third person mode to walk inside the forest. Targeting consoles like XboxOne or PlayStation 4 requires consideration of how to get the most from these platforms.

我们创建了枫丹白露演示来说明摄影测量工作流程以及LayeredLit着色器的用法。 编写此技术演示时要考虑游戏开发条件:这是一个具有代表性的游戏级别,目标是1080p @ 30fps的标准PlayStation 4平台。 该关卡代表枫丹白露森林的一部分,并使用一组有限的网格和纹理,这些网格和纹理可在LayeredLit着色器的帮助下以不同的形式重复使用。 有一个可玩的第一人称和第三人称模式可以在森林中行走。 定位XboxOne或PlayStation 4等控制台需要考虑如何从这些平台获得最大收益。

Screenshot from the standard PlayStation 4 1920×1080.

标准PlayStation 4 1920×1080的屏幕截图。

The demo also supports three different lighting condition to illustrate that correctly authored and de-lighted asset work fine in any lighting condition:


Day lighting:


Sunset lighting:


Night lighting with lights off:


Night lighting with lights on:


Finally, we included 3 modes to explore the demo:


    为什么选择枫丹白露? (Why Fontainebleau?)

    Fontainebleau is the name of a forest close to the Unity Paris office. The forest is a good subject to speak about photogrammetry. Natural assets are often complex and hard to reproduce realistically. For our artists, it was important to have the subject close to them to do all the tests needed to analyze the best workflow possible for games.

    枫丹白露是Unity巴黎办事处附近森林的名称。 森林是摄影测量的一个很好的话题。 自然资产通常很复杂,很难现实再现。 对于我们的美术师来说,让受试者靠近他们以进行必要的测试以分析游戏最佳工作流程非常重要。

    下载专案 (Download the project)

    The project is intended to work with 2018.3 and uses the 4.8.0 HDRP package.

    该项目旨在与2018.3一起使用,并使用4.8.0 HDRP软件包。

    You can download the pre-built PC stand alone player  here.

    您可以在 此处 下载预建的PC独立播放器 。

    The project is available for clone only here on GitHub. That means that downloading a zip file using the green button on Github will not work. You must use a version of git that has LFS in order to get the project. Take a look at it and inspect the photogrammetry assets: meshes, textures and materials. You’re also allowed to reuse the assets in your Unity project with no restriction.

    该项目 在GitHub上 可用于 克隆 这意味着 无法使用Github上的绿色按钮下载zip文件。 您必须使用具有 LFS 的git版本 才能获取项目。 看看它并检查摄影测量资产:网格,纹理和材质。 您还可以不受限制地重用Unity项目中的资产。

    At the start, the photogrammetry process can seem to be hard to manage, but the result is worth it.


    Hopefully this demo will convince some of you to use photogrammetry to improve the quality of assets and help you speed up your projects.


    We’re looking forward to seeing what you make and talking to you about this demo and the photogrammetry workflow in Unity in general in this forum thread.


    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/12/photogrammetry-in-unity-making-real-world-objects-into-digital-assets/





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