
2023-10-13 04:50
文章标签 闭合 导线 平差













90, 30, 49.73
268, 10, 9.48
94, 6, 33.22
87, 54, 54.23
180, 17, 42.47
90, 57, 23.22
179, 20, 51.72
89, 14, 10.73
132, 10, 25.47
227, 16, 59.73




#pragma once#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
#include "ui_horizontal_control_network.h"class horizontal_control_network : public QWidget
{Q_OBJECTpublic:horizontal_control_network(QWidget *parent = nullptr);int compute();~horizontal_control_network();private:Ui::horizontal_control_networkClass ui;


#include "horizontal_control_network.h"
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{QApplication a(argc, argv);horizontal_control_network w;w.show();return a.exec();


int horizontal_control_network::compute()函数为窗口响应函数

#include "horizontal_control_network.h"
#include <QTextEdit>  
#include <QStringList>  
#include <QFileDialog>   //文件对话框
#include <fstream>
#define PI acos(-1)//根据反正切值、delta_y\delta_x返回边长方位角
double pd(double fw, double deltay, double deltax) {if (fw > 0) {if (deltay > 0 && deltax > 0)return fw;else if (deltay < 0 && deltax <0) {return PI + fw;}else {return fw;}}else if(fw<0){if (deltay < 0 && deltax>0)return 2 * PI + fw;else if(deltay >0 && deltax<0)return PI +fw;else return  fw + 2 * PI;}else if((int)(fw*1e10)==0){if(deltax<0 ) return PI;else return 0;}
bool dy(double a,double b) {if (int(a*1e10) == int(b*1e10)) return true;else return 0;
double pda(double a, double b) {double jiao;if (a - b < 0)return a - b + 2 * PI;else return a +b;
using namespace std;
//转换角度 ,单位秒 
double tsa(double a, double b, double c) { return a * 3600 + b * 60 + c; }
double tsan(double a, double b, double c) { return a + b / 60 + c / 3600; }
double yushu(double x, int a) {//double类型的做余数double f = x - (int)x;int b = (int)x;int z = (b %= a);return z + f;
void pn(double fw[20][3], int i) {int a, b, c, y, j;double sum;for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {sum = fw[j][0] * 3600 + fw[j][1] * 60 + fw[j][2];if (fw[j][0] < 0) {y = (-sum) / 360 / 3600;sum = sum + (y + 1) * 360 * 3600;}fw[j][0] = (int)(sum / 3600), sum = yushu(sum, 3600);fw[j][1] = (int)(sum / 60), sum = yushu(sum, 60);fw[j][2] = sum;}
double enorm(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {return  sqrt(pow(x1 - x2, 2) + pow(y1 - y2, 2));
}horizontal_control_network::horizontal_control_network(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent)
{ui.setupUi(this);//读取文件并输出按钮的槽函数connect(ui.pushButton_2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=] {compute();});//清空connect(ui.pushButton_3, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=]() {ui.lineEdit->clear();ui.lineEdit_2->clear();ui.lineEdit_3->clear();ui.lineEdit_4->clear();});//退出功能connect(ui.pushButton_4, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QWidget::close);}int horizontal_control_network::compute()//计算函数
{int n, i = 0, j = 0, chose = 1;double rou = 180 / PI * 3600;n = ui.lineEdit->text().toInt();//初始化二维数组double s[20],fwj[20],xy[20][2],angle[20][3] ,fw[20][3];if (ui.lineEdit->text().isEmpty()) {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "Please input the number of edges");return 0;}//判断已知数据是否为空,并赋值if (ui.lineEdit_2->text().isEmpty()) { xy[0][0] = 0; }else { xy[0][0] = ui.lineEdit_2->text().toDouble(); }if (ui.lineEdit_3->text().isEmpty()) { xy[0][1] = 0; }else { xy[0][1] = ui.lineEdit_3->text().toDouble(); }if (ui.lineEdit_4->text().isEmpty()) { fw[0][0] = 0; fw[0][1] = 0; fw[0][2] = 0; }else {QString fw0 = ui.lineEdit_4->text();QStringList flist = fw0.split(','); i = 0;for (QString str : flist) { fw[0][i] = str.toDouble(); i++; }if (i != 3) {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "The beginning azimuth's format error");return 0;}}if (ui.radioButton_2->isChecked()) chose = 2;//文件对话框QString in_path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "OPEN", "../", "TXT(*.txt)");//设置文件路径 文件格式if (in_path.isEmpty() == false) {//路径正确//创建文件对象 并且关联起来QFile file(in_path);bool isok = file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);//利用只读模式打开文件if (isok) {//打开成功QString text = file.readAll();//换行符号也是读取的QStringList list = text.split('\n');// 使用换行分隔字符串,将其转换为QStringList  i = 0;for (QString str : list) {if (i < n) {//读取角度观测值QStringList list1 = str.split(',');j = 0;for (QString str1 : list1) {angle[i][j] = str1.toDouble();j++;}if (j != 3) {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "Angle format error"); file.close();return 0;}}else {//读取边长观测值s[i - n] = str.toDouble();}i++;}if (i != 2 * n) {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "data error"); file.close();return 0;}}else {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "Failed to open observation data file, exiting function"); file.close(); return 0;}}else {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "The observation data file path is empty"); return 0;}//fwj[0] = fw[0][0] + fw[0][1] / 60 + fw[0][2] / 3600;//储存初始方位角 if (chose == 1)for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {fw[j][0] = (int)fw[j - 1][0] + 180 - angle[j][0], fw[j][1] = (int)fw[j - 1][1] - angle[j][1], fw[j][2] = fw[j - 1][2] - angle[j][2];}elsefor (j = 1; j < n; j++) {fw[j][0] = (int)fw[j - 1][0] - 180 + angle[j][0], fw[j][1] = angle[j][1] + (int)fw[j - 1][1], fw[j][2] = angle[j][2] + fw[j - 1][2];}//保证角度格式for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {if (fw[j][2] >= 60) fw[j][1] += (int)(fw[j][2] / 60), fw[j][2] = yushu(fw[j][2], 60);if (fw[j][1] >= 60) fw[j][0] += (int)(fw[j][1] / 60), fw[j][1] = (int)(yushu(fw[j][1], 60));if (fw[j][2] <= -60) fw[j][1] += (int)(fw[j][2] / 60), fw[j][2] = -yushu(abs(fw[j][2]), 60);if (fw[j][1] <= -60) fw[j][0] += (int)(fw[j][1] / 60), fw[j][1] = (int)(-yushu(abs(fw[j][1]), 60));}pn(fw, n);//该函数是将负的分、秒值改正for (j = 0; j < n; j++) fwj[j] = fw[j][0] + fw[j][1] / 60 + fw[j][2] / 3600;//起始方位角不能输入90度或270度if (dy(fwj[0], 90)||dy(fwj[0],270)) {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "Please do not enter an azimuth angle of 90 degrees or 270 degrees"); return 0;}//计算近似坐标for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {xy[j][0] = xy[j - 1][0] + s[j - 1] * cos(fwj[j - 1]/180*PI);xy[j][1] = xy[j - 1][1] + s[j - 1] * sin(fwj[j - 1]/180*PI);}//误差方程系数的计算//创建矩阵,并初始化为0矩阵Eigen::MatrixXd l = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n , 1);Eigen::MatrixXd L = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n , 1);Eigen::MatrixXd B = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n , 2 * n - 3);Eigen::MatrixXd P = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n , 2 * n );Eigen::MatrixXd X = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n - 3, 1);//参数近似值矩阵//近似参数赋值//把第2个点的x坐标当做参数X(0, 0) = xy[1][0];for (i = 2; i < n; i++) {X(2 * (i - 2)+1, 0) = xy[i][0];X(2 * (i - 2) + 2, 0) = xy[i][1];}//边长近似值和常数向量赋值//边长近似值for (i = n; i < 2 * n ; i++) {if (i == 2 * n - 1) {L(i) = enorm(xy[i - n ][0], xy[i - n ][1], xy[0][0], xy[0][1]);}elseL(i) = enorm(xy[i - n ][0], xy[i - n ][1], xy[i - n +1][0], xy[i - n +1][1]);l(i) = (s[i - n ] - L(i))*1000;//单位毫米}//角度观测值系数的计算//L向量和l向量赋值for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {double a, b,day,dax,dby,dbx;if (i == 0) {a = atan((xy[n - 1][1] - xy[0][1]) / (xy[n - 1][0] - xy[0][0])); day = xy[n - 1][1] - xy[0][1]; dax = xy[n - 1][0] - xy[0][0];b = atan((xy[1][1] - xy[0][1]) / (xy[1][0] - xy[0][0])); dby = xy[1][1] - xy[0][1]; dbx = xy[1][0] - xy[0][0];}else if (i == n - 1) {a = atan((xy[n - 2][1] - xy[n - 1][1]) / (xy[n - 2][0] - xy[n - 1][0])); day = xy[n - 2][1] - xy[n - 1][1]; dax = xy[n - 2][0] - xy[n - 1][0];b = atan((xy[0][1] - xy[n - 1][1]) / (xy[0][0] - xy[n - 1][0])); dby = xy[0][1] - xy[n - 1][1]; dbx = xy[0][0] - xy[n - 1][0];}else {a = atan((xy[i - 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / (xy[i - 1][0] - xy[i][0])); day = xy[i - 1][1] - xy[i][1]; dax = xy[i - 1][0] - xy[i][0];b = atan((xy[i + 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / (xy[i + 1][0] - xy[i][0])); dby = xy[i + 1][1] - xy[i][1]; dbx = xy[i + 1][0] - xy[i][0];}a = pd(a, day, dax);//确定后视边长方位角b = pd(b, dby, dbx);if(chose==1) L(i) = pda(a ,b);//单位弧度else L(i) = pda(b, a);P(i, i) = 1;//权阵赋值}//改正角度正负号/*for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {double ch = L(i)*180/PI;if ((int)(L(i) * 180 / PI) != angle[i][0]) {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "Angle sign correction error"); return 0;};}*///观测值-近似值for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {l(i) = (tsan(angle[i][0], angle[i][1], angle[i][2])*PI / 180 - L(i))*rou;//弧度秒}//B矩阵赋值/*在闭合圈中i为循环遍历所在点(角);又因为第一点xy[0][0],xy[0][1]和第二点的xy[1][1]为已知点,其微分值为0,当其有计算程序时,需要分类讨论并且B矩阵的第一列参数应从第二点的x坐标开始,j为当前点的x坐标参数在B矩阵的列的索引,k为后视点x坐标索引,h为前视点x坐标索引*/for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {int j, k, h;j = 2 * (i - 2)+1, k = 2 * (i - 2)-1, h = 2 * (i - 2) + 3;//i>=3if (i == 0) {B(i, 2 * n - 5) = -rou / pow(L(2*n - 1), 2)*(xy[n - 1][1] - xy[0][1])/1000;B(i, 2 * n - 4) = rou / pow(L(2 * n - 1), 2)*(xy[n - 1][0] - xy[0][0]) / 1000;B(i, 0) = rou / pow(s[0], 2)*(xy[1][1] - xy[0][1]) / 1000;}else if (i == n - 1) {B(i, 2 * n - 5) = rou * ((xy[n - 2][1] - xy[n - 1][1]) / pow(L(2 * n - 2), 2) - (xy[0][1] - xy[n - 1][1]) / pow(L(2 * n - 1), 2)) / 1000;B(i, 2 * n - 4) = -rou * ((xy[n - 2][0] - xy[n - 1][0]) / pow(L(2 * n - 2), 2) - (xy[0][0] - xy[n - 1][0]) / pow(L(2 * n - 1), 2)) / 1000;B(i, 2 * n - 7) = -rou / pow(L(2 * n - 2), 2)*(xy[n - 2][1] - xy[n - 1][1]) / 1000;B(i, 2 * n - 6) = rou / pow(L(2 * n - 2), 2)*(xy[n - 2][0] - xy[n - 1][0]) / 1000;}else if (i == 1) {B(i, 0) = rou * ((xy[0][1] - xy[1][1]) / pow(s[0], 2) - (xy[2][1] - xy[1][1]) / pow(L(n+1), 2)) / 1000;B(i, 1) = rou / pow(L(n+1), 2)*(xy[2][1] - xy[1][1]) / 1000;B(i, 2) = -rou / pow(L(n+1), 2)*(xy[2][0] - xy[1][0]) / 1000;}else if (i == 2) {B(i, j) = rou * ((xy[i - 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / pow(L(n + i - 1), 2) - (xy[i + 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / pow(L(n + i ), 2)) / 1000;B(i, j + 1) = -rou * ((xy[i - 1][0] - xy[i - 1][0]) / pow(L(n + i -1), 2) - (xy[i + 1][0] - xy[i][0]) / pow(L(n + i ), 2)) / 1000;B(i, 0) = -rou / pow(L(n + i -1), 2)*(xy[i - 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / 1000;B(i, h) = rou / pow(L(n + i ), 2)*(xy[i + 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / 1000;B(i, h + 1) = -rou / pow(L(n + i ), 2)*(xy[i + 1][0] - xy[i][0]) / 1000;}else {B(i, j) = rou * ((xy[i - 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / pow(L(n + i - 1), 2) - (xy[i + 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / pow(L(n+i), 2)) / 1000;B(i, j + 1) = -rou * ((xy[i - 1][0] - xy[i - 1][0]) / pow(L(n + i - 1), 2) - (xy[i + 1][0] - xy[i][0]) / pow(L(n + i ), 2)) / 1000;B(i, k) = -rou / pow(L(n + i - 1), 2)*(xy[i - 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / 1000;B(i, k + 1) = rou / pow(L(n + i - 1), 2)*(xy[i - 1][0] - xy[i][0]) / 1000;B(i, h) = rou / pow(L(n + i ), 2)*(xy[i + 1][1] - xy[i][1]) / 1000;B(i, h + 1) = -rou / pow(L(n + i ), 2)*(xy[i + 1][0] - xy[i][0]) / 1000;}}//距离观测值系数计算for (i = n; i < 2 * n ; i++) {//B矩阵系数赋值int j = 2 * (i - n-1)-1, h = 2 * (i - n -1)+1;//i>n+1;j为后视点,h为前视点if (i == 2 * n - 1) {B(i, j) = -(xy[0][0] - xy[i - n ][0]) / L(i);B(i, j + 1) = -(xy[0][1] - xy[i - n ][1]) / L(i);}else if (i==n) {B(i, 0) = (xy[1][0]-xy[0][0] ) / L(i);}else if (i == n + 1) {B(i, 0) = -(xy[i - n + 1][0] - xy[i - n][0]) / L(i);B(i, h) = (xy[i - n + 1][0] - xy[i - n][0]) / L(i);B(i, h + 1) = (xy[i - n + 1][1] - xy[i - n][1]) / L(i);}else {B(i, j) = -(xy[i - n +1][0] - xy[i - n ][0]) / L(i);B(i, j + 1) = -(xy[i - n +1][1] - xy[i - n][1]) / L(i);B(i, h) = (xy[i - n +1][0] - xy[i - n ][0]) / L(i);B(i, h + 1) = (xy[i - n+1 ][1] - xy[i - n ][1]) / L(i);}//权阵P(i, i) = 1/ pow((2 + 3 * L(i)*1e-3), 2);}//矩阵解算Eigen::MatrixXd NBB(2 * n - 3, 2 * n - 3);Eigen::MatrixXd x(2 * n - 3, 1);Eigen::MatrixXd v(2 * n , 1);Eigen::MatrixXd L_(2 * n , 1);Eigen::MatrixXd QXX(2 * n - 3, 2*n-3);Eigen::MatrixXd DXX(2 * n - 3, 2 * n - 3);NBB = B.transpose()*P*B;QXX = NBB.inverse();x = NBB.inverse()*B.transpose()*P*l;//毫米//当起始方位角为90度或270度时,将第2个坐标的y值变为参数,x置零v = B * x - l;//角度为弧度秒,距离是毫米Eigen::MatrixXd zh(1,1);//从一行一列矩阵提取单位权中误差所需数字zh= v.transpose()*P*v;double jm = zh(0, 0);double o = sqrt(jm/3);//单位权中误差//创建文件并输出QString filePath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save As", "E:/output", tr("TXT(*.txt)"));QByteArray mstr = filePath.toLocal8Bit();std::string path = std::string(mstr);//将qstring(包含中文)转换为stringofstream out_file(path);if (out_file.is_open()) {out_file << "单位权中误差为(mm):" << std::endl;out_file << to_string(o) << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "观测值近似值矩阵为(角度观测值单位为弧度,边长单位为米):" << std::endl;out_file << L << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "参数近似值矩阵为(单位米):" << std::endl;out_file << X << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "B矩阵为:" << std::endl;out_file << B << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "l矩阵为:" << std::endl;out_file << l << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "权阵P矩阵为:" << std::endl;out_file << P << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "x参数改正数矩阵矩阵为单位为mm:" << std::endl;out_file << x << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "v观测值改正数矩阵(角度观测值单位为秒,边长单位为毫米)为:" << std::endl;out_file << v << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {L_(i, 0) = angle[i][0] + angle[i][1] / 60 + (angle[i][2] + v(i, 0)) / 3600;}for (i = n; i < 2*n; i++) {L_(i, 0) = s[i-n]+v(i,0)/1000;}out_file << "改正后的观测阵矩阵为(角度观测值单位为度,边长单位为米):" << std::endl;out_file << L_ << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;X = X + x/1000;out_file << "改正后的参数矩阵为:(单位m)" << std::endl;out_file << X<< std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "协因数阵QXX为:(单位mm)" << std::endl;out_file << QXX << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;out_file << "方差协方差阵DXX为:(单位mm)" << std::endl;DXX = QXX * o;out_file << DXX << std::endl;out_file << "--------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;}else {QMessageBox::critical(this, "warning", "The outfile is not opened!"); return 0;};out_file.close();return 0;









【TJU】2944 Mussy Paper 最大权闭合子图

传送门:【TJU】2944 Mussy Paper 题目分析:最大权闭合子图模板题。。没啥好说的。。。 PS:置换群的轨道长度的证明迟迟没看懂。。TUT。。十分不开心就来写水题了 代码如下: #include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>using namespace std ;#define R

【ZOJ】2071 Technology Trader 最大权闭合子图

传送门:【ZOJ】2071 Technology Trader 题目分析:最大权闭合子图问题。源点向订单建边,容量为利益,汇点向组件建边,容量为成本,原图所有边变成容量无穷大的边,最后跑一遍最小割,订单利益和减去最小割容量就是最大净利润。 输出方案就从源点跑一遍dfs,能从源点到达的所有点都标记上。然后看从源点出发的边的弧尾是否被标记,被标记表示被使用,然后再看从汇点出发的点,如果被标记


poj2987:题目链接 题目大意:有个公司,n个员工,m个关系,因为亏损,所以要辞退一些员工,给出辞退每个员工会给带来的收益(有正有负),关系x y代表x是y的上司,如果辞退一个上司,那么他手下的人都会退出,问最大的收益,和要删除的人数。 因为删掉一个上司,员工也会离开,所以最后求的删除的人会是一个闭合图,也就是求最大权闭合图,将其中正值k的点i连接边<s,i>值为正,原图中的边值为正无穷,


数据集格式:Pascal VOC格式+YOLO格式(不包含分割路径的txt文件,仅仅包含jpg图片以及对应的VOC格式xml文件和yolo格式txt文件) 图片数量(jpg文件个数):3890 标注数量(xml文件个数):3890 标注数量(txt文件个数):3890 标注类别数:1 标注类别名称:["defect"] 每个类别标注的框数: defect 框数 = 4044 总框数:4044 使用

POJ 2987 Firing (最大权闭合图,最小割)

http://poj.org/problem?id=2987 Firing Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 131072KTotal Submissions: 7865 Accepted: 2377 Description You’ve finally got mad at “the world’s most stupid” employees


一般覆铜时会需要沿着板子边界拉一个闭合曲线,这样如果板子外形比较规则还好,如果外形不规则且特别还有各种曲线的话拉起来就很吃力,所以本文介绍一种快速覆铜的方式,即利用板子边界曲线快速覆铜: 1.假设板子边界用的是Keep-out层,则先点选该层,然后按快捷键Shift+S 只显示该层 2.再拉一个大框批量选中Keep-out层的闭合曲线 3.再按“ * "号键切换到需要覆铜的层(如

bzoj1497 最大获利 最大权闭合图

题意:如题。。中文题。。 思路:很裸的最大权闭合图,用户的点权为所获得利润,所用中转站的点权为成本的负值,转换成最小割 的模型即可。详见代码: // file name: bzoj1497.cpp //// author: kereo //// create time: 2014年11月13日 星期四 19时28分08秒 ////**************************


//Newton_Cotes闭合积分公式 #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; class trapezoidal { private:  int n, k;  double a, b, f, h, integral, sum; public:  double func(double v)  {   f = 24


选中器件和导线,右键点击联合,从选中的器件生成联合 点击屏幕右上角的小齿轮(设置按钮),选择下图所示的旋转步进为45度(或其他),器件拖拽设置为Connected Tracks 之后就可以按住空格键旋转器件并带动导线一起旋转了,这在BGA扇孔的时候很好用。

POJ 2987 Firing (最大权闭合子图Dinic)

题意:公司打算裁员,裁掉某些员工可以获得正收益,而裁掉某些员工会遭受损失。并且员工之间往往存在一定的关系,当某个员工被裁掉之后,在他的关系之下的所有员工都必须被裁掉。现在要求如何裁员才能获得最大收益。 题解:s->正权, 负权->t。  ans = 正权和 - maxflow, 或者 ans = 正权和 - 没有被裁的正权和 - abs(被裁的负权和) ( 正边权进入最小割表示该人没被炒,非正边权