本文主要是介绍[HDLBits] Exams/2014 q3fsm,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Consider a finite state machine with inputs s and w. Assume that the FSM begins in a reset state called A, as depicted below. The FSM remains in state A as long as s = 0, and it moves to state B when s = 1. Once in state B the FSM examines the value of the input w in the next three clock cycles. If w = 1 in exactly two of these clock cycles, then the FSM has to set an output z to 1 in the following clock cycle. Otherwise z has to be 0. The FSM continues checking w for the next three clock cycles, and so on. The timing diagram below illustrates the required values of z for different values of w.
Use as few states as possible. Note that the s input is used only in state A, so you need to consider just the w input.
module top_module (input clk,input reset, // Synchronous resetinput s,input w,output z
);parameter a=0,b0=1,b1=2,b2=3;reg [1:0] state,next,count;//状态机只是帮助我们解决问题的一个工具,这里用状态机+count一起解决问题always@(*) begincase(state)a:next<=s?b0:a;b0:next<=b1;b1:next<=b2;b2:next<=b0;endcaseendalways@(posedge clk) beginif(reset) begincount<=0;state<=a;endelse beginif(state==a)count<=0;else if(state==b0)count<=w;elsecount<=count+w;state<=next;endendassign z=(count==2&&state==b0);//这里需要加上state为b0的设置,否则可能在11时就输出z=1了
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