
2024-06-22 22:52




1 gprof概述
2 gprof原理简述
3 gprof使用
  3.1 gprof使用简述
  3.2 gprof使用示例
4 小结

1 gprof概述

    gprof 是 一个 GNU 的程序性能分析工具,可以用于分析C\C++程序的执行性能。gprof工具可以统计出各个函数的调用次数、执行时间、函数调用关系,具体功能可以通过 man gprof进一步了解。通常该工具在大多数linux内核的发行版本中会在你安装C/C++编译器的同时默认安装上。

2 gprof原理简述

    通过在编译、链接的时候使用 -pg 选项,就能够控制gcc/g++ 编译器在程序的每个函数中插入插桩函数,从而跟踪目标函数的执行时间、调用关系(通过函数调用堆栈查找)、执行次数等信息,并将相关数据保存到 gmon.out 文件中。

    【注意】: 必须是编译链接的时候都要添加 -pg 参数。并且目标程序不能使用 strip 命令去除符号表,否则 gprof 工具无法正常处理 gmon.out 到 profile.txt文件。

3 gprof使用

3.1 gprof使用简述

a、 在编译、链接设置中开启 -pg 参数:




CFLAGS += -pg
LDFLAGS += -pg

b、 编译后正常运行程序

.testApp arg1 arg2

【注意】 运行程序后,要程序正常退出,才能正常生成 gmon.out 文件;在此步骤中程序是可以带命令行参数执行的。

c、 分析、收集数据

gprof testApp gmon.out > profile.txt

【注意】 在此步骤中,目标程序如果是带参的,此步骤不可以填入命令行参数。

d、 分析数据图形化

gprof2dot -e0 -n0 profile.txt > profile.dot
dot profile.dot -Tpng -o profile.png

【说明】 在此步骤中,需要通过 gprof2dot 和 dot工具将结果图形化,方便查看。

3.2 gprof使用示例

上一小节简单讲述了如何 gprof 的使用,本小节会以 s_log_safe开源项目 为实例,介绍如何使用 gprof 工具 进行性能分析。

a、 clone s_log_safe项目源码

git clone https://github.com/smallerxuan/s_log_safe.gitcd s_log_safetree



b、 修改Makefile文件

gedit ./Makefile

用编辑器打开 Makefile文件,修改 FLAGS_BASE 关闭O2优化,添加 -pg 选项;给 LDFLAGS 追加 -pg;注释 strip 调用。



c、 调整测试用例并编译项目

gedit ./main.c

用编辑器打开 main.c 文件,对测试程序进行简单修改,不然测试程序不会自然结束。

#include <stdio.h>
#include "s_log_safe.h"static int test_mark = 8;void* thread_1_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_1", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);do {s_log_safe_a("%s %d","测试1",*count);usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_2_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_2", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);do {s_log_safe_v("%s %d","测试2",*count);usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_3_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_3", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);do {s_log_safe_e("%s %d","测试3",*count);usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_4_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_4", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);do {s_log_safe_w("%s %d","测试4",*count);usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_5_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_5", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);do {s_log_safe_t("%s %d","测试5",*count);usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_6_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_6", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);do {s_log_safe_i("%s %d","测试6",*count);usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_7_exec(void* arg)
{int* count =  (int*)arg;s_safe_tag("thread_7", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_TRACE);do {s_log_safe_d("%s %d","测试7",*count);if((*count)%8 == 0) {s_safe_tag_log_level_limit_set(S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);} else {s_safe_tag_log_level_limit_set(S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_TRACE);}usleep(5000);} while (*count -= 1);test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}void* thread_main_exec(void* arg)
{int count = 0;unsigned int log_safe_pool_cap = 0;unsigned int log_safe_pool_used = 0;s_safe_tag("main", S_LOG_SAFE_OPT_DEBUG);log_safe_pool_cap = s_log_safe_output_pool_cap_get();while(test_mark > 1) {log_safe_pool_used = s_log_safe_output_pool_used_get();s_log_safe_i("%s log_safe_pool_cap:%d log_safe_pool_used:%d count:%d","main", log_safe_pool_cap, log_safe_pool_used, count++);usleep(5000);}test_mark -= 1;return s_log_safe_null;
}int main(void)
{int                  ret = 0;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_1_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_2_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_3_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_4_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_5_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_6_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_7_p;s_log_safe_thread_t* s_log_safe_thread_main_p;int                  count_1 = 77;int                  count_2 = 66;int                  count_3 = 55;int                  count_4 = 44;int                  count_5 = 33;int                  count_6 = 22;int                  count_7 = 11;ret = s_log_safe_init();if(ret != 0) {return 0;}s_log_safe_thread_7_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_main_exec, (void*)s_log_safe_null, "", S_LOG_SAFE_THREAD_PRIORITY, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_1_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_1_exec, (void*)&count_1, "", 10, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_2_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_2_exec, (void*)&count_2, "", 10, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_3_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_3_exec, (void*)&count_3, "", 12, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_4_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_4_exec, (void*)&count_4, "", 12, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_5_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_5_exec, (void*)&count_5, "", 11, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_6_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_6_exec, (void*)&count_6, "", 11, 1024);s_log_safe_thread_7_p = s_log_safe_thread_create(thread_7_exec, (void*)&count_7, "", 10, 1024);while(test_mark != 0) {sleep(1);}return 0;



运行 make 命令后,会在 ./buld 路径生成目标测试程序。

d、 运测试程序

cd ./build/./s_log_safe_test

切换到 ./build 路径后执行测试程序,通过 ls 会在路径下发现新生成了一个 gmon.out 文件。

e、 分析、收集数据

gprof s_log_safe_test gmon.out > profile.txt

通过该命令,可以在路径下看见导出的分析结果文件 profile.txt。在该文件中,详细的记录了 函数的执行时间、调用关系、执行次数等信息。但是还不是特别方便查看,毕竟看图会更直观。

Flat profile:Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.no time accumulated%   cumulative   self              self     total           time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name    0.00      0.00     0.00     2048     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_mutex_unlock0.00      0.00     0.00     2048     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_unlock0.00      0.00     0.00     1294     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_mutex_lock0.00      0.00     0.00     1294     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_lock0.00      0.00     0.00      752     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_mutex_try_lock0.00      0.00     0.00      752     0.00     0.00  s_log_strrchr0.00      0.00     0.00      751     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_try_lock0.00      0.00     0.00      544     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_could_read_num_get0.00      0.00     0.00      383     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_out0.00      0.00     0.00      376     0.00     0.00  s_log_out_by_printf0.00      0.00     0.00      376     0.00     0.00  s_log_print0.00      0.00     0.00      376     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_output0.00      0.00     0.00      376     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_read_elements0.00      0.00     0.00      374     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_write_elements0.00      0.00     0.00       78     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_output_pool_used_get0.00      0.00     0.00        9     0.00     0.00  get_thread_policy0.00      0.00     0.00        9     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_thread_create0.00      0.00     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_mutex_create0.00      0.00     0.00        2     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_lock_create0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_constructor0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_init0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  s_log_safe_output_pool_cap_get0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_constructor0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  s_ring_buffer_element_pool_constructor_malloc%         the percentage of the total running time of the
time       program used by this function.cumulative a running sum of the number of seconds accountedseconds   for by this function and those listed above it.self      the number of seconds accounted for by this
seconds    function alone.  This is the major sort for thislisting.calls      the number of times this function was invoked, ifthis function is profiled, else blank.self      the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/call    function per call, if this function is profiled,else blank.total     the average number of milliseconds spent in this
ms/call    function and its descendents per call, if thisfunction is profiled, else blank.name       the name of the function.  This is the minor sortfor this listing. The index shows the location ofthe function in the gprof listing. If the index isin parenthesis it shows where it would appear inthe gprof listing if it were to be printed.Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.Call graph (explanation follows)granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) no time propagatedindex % time    self  children    called     name0.00    0.00    2048/2048        s_ring_buffer_unlock [2]
[1]      0.0    0.00    0.00    2048         s_log_safe_mutex_unlock [1]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       2/2048        s_ring_buffer_constructor [23]0.00    0.00     544/2048        s_ring_buffer_could_read_num_get [8]0.00    0.00     750/2048        s_ring_buffer_write_elements [14]0.00    0.00     752/2048        s_ring_buffer_read_elements [13]
[2]      0.0    0.00    0.00    2048         s_ring_buffer_unlock [2]0.00    0.00    2048/2048        s_log_safe_mutex_unlock [1]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00    1294/1294        s_ring_buffer_lock [4]
[3]      0.0    0.00    0.00    1294         s_log_safe_mutex_lock [3]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     374/1294        s_ring_buffer_write_elements [14]0.00    0.00     376/1294        s_ring_buffer_read_elements [13]0.00    0.00     544/1294        s_ring_buffer_could_read_num_get [8]
[4]      0.0    0.00    0.00    1294         s_ring_buffer_lock [4]0.00    0.00    1294/1294        s_log_safe_mutex_lock [3]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     752/752         s_ring_buffer_try_lock [7]
[5]      0.0    0.00    0.00     752         s_log_safe_mutex_try_lock [5]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     752/752         s_log_safe_output [12]
[6]      0.0    0.00    0.00     752         s_log_strrchr [6]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     375/751         s_ring_buffer_write_elements [14]0.00    0.00     376/751         s_ring_buffer_read_elements [13]
[7]      0.0    0.00    0.00     751         s_ring_buffer_try_lock [7]0.00    0.00     752/752         s_log_safe_mutex_try_lock [5]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00      78/544         s_log_safe_output_pool_used_get [15]0.00    0.00     466/544         s_log_safe_thread_exec_func [36]
[8]      0.0    0.00    0.00     544         s_ring_buffer_could_read_num_get [8]0.00    0.00     544/1294        s_ring_buffer_lock [4]0.00    0.00     544/2048        s_ring_buffer_unlock [2]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00      11/383         thread_7_exec [50]0.00    0.00      22/383         thread_6_exec [49]0.00    0.00      33/383         thread_5_exec [48]0.00    0.00      43/383         thread_4_exec [47]0.00    0.00      55/383         thread_3_exec [46]0.00    0.00      66/383         thread_2_exec [45]0.00    0.00      76/383         thread_1_exec [44]0.00    0.00      77/383         thread_main_exec [51]
[9]      0.0    0.00    0.00     383         s_log_safe_out [9]0.00    0.00     374/374         s_ring_buffer_write_elements [14]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     376/376         s_log_print [11]
[10]     0.0    0.00    0.00     376         s_log_out_by_printf [10]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     376/376         s_log_safe_output [12]
[11]     0.0    0.00    0.00     376         s_log_print [11]0.00    0.00     376/376         s_log_out_by_printf [10]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     376/376         s_log_safe_thread_exec_func [36]
[12]     0.0    0.00    0.00     376         s_log_safe_output [12]0.00    0.00     752/752         s_log_strrchr [6]0.00    0.00     376/376         s_ring_buffer_read_elements [13]0.00    0.00     376/376         s_log_print [11]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     376/376         s_log_safe_output [12]
[13]     0.0    0.00    0.00     376         s_ring_buffer_read_elements [13]0.00    0.00     752/2048        s_ring_buffer_unlock [2]0.00    0.00     376/751         s_ring_buffer_try_lock [7]0.00    0.00     376/1294        s_ring_buffer_lock [4]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00     374/374         s_log_safe_out [9]
[14]     0.0    0.00    0.00     374         s_ring_buffer_write_elements [14]0.00    0.00     750/2048        s_ring_buffer_unlock [2]0.00    0.00     375/751         s_ring_buffer_try_lock [7]0.00    0.00     374/1294        s_ring_buffer_lock [4]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00      78/78          thread_main_exec [51]
[15]     0.0    0.00    0.00      78         s_log_safe_output_pool_used_get [15]0.00    0.00      78/544         s_ring_buffer_could_read_num_get [8]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       9/9           s_log_safe_thread_create [17]
[16]     0.0    0.00    0.00       9         get_thread_policy [16]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/9           s_log_safe_init [21]0.00    0.00       8/9           main [30]
[17]     0.0    0.00    0.00       9         s_log_safe_thread_create [17]0.00    0.00       9/9           get_thread_policy [16]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       2/2           s_ring_buffer_lock_create [19]
[18]     0.0    0.00    0.00       2         s_log_safe_mutex_create [18]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       2/2           s_ring_buffer_constructor [23]
[19]     0.0    0.00    0.00       2         s_ring_buffer_lock_create [19]0.00    0.00       2/2           s_log_safe_mutex_create [18]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           s_log_safe_init [21]
[20]     0.0    0.00    0.00       1         s_log_safe_constructor [20]0.00    0.00       1/1           s_ring_buffer_constructor [23]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           main [30]
[21]     0.0    0.00    0.00       1         s_log_safe_init [21]0.00    0.00       1/1           s_log_safe_constructor [20]0.00    0.00       1/9           s_log_safe_thread_create [17]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           thread_main_exec [51]
[22]     0.0    0.00    0.00       1         s_log_safe_output_pool_cap_get [22]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           s_log_safe_constructor [20]
[23]     0.0    0.00    0.00       1         s_ring_buffer_constructor [23]0.00    0.00       2/2           s_ring_buffer_lock_create [19]0.00    0.00       2/2048        s_ring_buffer_unlock [2]0.00    0.00       1/1           s_ring_buffer_element_pool_constructor_malloc [24]
-----------------------------------------------0.00    0.00       1/1           s_ring_buffer_constructor [23]
[24]     0.0    0.00    0.00       1         s_ring_buffer_element_pool_constructor_malloc [24]
-----------------------------------------------This table describes the call tree of the program, and was sorted bythe total amount of time spent in each function and its children.Each entry in this table consists of several lines.  The line with theindex number at the left hand margin lists the current function.The lines above it list the functions that called this function,and the lines below it list the functions this one called.This line lists:index	A unique number given to each element of the table.Index numbers are sorted numerically.The index number is printed next to every function name soit is easier to look up where the function is in the table.% time	This is the percentage of the `total' time that was spentin this function and its children.  Note that due todifferent viewpoints, functions excluded by options, etc,these numbers will NOT add up to 100%.self	This is the total amount of time spent in this function.children	This is the total amount of time propagated into thisfunction by its children.called	This is the number of times the function was called.If the function called itself recursively, the numberonly includes non-recursive calls, and is followed bya `+' and the number of recursive calls.name	The name of the current function.  The index number isprinted after it.  If the function is a member of acycle, the cycle number is printed between thefunction's name and the index number.For the function's parents, the fields have the following meanings:self	This is the amount of time that was propagated directlyfrom the function into this parent.children	This is the amount of time that was propagated fromthe function's children into this parent.called	This is the number of times this parent called thefunction `/' the total number of times the functionwas called.  Recursive calls to the function are notincluded in the number after the `/'.name	This is the name of the parent.  The parent's indexnumber is printed after it.  If the parent is amember of a cycle, the cycle number is printed betweenthe name and the index number.If the parents of the function cannot be determined, the word`<spontaneous>' is printed in the `name' field, and all the otherfields are blank.For the function's children, the fields have the following meanings:self	This is the amount of time that was propagated directlyfrom the child into the function.children	This is the amount of time that was propagated from thechild's children to the function.called	This is the number of times the function calledthis child `/' the total number of times the childwas called.  Recursive calls by the child are notlisted in the number after the `/'.name	This is the name of the child.  The child's indexnumber is printed after it.  If the child is amember of a cycle, the cycle number is printedbetween the name and the index number.If there are any cycles (circles) in the call graph, there is anentry for the cycle-as-a-whole.  This entry shows who called thecycle (as parents) and the members of the cycle (as children.)The `+' recursive calls entry shows the number of function calls thatwere internal to the cycle, and the calls entry for each member shows,for that member, how many times it was called from other members ofthe cycle.Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.Index by function name[16] get_thread_policy (s_log_safe_platform.c) [1] s_log_safe_mutex_unlock [8] s_ring_buffer_could_read_num_get[10] s_log_out_by_printf     [9] s_log_safe_out         [24] s_ring_buffer_element_pool_constructor_malloc[11] s_log_print            [12] s_log_safe_output (s_log_safe.c) [4] s_ring_buffer_lock[20] s_log_safe_constructor (s_log_safe.c) [22] s_log_safe_output_pool_cap_get [19] s_ring_buffer_lock_create[21] s_log_safe_init        [15] s_log_safe_output_pool_used_get [13] s_ring_buffer_read_elements[18] s_log_safe_mutex_create [17] s_log_safe_thread_create [7] s_ring_buffer_try_lock[3] s_log_safe_mutex_lock   [6] s_log_strrchr           [2] s_ring_buffer_unlock[5] s_log_safe_mutex_try_lock [23] s_ring_buffer_constructor [14] s_ring_buffer_write_elements

f、 生成调用图

gprof2dot -e0 -n0 profile.txt > profile.dot
dot profile.dot -Tpng -o profile.png

通过 gprof2dot 和 dot 工具能够将 profile.txt 文件转换为 更直观的 图片。

如果没有安装 gprof2dot 和 dot 工具,可以通过以下命令进行安装:

sudo apt-get install graphvizpip3 install gprof2dot

g、 查看调用图

通过上述操作,最终生成了 profile.png 文件,最终的调用图如下图所示:

4 小结

上述的通过 gprof 和相关工具 对目标程序 进行 性能分析,是日常开发过程中常用的一种方式。




Vue3 的 shallowRef 和 shallowReactive:优化性能

大家对 Vue3 的 ref 和 reactive 都很熟悉,那么对 shallowRef 和 shallowReactive 是否了解呢? 在编程和数据结构中,“shallow”(浅层)通常指对数据结构的最外层进行操作,而不递归地处理其内部或嵌套的数据。这种处理方式关注的是数据结构的第一层属性或元素,而忽略更深层次的嵌套内容。 1. 浅层与深层的对比 1.1 浅层(Shallow) 定义


性能测试是一种测试方法,旨在评估系统、应用程序或组件在现实场景中的性能表现和可靠性。它通常用于衡量系统在不同负载条件下的响应时间、吞吐量、资源利用率、稳定性和可扩展性等关键指标。 为什么要进行性能测试 通过性能测试,可以确定系统是否能够满足预期的性能要求,找出性能瓶颈和潜在的问题,并进行优化和调整。 发现性能瓶颈:性能测试可以帮助发现系统的性能瓶颈,即系统在高负载或高并发情况下可能出现的问题


知识星球:https://articles.zsxq.com/id_fxvgc803qmr2.html 目录 一.定义: 精确模式(默认模式): 全模式: 搜索引擎模式: paddle 模式(基于深度学习的分词模式): 二 自定义词典 三.文本解析   调整词出现的频率 四. 关键词提取 A. 基于TF-IDF算法的关键词提取 B. 基于TextRank算法的关键词提取


1)需求: NameNode进程挂了并且存储的数据也丢失了,如何恢复NameNode 此种方式恢复的数据可能存在小部分数据的丢失。 2)故障模拟 (1)kill -9 NameNode进程 [lytfly@hadoop102 current]$ kill -9 19886 (2)删除NameNode存储的数据(/opt/module/hadoop-3.1.4/data/tmp/dfs/na


一、压缩原则 (1)运算密集型的Job,少用压缩 (2)IO密集型的Job,多用压缩 二、压缩算法比较 三、压缩位置选择 四、压缩参数配置 1)为了支持多种压缩/解压缩算法,Hadoop引入了编码/解码器 2)要在Hadoop中启用压缩,可以配置如下参数


文章目录 规则makefile文件的基本语法:加在命令前的特殊符号:.PHONY伪目标: Makefilev1 直观写法v2 加上中间过程v3 伪目标v4 变量 make 选项-f-n-C Make 是一种流行的构建工具,常用于将源代码转换成可执行文件或者其他形式的输出文件(如库文件、文档等)。Make 可以自动化地执行编译、链接等一系列操作。 规则 makefile文件


文章目录 一、前言二、准备三、MySQL索引优化四、MySQL 索引知识回顾五、总结 一、前言 在上一讲性能工具之 JProfiler 简单登录案例分析实战中已经发现SQL没有建立索引问题,本文将一起从代码层去分析为什么没有建立索引? 开源ERP项目地址:https://gitee.com/jishenghua/JSH_ERP 二、准备 打开IDEA找到登录请求资源路径位置


文章目录 需求影响照片清晰度的因素 实现降噪测试代码 锐化空间锐化Unsharp Masking频率域锐化对比测试 对比度增强常用算法对比测试 需求 对图像进行优化,使其看起来更清晰,同时保持尺寸不变,通常涉及到图像处理技术如锐化、降噪、对比度增强等 影响照片清晰度的因素 影响照片清晰度的因素有很多,主要可以从以下几个方面来分析 1. 拍摄设备 相机传感器:相机传


智听未来,一站式有声阅读平台听书系统 🌟&nbsp;开篇:遇见未来,从“智听”开始 在这个快节奏的时代,你是否渴望在忙碌的间隙,找到一片属于自己的宁静角落?是否梦想着能随时随地,沉浸在知识的海洋,或是故事的奇幻世界里?今天,就让我带你一起探索“智听未来”——这一站式有声阅读平台听书系统,它正悄悄改变着我们的阅读方式,让未来触手可及! 📚&nbsp;第一站:海量资源,应有尽有 走进“智听


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