FaceTime是苹果公司iOS和macOS(以前称Mac OS X或OS X)内置的一款视频通话软件,通过Wi-Fi或者蜂窝数据接入互联网,在两个装有FaceTime的设备之间实现视频通话。其要求通话双方均具有装有FaceTime的苹果设备,苹果ID以及可接入互联网的3G/4G/5G或者Wi-Fi网络。
一、Windows电脑上部署苹果系统(Mac OS)来实现FaceTime的正常使用:
/* 注意:苹果的生态是一套完整的闭环,每一个苹果硬件产品都有独一无二的序列号、主板序列号和 UUID,它们都有和机型ID对应的编码规则,这点是非常确定的,所以三码不能胡乱套用,换句话说,不论你是本地电脑U盘安装苹果系统、镜像恢复安装苹果系统、Vmware安装苹果系统,你所安装的苹果系统都必须和你当前电脑的机型、CPU架构、主板、显卡等等硬件配套,并且与机型 ID 匹配。否则你将无法使用App id激活FaceTime应用 或 App id登录FaceTime应用后提示鉴定错误、无法登陆、无法拨打语音或视频等一系列的问题。*/
1.U盘安装苹果系统,刻录U盘进行安装是主流选择,这样安装调试好的黑苹果Mac os问题最少,也较为稳定: 下载黑苹果安装镜像 → 刻录到U盘 → 调整配置文件 → 格式化准备好的硬盘 → 重启修改BIOS设置 → 使用U盘引导 → 安装黑苹果到目标硬盘 → 进入系统后调试
2.镜像恢复安装苹果系统,在Windows下使用镜像恢复软件安装:下载恢复版镜像 → 重启修改BIOS设置 → 安装镜像恢复软件 → 格式化准备好的硬盘 → 拷贝EFI文件 → 执行镜像恢复 → 添加UEFI启动项 → 进入系统后调试。
3.Windows下通过安装Vmware虚拟机,在Vmware虚拟机下安装Mac OS苹果系统,通过特定工具以及技术洗白苹果(安装的苹果系统都必须和你当前电脑的机型、CPU架构、主板、显卡等硬件配套,并且与机型 ID 匹配。否则你将无法使用App id激活FaceTime应用或App id登录FaceTime应用后提示鉴定错误、无法登陆、无法拨打等等问题。)
1.使用APP ID激活FaceTime应用、语音拨打、视频通话的使用(新老app id皆可登录FaceTime;FaceTime数据检测,拨打语音,拨打视频,全套部署不封ID,有偿提供全套部署,点此联系)
(2)使用app id登录FaceTime应用后,再次确认App id是否成功的激活了Mac OS苹果系统上的 FaceTime应用
(3)输入开通了FaceTime应用的手机号或邮箱号app id进行语音或者视频通话.
(4)检测程序已升级优化,检测 99%精准,0.3秒一封(1分钟大约检测150-180封)导入需要检测数据后,程序自动保存开启的和未开启的数据
2.实现全自动检测手机号或邮箱号App ID是否启用或开通FaceTime
/* 注意:检测不同国家手机号需要在手机号的前缀 +国家代码即可 */
on get_ui()tell application "FaceTime" to activatetell application "System Events"tell process "FaceTime"tell window 1entire contentsend tellend tellend tell
end get_uion facetime()tell application "Finder" to activatetell application "Finder"set chosenfile to (choose file)end telltell application "FaceTime"tell application "FaceTime" to activateset phoneData to read chosenfileset cards to paragraphs of phoneDatarepeat with phone in cardsset num to the length of phoneif (num > 0) thenmy check_data(phone)delay 1end ifend repeatend tell
end facetime# 检测数据是否开通或启用facetime
on check_data(phone)tell application "System Events"tell process "FaceTime"--核心代码...end tellend tell
end check_dataon WritePhone(the_phone)set num to the length of the_phoneif (num > 0) thenset fileName to date string of (current date)set logFilePath to my current_folder_path() & "success/检测成功的FaceTime数据.txt"set this_file to (POSIX file logFilePath as string)set this_story to the_phone & "
"tryset fp to open for access this_fileset myText to read fpif (myText does not contain the_phone) thenmy write_to_file(this_story, this_file, true, true)end ifon errormy write_to_file(this_story, this_file, true, true)end tryend if
end WritePhoneon write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data, append_end)tryset the target_file to the target_file as textset the open_target_file to ¬open for access file target_file with write permissionif append_data is false thenset eof of the open_target_file to 0write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eofelse if append_end is false thentryset fp to open for access target_fileset myText to read fpset eof of the open_target_file to 0write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eofwrite myText to the open_target_file starting at eofon errorwrite this_data to the open_target_file starting at eofend tryelsewrite this_data to the open_target_file starting at eofend ifclose access the open_target_filereturn target_fileon errortryclose access file target_fileend tryreturn falseend try
end write_to_fileon current_folder_path()set UnixPath to POSIX path of ((path to me as text) & "::")return UnixPath
end current_folder_path
(2)自动检测导入的txt文本数据, 开通的数据自动保存(默认 0.3秒检测一条数据,有意者联系.)