CS162 Operating System-lecture2

2024-06-24 07:36

本文主要是介绍CS162 Operating System-lecture2,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

A tread is suspended or no longer executing when its state’s not loaded in registers the point states is pointed at some other thread .so the thread that’s suspended is actually siting in memory and not yet executing or not executing at all with some thing else is executing…so program counter is not pointing at the next execution from this thread because it’s pointing at the execution of the current thread

one cache for core

Addresses available for a 32-bit processor, by the way, are vast—two to the 32nd is approximately four billion. 10 to the 64 is 18 quadrillion, so that’s a lot of addresses. If you think of the address space as all potential places the processor could access, there are ones backed by DRAM, associated with some state. What happens when you read or write to an address? It could act like regular memory, ignore the write entirely, cause an I/O operation (memory-mapped I/O), or trigger an exception (like a page fault if there’s no memory assigned to that process). Writing to memory could communicate with another program.

In a picture, the address space looks like this: the processor registers (including the program counter and stack pointer) point to various addresses—PC fetches from these addresses to execute instructions. Our threading and protection model will involve accessing this address space. What’s in the code segment? Code. Static data segment? Static variables, global variables, and string constants. Stack segment? Local variables and function calls’ recursive states, pushing variables on and off. Stack can grow with page faults, adding memory dynamically. Heap segment? Allocations made with malloc, like structures, linked lists, etc.

Threads in the same address space share everything except registers. Threads can overwrite each other’s stacks if they’re in the same address space, a design feature. Separate processes can prevent this. OS virtualization tries to make sharing as safe as possible. Security-wise, threads sharing memory can read/write each other’s data or keys, even overwrite the OS—a problem in early PCs, Macs, and early Windows. Modern systems aim for better security against bugs, ensuring a buggy software doesn’t crash everything else.

This approach was risky in early computing and some embedded systems, macOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows ME. It’s used less in modern systems for security reasons.




这种方法在早期计算机和某些嵌入式系统以及macOS、Windows 3.1和Windows ME中存在风险。出于安全考虑,现代系统使用较少。
Certainly! Here’s the complete English sentence structured from the provided text:

"Compromising the operating system generally causes it to crash. Of course, security— you want to limit the scope of what malicious software can do. Privacy— I want to limit each thread to the data it’s supposed to access. I don’t want my cryptographic keys or my secrets to be leaked. And also fairness— I don’t want a thread like that one that decided to compute the last digit of pi to suddenly be able to take all of the CPU at the expense of everybody else. Okay, so there’s lots of reasons for protection, and the OS must protect user programs from one another. Okay, prevent threads owned by one user from impacting threads owned by another one. Um, alright, so let’s see if we can do better. Okay, so what can the hardware do to help the OS protect itself from programs? Well, here’s a very simple idea— in fact, very simple, so simple that little tiny IoT devices can do this with very few transistors— and the idea is what I’m going to call ‘base and bound’. So, what we’re going to do is we’re going to have two registers, a base register and a bound register, and what those two registers talk about is what part of memory is the yellow thread allowed to access. Okay, what part of memory is the yellow thread allowed to access? Now, we’re still going to call this by the way I’ve got this uh, sorry, zero at the top and ffff at the bottom, I’ve swapped this for you guys but um, we are going to be able to put two addresses, one in base and a length or an address in bound depending on how you do it. And now we’re gonna see whether we can limit yellow’s span to just the uh, those range of addresses. Okay, we’re still gonna say the address space is from zero to all f’s, it’s just that a big chunk of that address space is not available to the yellow thing. Okay, and so what happens here is a program address that fits somewhere in the valid part of the program— what really happens is the program has been relocated, it’s been loaded from disk and relocated to this portion of memory, one zero zero, and so now when the program starts executing, it’s working with program counters that are in the say one zero one zero range which is kind of right, uh, where the code is, and hardware is going to do a quick comparison to say, ‘Is this program counter greater than base or is it and is it less than bound?’ Okay, and these are not physical, uh, excuse me, these are still physical addresses, these are not virtual addresses yet, we’ll get to that in a moment, okay, and this allocation size is uh, challenging to change in this particular model, okay, because in order to get something bigger we might end up having to copy a lot of the yellow to some other part of memory that’s bigger so you can see that this is just a very primitive and simple thing, okay, but what it does do is it gives us protection so the yellow code can run, it could do all it wants inside the yellow part of the address space, but it can’t mess up the operating system or anybody else’s code, okay, all right, and uh, whether base and bound are inclusive or not, that’s sort of a simple matter of whether you include equals or not so let’s not worry about this obviously base is inclusive in the way I’ve shown it here, um, so the other thing is for every time we do a, uh, lookup we make sure that we’re less than bound so it’s not inclusive on the top in this particular figure, and greater than or equal to base and if that’s true we allow it to go through and if it’s not true then we uh, do something like kill the thread off or something okay, now, the address here has been translated if you look this is what it might look like on disk it’s got, you know, it’s code starts at address zero there’s some static data after the code, maybe there’s a part of the heap or stack that’s going to be in there once it’s loaded but in some sense it looks like everything started zero and however when we load it into memory we relocate all the code so that it starts at address 1000 is runnable from that point and as a result things, uh, execute properly so this is a compiler-based loader-based relocation okay but it allows the OS to protect and isolate okay it needs a relocating loader now this by the way was what a lot of early systems did is they did relocation okay and had some basin bound possibilities to work so for instance the early some of the early machines by cray had this this behavior okay notice also that we’re using the program counter directly out of the processor without train changing in any so we’re not changing any of the the latency through transistors because we’re not adding any uh extra translation overhead as well okay and the gray part up here might be the OS yes now if you remember in 61c we talked about relocation um so for instance if you do a jump and link to the printf routine um what that translates into is a relocatable code where maybe the gel op code is uh hard-coded but the printf address is not until things get actually loaded and then this gets filled out so this might be a relative address until the linker and loader pulls it into memory okay all right so we can do this with the loader okay but a number of you have started to ask more and more about virtual memory well here’s another version of virtual memory that is actually well it’s uh the previous one was a hardware feature because in hardware we’re preventing uh the program when it’s running in user mode or as a user from accessing the OS so that’s a hardware-based check okay it’s not software all right now the uh a slight variation on the basin bound is this one where we actually uh put a hardware adder in here okay and this hardware adder one way to think of this is that addresses are actually translated on the fly so now we take our yellow thing off disk and we load it into memory and it might still be at address 1000 but the difference is that the program is now the program counter is now uh executing as if it were operating in this uh code that starts from zero but in fact what happens is by adding the base address to the program counter we get a translated address that’s now up in the space where yellow actually is okay all right so this particular uh version of this is uh it’s very simple and it doesn’t require page tables or complicated translation okay so this is a hardware relocation so on the fly the program counter which is operating as if we’re in the yellow region we add a base to it and the thing we actually use to look up in dram is the uh new address the physical address that we get from this virtual address added to the base pointer okay and can the program touch the OS once again no because if the program address goes negative we can catch that uh and so that would be below the base address and if it goes too too large above the bound then we would also be outside of yellow and so we basically protect uh the system against the yellow okay and so um once again we’re still doing checks here now can i touch onto the programs no because the bound catches it so one way to get at this is also with segments okay so in the x86 code or x86 hardware we have segments like the code segment the stack segment etc which are hardware registers that have the basin bound coded in that segment so a code segment is something which has a physical starting point and a length and then the actual instruction pointer that’s running is an offset inside of that segment so the code segment is very much like this base inbound because we do this addition on the fly and checking for the uh the bound okay and the question about where does the base address how do we decide what the base address is how do we decide what the bound is well that’s the os is basically doing a best fit of the current things it’s trying to run into the existing memory now a different idea which they did bring up in 61c which everybody’s clearly familiar with is this idea of address based translation so notice that what we just did was a very primitive version of translation where we took every address coming out of the processor and we added to it a base and we checked it against the bound and that translation now is just add a base and check about but um the thing we could do that’s even more sophisticated is we could take every address that comes out of the processor and go through some arbitrarily complicated translator and have it look up things in memory so uh if you look at uh how that might be so let’s think for a moment what was the biggest issue with this so there’s several issues not the least of which to grow the space for the yellow process or thread i haven’t told you how to distinguish those yet we would have to um copy the yellow thing somewhere else okay and and what we’re going to do is then when yellow finishes and goes away we’ve got a hole we’ve got a fill and so there’s a serious fragmentation problem so we’ll talk more about that in an upcoming lecture but what we’re going to do is we’re going to break the address space which is all of the dram into a bunch of equal sized chunks all pages are the same size so it’s really easy to place each page in memory and the hardware is going to translate using a page table okay this is 61c okay special hardware registers are going to store a pointer to the page table and we’re going to treat memory as a bunch of page size frames and we can put any page into any frame



Certainly! Here’s the text organized into complete English sentences without the timestamps:

"We’re going to execute a return from interrupt or return to user, and that’s going to start us running the yellow code. Now, the question is, why does the stack grow up in these diagrams? That’s because I’ve got 0x0000 and 0xFFFF reversed, so the lower part of the address is up top here and the higher part is on the bottom. Sorry about that. But notice, right now the kernel has full access to everything.

If we now do a return to user, what’s going to happen is that we’re going to activate this yellow one. Okay, so the privileged instruction is to set up these special registers like the base and bound registers, and so on. Notice we’ve set base to the beginning, we’ve set bound to the end, we’ve set up some special registers, we’ve set up the user PC, and we’re going to do the return to user mode. That’s going to basically do two things: one, it’s going to take us out of system mode, which is going to activate these base and bounds, and it’s going to cause the user’s PC to be swapped in for the existing kernel PC. And now all of a sudden after I do that, voila, we’re running in user mode.


Why do I say we’re running in user mode? The answer is that right now, because we’re in user mode, the base and bound are active, and so the code that’s running can’t get out of this little container. Alright.

Coming back, so how does the kernel now switch? So now we’ve got this guy running, what do we do? Well, we’re going to have to take an interrupt of some sort and say switch to a different process. Okay, so the first question we have to ask before we figure out what the switching is involved is how do we return to the system? Alright, and I showed you some opportunities there a little moment ago, but we have three. So, for instance, system call is one where the process requests a system service that actually takes it into the kernel. Another is an interrupt. Okay, this is the case where an asynchronous event like a timer goes off and takes us into the kernel. And a third one is like a trap or an exception. It turns out that these could be examples where we get a page fault or where we divide by zero.



Now, the interesting question that’s on an interesting question in chat which I don’t have a lot of time to answer right now is what if a program needs to do something that can only be done in kernel mode? The answer is you’ve got to be really careful. So, one answer would be you can’t; you’ve got to do only the things that are provided as APIs from the kernel. That’s why the set of system calls is so important, to make sure it’s general enough for what you want to do. The second answer gets much more interesting, which is typically not something we talk about at this term in 162, but we could maybe, and that’s where we have an interface for downloading specially checked code into the kernel to run in kernel mode in a way that it doesn’t compromise the security. But that’s a pretty interesting topic for a different lecture.


So we’re getting close to those topics, so let’s continue. Here’s our example: the yellow code’s running, and if you notice, the program counter again is in the yellow code. And so on. How do we return to the system? Maybe an interrupt or I/O or other things we’ll say an interrupt for this. And what happens at that point is we’re now back in the kernel. So notice that we’re at system mode, we’re running, the PC is the interrupt vector of the timer, and we’ve got these registers from the yellow which have been saved as a result of going into the interrupt. And so what we’re going to do is we’re going to save them off into the thread control block, we’re going to load from the thread control block for green. Okay, and then here’s by the way somewhere in the kernel is the yellow thread control block and then voila, we return to user and now the green one’s running.


We’re now officially out of time, but I want to leave you with one more concept: what if we want to run many programs? So now we have this basic mechanism to switch between user processes in the kernel. The kernel can switch among the processes, we can protect them, but these are all kind of mechanisms without sort of policy, right? So what are some questions like how do we decide which one to run, how do we represent user processes in the operating system, how do we pack up the process and set it aside, how do we get a stack and heap, et cetera, et cetera. All of these are interesting things that we’re going to cover. And you know, aren’t we wasting a lot of memory? All of these things.

Okay, and so there is a process control block, just like the thread control block. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that. But that’s where we saved the process state and inside of that will be the thread control blocks for all the threads that are there. And then the scheduler is this interesting thing which some might argue this is the operating system, which is every time or tick it says it looks at all the ready processes, picks one, runs it, and then the next time or tick it runs the next one and so on. And part of that process is unload and reload, unload and reload with some task called the scheduler selecting which is the right one based on some policies.

Alright, so we are done for today. So in conclusion, there are four fundamental OS concepts we talked about today: the execution context, which is a thread, okay, this is what you learned about in 61C, didn’t call it a thread because it wasn’t properly virtualized yet but it’s basically something with program counter, registers, execution flags, stack. We talked about the address space is the visible part of the to a processor, it’s the visible part of the addresses and once we start adding translation in now we can make protected address spaces which are protected against other processes. We talked about a process being a protected address space with one or more threads and we talked about how the dual mode operation of the processor hardware is what allows us to multiplex processes together and give us a nice secure model.







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