Datacamp 笔记代码 Unsupervised Learning in Python 第一章 Clustering for dataset exploration

本文主要是介绍Datacamp 笔记代码 Unsupervised Learning in Python 第一章 Clustering for dataset exploration,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Datacamp track: Data Scientist with Python - Course 23 (1)


Clustering 2D points

From the scatter plot of the previous exercise, you saw that the points seem to separate into 3 clusters. You’ll now create a KMeans model to find 3 clusters, and fit it to the data points from the previous exercise. After the model has been fit, you’ll obtain the cluster labels for some new points using the .predict() method.

You are given the array points from the previous exercise, and also an array new_points.


  • Import KMeans from sklearn.cluster.
  • Using KMeans(), create a KMeans instance called model to find 3 clusters. To specify the number of clusters, use the n_clusters keyword argument.
  • Use the .fit() method of model to fit the model to the array of points points.
  • Use the .predict() method of model to predict the cluster labels of new_points, assigning the result to labels.
  • Hit ‘Submit Answer’ to see the cluster labels of new_points.
import pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv('', header=None)
data = df.values
N = 300
points = data[:N,:]
new_points = data[N:,:]
# Import KMeans
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans# Create a KMeans instance with 3 clusters: model
model = KMeans(n_clusters=3)# Fit model to points Determine the cluster labels of new_points: labels
labels = model.predict(new_points)# Print cluster labels of new_points
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Inspect your clustering

Let’s now inspect the clustering you performed in the previous exercise!

A solution to the previous exercise has already run, so new_points is an array of points and labels is the array of their cluster labels.


  • Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.
  • Assign column 0 of new_points to xs, and column 1 of new_points to ys.
  • Make a scatter plot of xs and ys, specifying the c=labels keyword arguments to color the points by their cluster label. Also specify alpha=0.5.
  • Compute the coordinates of the centroids using the .cluster_centers_ attribute of model.
  • Assign column 0 of centroids to centroids_x, and column 1 of centroids to centroids_y.
  • Make a scatter plot of centroids_x and centroids_y, using 'D' (a diamond) as a marker by specifying the marker parameter. Set the size of the markers to be 50using s=50.
# Import pyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# Assign the columns of new_points: xs and ys
xs = new_points[:,0]
ys = new_points[:,1]# Make a scatter plot of xs and ys, using labels to define the colors
plt.scatter(xs, ys, c=labels, alpha=0.5)# Assign the cluster centers: centroids
centroids = model.cluster_centers_# Assign the columns of centroids: centroids_x, centroids_y
centroids_x = centroids[:,0]
centroids_y = centroids

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