Code Practice Journal | Day 56_Graph06

2024-08-29 00:12

本文主要是介绍Code Practice Journal | Day 56_Graph06,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

KamaCoder 107. 寻找存在的路径

题目:107. 寻找存在的路径 (
题解:代码随想录 (

class Program
{public static void Main(string[] args){string[] dimensions = Console.ReadLine().Split();int n = int.Parse(dimensions[0]);int m = int.Parse(dimensions[1]);DSU dsu = new DSU(n);for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){string[] nums = Console.ReadLine().Split();int x = int.Parse(nums[0]) - 1;int y = int.Parse(nums[1]) - 1;dsu.union(x, y);}string[] nodes = Console.ReadLine().Split();Console.WriteLine(dsu.find(int.Parse(nodes[0]) - 1) == dsu.find(int.Parse(nodes[1]) - 1) ? 1 : 0);}
}class DSU
{int[] dsu;public DSU(int size){dsu= new int[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){dns[i] = i;}}public int find(int num){if (dsu[num] != num){dsu[num] = find(dsu[num]);}return dsu[num];}public void union(int x, int y){int rootx = find(x);int rooty = find(y);if (rootx != rooty){dsu[rootx] = y;}}

KamaCoder 108. 冗余连接

题目:108. 冗余连接 (
题解:代码随想录 (

class Program
{public static void Main(string[] args){int num1 = 0;int num2 = 0;string N = Console.ReadLine();int n = int.Parse(N);DSU dsu = new DSU(n);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){string[] nums = Console.ReadLine().Split();int x = int.Parse(nums[0]) - 1;int y = int.Parse(nums[1]) - 1;if (dsu.union(x, y)){num1 = x;num2 = y;}}Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", num1 + 1, num2 + 1));}
}class DSU
{int[] dsu;public DSU(int size){dsu = new int[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){dsu[i] = i;}}public int find(int num){if (dsu[num] != num){dsu[num] = find(dsu[num]);}return dsu[num];}public bool union(int x, int y){int rootx = find(x);int rooty = find(y);if (rootx != rooty){dsu[rootx] = y;return false;}else return true;}




KamaCoder 107. 冗余连接Ⅱ

题目:109. 冗余连接II (
题解:代码随想录 (

class Program
{public static void Main(string[] args){//处理输入//  维度string N = Console.ReadLine();int n = int.Parse(N);// 数组int[][] edges = new int[n + 1][];for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){string[] nodes = Console.ReadLine().Split();edges[i][0] = int.Parse(nodes[0]);edges[i][1] = int.Parse(nodes[1]);}//初始化// 可能的双父节点int[] candi1 = null;int[] candi2 = null;// dsu数组DSU dsu = new DSU(n + 1);//检查双父节点并拆分foreach (int[] edge in edges){int parent = edge[0];int child = edge[1];if (dsu.dsu[child] != child){// 原边candi1 = new int[] { dsu.dsu[child], child };// 新边candi2 = new int[] { parent, child };// 拆分edge[1] = 0;}else{dsu.dsu[child] = parent;}}//检查环// 重新初始化for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++){dsu.dsu[i] = i;}foreach (int[] edge in edges){if (edge[1] == 0) continue;int parent = edge[0];int child = edge[1];if (!dsu.union(parent, child)){if (candi1 == null){Console.WriteLine($"{parent} {child}");}else{Console.WriteLine($"{candi1[0]} {candi2[1]}");}return;}}Console.WriteLine($"{candi2[0]} {candi2[1]}");}
}public class DSU
{public int[] dsu;public DSU(int size){dsu = new int[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){dsu[i] = i;}}public int find(int num){if (dsu[num] != num){dsu[num] = find(dsu[num]);}return dsu[num];}public bool union(int x, int y){int rootx = find(x);int rooty = find(y);if (rootx == rooty) return false;else{dsu[y] = x;return true;}}








这篇关于Code Practice Journal | Day 56_Graph06的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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作者介绍:简历上没有一个精通的运维工程师。希望大家多多关注作者,下面的思维导图也是预计更新的内容和当前进度(不定时更新)。 Linux 系统中的日志是记录系统活动和事件的重要工具,它们可以帮助管理员监视系统状态、调查问题以及了解系统运行状况。主要涉及到系统日志,登录日志,定时任务日志,监控日志,崩溃日志,二进制日志等内容,这些日志都存储在/var/log目录下,有的日志文本格式,可以直接使用