大模型实战-【Langchain4J中Using AI Services in Spring Boot Application②】

本文主要是介绍大模型实战-【Langchain4J中Using AI Services in Spring Boot Application②】,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Using AI Services in Spring Boot Application

LangChain4j Spring Boot starter
greatly simplifies using AI Services in Spring Boot applications.


Now, let’s look at a more complicated example.
We’ll force the LLM reply using slang 😉

This is usually achieved by providing instructions in the SystemMessage.

interface Friend {@SystemMessage("You are a good friend of mine. Answer using slang.")String chat(String userMessage);
}Friend friend = AiServices.create(Friend.class, model);String answer = friend.chat("Hello"); // Hey! What's up?

In this example, we have added the @SystemMessage annotation with a system prompt we want to use.
This will be converted into a SystemMessage behind the scenes and sent to the LLM along with the UserMessage.

System Message Provider

System messages can also be defined dynamically with the system message provider:

Friend friend = AiServices.builder(Friend.class).chatLanguageModel(model).systemMessageProvider(chatMemoryId -> "You are a good friend of mine. Answer using slang.").build();

As you can see, you can provide different system messages based on a chat memory ID (user or conversation).


Now, let’s assume the model we use does not support system messages,
or maybe we just want to use UserMessage for that purpose.

interface Friend {@UserMessage("You are a good friend of mine. Answer using slang. {{it}}")String chat(String userMessage);
}Friend friend = AiServices.create(Friend.class, model);String answer = friend.chat("Hello"); // Hey! What's shakin'?

We have replaced the @SystemMessage annotation with @UserMessage
and specified a prompt template with the variable it to refer to the only method argument.

Additionally, it’s possible to annotate the String userMessage with @V
and assign a custom name to the prompt template variable:

interface Friend {@UserMessage("You are a good friend of mine

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