
2024-08-24 06:32
文章标签 输出 矩阵 魔方


魔方矩阵的一般定义:将自然数 1 到 N^2, 排列 N 行 N 列的方阵,使每行、每列及两条主对角线上的 N 个数的和都等于N (N^2+1)/2,这样的方阵称为 N 阶幻方。

using namespace std;
int count_dig(int n)//计算整数的位数,因为15的平方才225,所以最多3位
{for(int i = 100, j = 3; i >=1 ; i /= 10, j--){if(n / i >= 1)return j;}
int main()
{int n;int matrix[15][15];bool first = true;while(cin >> n){if(!first)cout << endl;else first = false;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)matrix[i][j] = 0;//清零int x = 0, y = n / 2;matrix[x][y] = 1;int next = 2;int max = n * n;while(next <= max){int tmp_x = x - 1;//往右上角走int tmp_y = y + 1;if(tmp_x < 0)tmp_x = tmp_x + n;//超出边界则会绕if(tmp_y > n - 1)tmp_y = tmp_y - n;if(matrix[tmp_x][tmp_y] != 0 || (x == 0 && y == n - 1))//若右上角位置有数或前一个数位置是最右上角,则下一个数填在前一个数下面x++;else {x = tmp_x;y = tmp_y;}matrix[x][y] = next++;}int length = count_dig(n * n);cout << "n=" << n << ',' << " sum=" << (1 + n * n) * n / 2 << endl;//输出矩阵for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){cout << ' ';for(int space = 0; space < length - count_dig(matrix[i][j]); space++)cout << ' ';cout << matrix[i][j];}cout << endl;}}


Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB


If you have good observations skills, you may found that building a Magic Square is simple. A Magic Square has only an odd number N of rows and columns. For this problem you could expect the values to be 3$ \le$N$ \le$15 . A Magic Square is created by integer numbers in the range from 1 to N2 , with a peculiar property, the ``sum of the numbers" in each row, column and diagonal is the same value.

For example the case for n = 3 is:

M. Square                Rows          Columns       Diagonals
8 1 6                   8+1+6 = 15    8+3+4 = 15    8+5+2 = 15
3 5 7                   3+5+7 = 15    1+5+9 = 15    4+5+6 = 15
4 9 2                   4+9+2 = 15    6+7+2 = 15


A file with several lines, each line has the value of n .


For each input line, print N and the sum in the first line, followed by the magic square. To see a nice looking square, take into account the maximum length in characters of N2 and print each number with the maximum length preceded by one space or blank character. Print one line between squares.

Sample Input


Sample Output

n=3, sum=158 1 63 5 74 9 2n=5, sum=6517 24  1  8 1523  5  7 14 164  6 13 20 2210 12 19 21  311 18 25  2  9





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