General Algorithms - Graph

2024-09-03 20:48
文章标签 graph general algorithms

本文主要是介绍General Algorithms - Graph,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  • BFS
        • Red Knights Shortest Path - World CodeSprint 12 -
  • DFS
        • Even Tree
        • Roads and Libraries
  • MST
        • Kruskal MST Really Special Subtree
  • A


Red Knight’s Shortest Path - World CodeSprint 12 -

While loop 和 Recusive function可以互相用来替换; 0 为任意随机起始点, 4 为任意终点, 1,2,3为过程中步骤


Even Tree

  • 由于已知node范围在2-100,把adjacency list(vector)的范围直接写成 ”>100” 大一点的可以帮助更快确定位置。Sparse 的这种不确定分布的图,使用matrix会增加storage的负担,最大情况会需要一个100x100的matrix, 然而不是每个matrix 的cell都会用到。

  • 整个DFS里,不用一个一个node来回测试相连为不为even的tree,只用计算出DFS 遍历的nodes的和能不能被%2。使用公共的Variable来 counts 可以砍掉的edges的数量。

  • 最要小心是return的时候,nodes的总和计算要加上当前的这一个node (1), 即:dfs(当前node)+1。dfs(当前node) recursion (back tracking)的作用是累计当前node的 子nodes 的个数。

  • num_vertex+=num_nodes 累计到当前node,需要经过的子nodes.

  • Visit[] 的boolean判断在DFS非要不可,是为了track node.

Roads and Libraries


  • 此题已知edge 和 node统一Weights,则BFS没有优势但也可以用

  • 除了BFS, DFS这些能够确保每个点和边都会经过的,还有Minimum Spanning Tree 可以用. MST运用了Union-Find的Data structure,比如根据Weight来Swap

MST解法 1

import java.util.*;class MinSpanningTree {public static final class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> {final int srcId;final int trgId;final long value;Edge(int srcId, int trgId, long value) {this.srcId = srcId;this.trgId = trgId;this.value = value;}public int compareTo(Edge o) {return (value < o.value) ? -1 : (value > o.value) ? 1 : 0;}}private static final class NodeEntry {NodesSet owner;NodeEntry next;     }private static final class NodesSet {int size;NodeEntry first;NodeEntry last;NodesSet(NodeEntry node) {size = 1;first = node;last = node;}static void merge(NodesSet set1, NodesSet set2) {if (set1.size < set2.size) {merge(set2, set1);return;}set1.size += set2.size; = set2.first;set1.last = set2.last;NodeEntry node = set2.first;while (node != null) {node.owner = set1;node =;}}}private int nodesCount;private int edgesCount;private Edge[] edges;public MinSpanningTree(int nodes) {this.nodesCount = nodes;this.edgesCount = 0;this.edges = new Edge[nodesCount];}public void addEdge(int srcId, int trgId, long value) {if (edgesCount == edges.length) {edges = Arrays.copyOf(edges, 2 * edges.length);}edges[edgesCount++] = new Edge(srcId, trgId, value);}public Edge[] getMinSpanningTree() {NodeEntry[] nodes = new NodeEntry[nodesCount];for (int i = 0; i < nodesCount; i++) {nodes[i] = new NodeEntry();nodes[i].owner = new NodesSet(nodes[i]);}edges = Arrays.copyOf(edges, edgesCount);Arrays.sort(edges, 0, edgesCount);Edge[] spanningTree = new Edge[nodesCount-1];int k = 0;for (int i = 0; i < edgesCount & k+1 < nodesCount; i++) {NodesSet set1 = nodes[edges[i].srcId].owner;NodesSet set2 = nodes[edges[i].trgId].owner;if (set1 != set2) {NodesSet.merge(set1, set2);spanningTree[k++] = edges[i];}}return (k+1 < nodesCount) ? null : spanningTree;}public long getMinSpanningTreeSize() {Edge[] spanningTree = getMinSpanningTree();if (spanningTree == null) return -1;long treeSize = 0;for (Edge edge : spanningTree) treeSize += edge.value;return treeSize;}
}public class Solution {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner in = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, 256 << 10));int testsNumber = in.nextInt();for (int test = 0; test < testsNumber; test++) {int n = in.nextInt();int m = in.nextInt();int costOfLib = in.nextInt();int costOfRoad = in.nextInt();MinSpanningTree tree = new MinSpanningTree(n+1);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {tree.addEdge(0, i+1, costOfLib);}for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {int v1 = in.nextInt();int v2 = in.nextInt();tree.addEdge(v1, v2, costOfRoad);}System.out.println(tree.getMinSpanningTreeSize());}in.close();}


import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.regex.*;public class Solution {public static class Edge {public int u, v;public long w;public Edge(int u, int v, long w) {this.u = u;this.v = v;this.w = w;}}public static class UnionFind {private int parent[];private int rank[];public UnionFind(int n) {parent = new int[n];rank = new int[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {parent[i] = i;}}public int findSet(int x) {while (parent[x] != x) {parent[x] = parent[parent[x]];x = parent[x];}return x;}public void union(int a, int b) {int setA = findSet(a);int setB = findSet(b);if (rank[setA] > rank[setB]) {parent[setB] = setA;} else {parent[setA] = setB;if (rank[setA] == rank[setB]) {rank[setB] += 1;}}}public boolean connected(int a, int b) {return (findSet(a) == findSet(b));}}public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner in = new Scanner(;int q = in.nextInt();for(int a0 = 0; a0 < q; a0++){long n = in.nextLong();long m = in.nextLong();long lib = in.nextLong();long road = in.nextLong();List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>();for(int a1 = 0; a1 < m; a1++){int city_1 = in.nextInt();int city_2 = in.nextInt();edges.add(new Edge(city_1, city_2, road));}UnionFind uf = new UnionFind((int)(n + 1));long minCost = n * lib;long roadCosts = 0;long libCosts = n * lib;for (Edge edge : edges) {if (!uf.connected(edge.u, edge.v)) {uf.union(edge.u, edge.v);roadCosts += road;libCosts -= lib;minCost = Math.min(minCost, roadCosts + libCosts);}}System.out.println(minCost);}}


Kruskal (MST): Really Special Subtree


按照算法,右图的大括号里的已经是所有edges从小到大的排序。已知从最小的那个开始直到所有nodes都包含在一个Minimum Spanning Tree里:先是Edge(1,3), 到Edge(2,3),当到Edge(1,2)时,由于前面的两个Edges已经包含了1 与 2 这两个node,所以忽略Edge(1,2);到Edge(3,4), 然后到Edge(1,4),由于前面也已经包含了Node 1 和 4,所以忽略Edge(1,4), 到Edge(2,4)同理,也被忽略。则最后只留有:

Edge(1,3) +Edge(2,3)+Edge(3,4) = 3+4+5 = 12

  • 这个算法的time complexity 由Sort来决定。因为在找MST时的For loop只为Edge的数量级,很少很简单。


这篇关于General Algorithms - Graph的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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