使用Gradio构建大模型应用:Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio

本文主要是介绍使用Gradio构建大模型应用:Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio

本文是学习 https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/building-generative-ai-applications-with-gradio/ 这门课的学习笔记。


What you’ll learn in this course

Join our new short course, Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio! Learn from Apolinário Passos, Machine Learning Art Engineer at Hugging Face.

What you’ll do:

  • With a few lines of code, create a user-friendly app (usable for non-coders) to take input text, summarize it with an open-source large language model, and display the summary.
  • Create an app that allows the user to upload an image, which uses an image to text (image captioning) to describe the uploaded image, and display both the image and the caption in the app.
  • Create an app that takes text and generates an image with a diffusion model, then displays the generated image within the app.
  • Combine what you learned in the previous two lessons: Upload an image, caption the image, and use the caption to generate a new image.
  • Create an interface to chat with an open source LLM using Falcon, the best-ranking open source LLM on the Open LLM Leaderboard.

By the end of the course, you’ll gain the practical knowledge to rapidly build interactive apps and demos to validate your project and ship faster


  • Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio
    • What you’ll learn in this course
  • L1: NLP tasks with a simple interface 🗞️
    • Building a text summarization app
    • Building a Named Entity Recognition app
        • gr.interface()
      • Adding a helper function to merge tokens
  • L2: Image captioning app 🖼️📝
    • Building an image captioning app
    • Captioning with `gr.Interface()`
  • L3: Image generation app 🎨
    • Building an image generation app
    • Generating with `gr.Interface()`
    • Building a more advanced interface
        • gr.Slider()
        • `gr.Blocks()`
        • scale
        • gr.Accordion()
  • L4: Describe-and-Generate game 🖍️
    • Building your game with `gr.Blocks()`
      • First attempt, just captioning
      • Let's add generation
      • Doing it all at once
  • L5: Chat with any LLM! 💬
    • Building an app to chat with any LLM
    • `gr.Chatbot()`
      • Adding other advanced features
      • Streaming
  • Afterword

L1: NLP tasks with a simple interface 🗞️


Load your HF API key and relevant Python libraries.

import os
import io
from IPython.display import Image, display, HTML
from PIL import Image
import base64 
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # read local .env file
hf_api_key = os.environ['HF_API_KEY']
# Helper function
import requests, json#Summarization endpoint
def get_completion(inputs, parameters=None,ENDPOINT_URL=os.environ['HF_API_SUMMARY_BASE']): headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_api_key}","Content-Type": "application/json"}data = { "inputs": inputs }if parameters is not None:data.update({"parameters": parameters})response = requests.request("POST",ENDPOINT_URL, headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data))return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))

How about running it locally?


The code would look very similar if you were running it locally instead of from an API. The same is true for all the models in the rest of the course, make sure to check the Pipelines documentation page

from transformers import pipelineget_completion = pipeline("summarization", model="shleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6")def summarize(input):output = get_completion(input)return output[0]['summary_text']

Building a text summarization app

text = ('''The tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same heightas an 81-storey building, and the tallest structure in Paris. Its base is square, measuring 125 metres (410 ft) on each side. During its construction, the Eiffel Tower surpassed the Washington Monument to become the tallest man-made structure in the world,a title it held for 41 years until the Chrysler Buildingin New York City was finished in 1930. It was the first structure to reach a height of 300 metres. Due to the addition of a broadcasting aerial at the top of the tower in 1957, it is now taller than the Chrysler Building by 5.2 metres (17 ft). Excluding transmitters, the Eiffel Tower is the second tallest free-standing structure in France after the Millau Viaduct.''')get_completion(text)


[{'summary_text': ' The tower is 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building . It is the tallest structure in Paris and the second tallest free-standing structure in France after the Millau Viaduct . It was the first structure in the world to reach a height of 300 metres .'}]

Getting started with Gradio gr.Interface

import gradio as gr
def summarize(input):output = get_completion(input)return output[0]['summary_text']gr.close_all()
demo = gr.Interface(fn=summarize, inputs="text", outputs="text")
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT1']))

demo.launch(share=True) lets you create a public link to share with your team or friends.

import gradio as grdef summarize(input):output = get_completion(input)return output[0]['summary_text']gr.close_all()
demo = gr.Interface(fn=summarize, inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Text to summarize", lines=6)],outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Result", lines=3)],title="Text summarization with distilbart-cnn",description="Summarize any text using the `shleifer/distilbart-cnn-12-6` model under the hood!")
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT2']))



Building a Named Entity Recognition app

We are using this Inference Endpoint for dslim/bert-base-NER, a 108M parameter fine-tuned BART model on the NER task.


How about running it locally?

from transformers import pipelineget_completion = pipeline("ner", model="dslim/bert-base-NER")def ner(input):output = get_completion(input)return {"text": input, "entities": output}
API_URL = os.environ['HF_API_NER_BASE'] #NER endpoint
text = "My name is Andrew, I'm building DeepLearningAI and I live in California"
get_completion(text, parameters=None, ENDPOINT_URL= API_URL)


[{'entity': 'B-PER','score': 0.9990625,'index': 4,'word': 'Andrew','start': 11,'end': 17},{'entity': 'B-ORG','score': 0.9927857,'index': 10,'word': 'Deep','start': 32,'end': 36},{'entity': 'I-ORG','score': 0.99677867,'index': 11,'word': '##L','start': 36,'end': 37},{'entity': 'I-ORG','score': 0.9954496,'index': 12,'word': '##ear','start': 37,'end': 40},{'entity': 'I-ORG','score': 0.9959293,'index': 13,'word': '##ning','start': 40,'end': 44},{'entity': 'I-ORG','score': 0.8917463,'index': 14,'word': '##A','start': 44,'end': 45},{'entity': 'I-ORG','score': 0.50361204,'index': 15,'word': '##I','start': 45,'end': 46},{'entity': 'B-LOC','score': 0.99969244,'index': 20,'word': 'California','start': 61,'end': 71}]
  • Notice below that we pass in a list [] to inputs and to outputs because the function fn (in this case, ner(), can take in more than one input and return more than one output.
  • The number of objects passed to inputs list should match the number of parameters that the fn function takes in, and the number of objects passed to the outputs list should match the number of objects returned by the fn function.
def ner(input):output = get_completion(input, parameters=None, ENDPOINT_URL=API_URL)return {"text": input, "entities": output}gr.close_all()
demo = gr.Interface(fn=ner,inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Text to find entities", lines=2)],outputs=[gr.HighlightedText(label="Text with entities")],title="NER with dslim/bert-base-NER",description="Find entities using the `dslim/bert-base-NER` model under the hood!",allow_flagging="never",#Here we introduce a new tag, examples, easy to use examples for your applicationexamples=["My name is Andrew and I live in California", "My name is Poli and work at HuggingFace"])
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT3']))



Adding a helper function to merge tokens

def merge_tokens(tokens):merged_tokens = []for token in tokens:if merged_tokens and token['entity'].startswith('I-') and merged_tokens[-1]['entity'].endswith(token['entity'][2:]):# If current token continues the entity of the last one, merge themlast_token = merged_tokens[-1]last_token['word'] += token['word'].replace('##', '')last_token['end'] = token['end']last_token['score'] = (last_token['score'] + token['score']) / 2else:# Otherwise, add the token to the listmerged_tokens.append(token)return merged_tokensdef ner(input):output = get_completion(input, parameters=None, ENDPOINT_URL=API_URL)merged_tokens = merge_tokens(output)return {"text": input, "entities": merged_tokens}gr.close_all()
demo = gr.Interface(fn=ner,inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Text to find entities", lines=2)],outputs=[gr.HighlightedText(label="Text with entities")],title="NER with dslim/bert-base-NER",description="Find entities using the `dslim/bert-base-NER` model under the hood!",allow_flagging="never",examples=["My name is Andrew, I'm building DeeplearningAI and I live in California", "My name is Poli, I live in Vienna and work at HuggingFace"])demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT4']))



L2: Image captioning app 🖼️📝

import os
import io
import IPython.display
from PIL import Image
import base64 
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # read local .env file
hf_api_key = os.environ['HF_API_KEY']
# Helper functions
import requests, json#Image-to-text endpoint
def get_completion(inputs, parameters=None, ENDPOINT_URL=os.environ['HF_API_ITT_BASE']):headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_api_key}","Content-Type": "application/json"}data = { "inputs": inputs }if parameters is not None:data.update({"parameters": parameters})response = requests.request("POST",ENDPOINT_URL,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data))return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))

Building an image captioning app

Here we’ll be using an Inference Endpoint for Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base a 14M parameter captioning model.

The free images are available on: https://free-images.com/

image_url = "https://free-images.com/sm/9596/dog_animal_greyhound_983023.jpg"



Captioning with gr.Interface()


  • The type parameter is the format that the fn function expects to receive as its input. If type is numpy or pil, gr.Image() will convert the uploaded file to this format before sending it to the fn function.
  • If type is filepath, gr.Image() will temporarily store the image and provide a string path to that image location as input to the fn function.
import gradio as gr def image_to_base64_str(pil_image):byte_arr = io.BytesIO()pil_image.save(byte_arr, format='PNG')byte_arr = byte_arr.getvalue()return str(base64.b64encode(byte_arr).decode('utf-8'))def captioner(image):base64_image = image_to_base64_str(image)result = get_completion(base64_image)return result[0]['generated_text']gr.close_all()
demo = gr.Interface(fn=captioner,inputs=[gr.Image(label="Upload image", type="pil")],outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Caption")],title="Image Captioning with BLIP",description="Caption any image using the BLIP model",allow_flagging="never",examples=["christmas_dog.jpeg", "bird_flight.jpeg", "cow.jpeg"])demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT1']))



L3: Image generation app 🎨

import os
import io
import IPython.display
from PIL import Image
import base64 
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # read local .env file
hf_api_key = os.environ['HF_API_KEY']
# Helper function
import requests, json#Text-to-image endpoint
def get_completion(inputs, parameters=None, ENDPOINT_URL=os.environ['HF_API_TTI_BASE']):headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_api_key}","Content-Type": "application/json"}   data = { "inputs": inputs }if parameters is not None:data.update({"parameters": parameters})response = requests.request("POST",ENDPOINT_URL,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data))return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))

Building an image generation app

Here we are going to run runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 using the 🧨 diffusers library.

prompt = "a dog in a park"result = get_completion(prompt)
IPython.display.HTML(f'<img src="data:image/png;base64,{result}" />')



Generating with gr.Interface()

import gradio as gr #A helper function to convert the PIL image to base64
#so you can send it to the API
def base64_to_pil(img_base64):base64_decoded = base64.b64decode(img_base64)byte_stream = io.BytesIO(base64_decoded)pil_image = Image.open(byte_stream)return pil_imagedef generate(prompt):output = get_completion(prompt)result_image = base64_to_pil(output)return result_imagegr.close_all()
demo = gr.Interface(fn=generate,inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Your prompt")],outputs=[gr.Image(label="Result")],title="Image Generation with Stable Diffusion",description="Generate any image with Stable Diffusion",allow_flagging="never",examples=["the spirit of a tamagotchi wandering in the city of Vienna","a mecha robot in a favela"])demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT1']))


A photo of a lovely bike



Building a more advanced interface

import gradio as gr #A helper function to convert the PIL image to base64 
# so you can send it to the API
def base64_to_pil(img_base64):base64_decoded = base64.b64decode(img_base64)byte_stream = io.BytesIO(base64_decoded)pil_image = Image.open(byte_stream)return pil_imagedef generate(prompt, negative_prompt, steps, guidance, width, height):params = {"negative_prompt": negative_prompt,"num_inference_steps": steps,"guidance_scale": guidance,"width": width,"height": height}output = get_completion(prompt, params)pil_image = base64_to_pil(output)return pil_image
  • You can set the minimum, maximum, and starting value for a gr.Slider().
  • If you want the slider to increment by integer values, you can set step=1.
demo = gr.Interface(fn=generate,inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Your prompt"),gr.Textbox(label="Negative prompt"),gr.Slider(label="Inference Steps", minimum=1, maximum=100, value=25,info="In how many steps will the denoiser denoise the image?"),gr.Slider(label="Guidance Scale", minimum=1, maximum=20, value=7, info="Controls how much the text prompt influences the result"),gr.Slider(label="Width", minimum=64, maximum=512, step=64, value=512),gr.Slider(label="Height", minimum=64, maximum=512, step=64, value=512),],outputs=[gr.Image(label="Result")],title="Image Generation with Stable Diffusion",description="Generate any image with Stable Diffusion",allow_flagging="never")demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT2']))



  • Within gr.Blocks(), you can define multiple gr.Row()s, or multiple gr.Column()s.

  • Note that if the jupyter notebook is very narrow, the layout may change to better display the objects. If you define two columns but don’t see the two columns in the app, try expanding the width of your web browser, and the screen containing this jupyter notebook.

  • When using gr.Blocks(), you’ll need to explicitly define the “Submit” button using gr.Button(), whereas the ‘Clear’ and ‘Submit’ buttons are automatically added when using gr.Interface().

with gr.Blocks() as demo:gr.Markdown("# Image Generation with Stable Diffusion")prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Your prompt")with gr.Row():with gr.Column():negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Negative prompt")steps = gr.Slider(label="Inference Steps", minimum=1, maximum=100, value=25,info="In many steps will the denoiser denoise the image?")guidance = gr.Slider(label="Guidance Scale", minimum=1, maximum=20, value=7,info="Controls how much the text prompt influences the result")width = gr.Slider(label="Width", minimum=64, maximum=512, step=64, value=512)height = gr.Slider(label="Height", minimum=64, maximum=512, step=64, value=512)btn = gr.Button("Submit")with gr.Column():output = gr.Image(label="Result")btn.click(fn=generate, inputs=[prompt,negative_prompt,steps,guidance,width,height], outputs=[output])
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT2']))
  • To choose how much relative width to give to each column, set the scale parameter of each gr.Column().
  • If one column has scale=4 and the second column has scale=1, then the first column takes up 4/5 of the total width, and the second column takes up 1/5 of the total width.
  • The gr.Accordion() can show/hide the app options with a mouse click.
  • Set open=True to show the contents of the Accordion by default, or False to hide it by default.
with gr.Blocks() as demo:gr.Markdown("# Image Generation with Stable Diffusion")with gr.Row():with gr.Column(scale=4):prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Your prompt") #Give prompt some real estatewith gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=50):btn = gr.Button("Submit") #Submit button side by side!with gr.Accordion("Advanced options", open=False): #Let's hide the advanced options!negative_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Negative prompt")with gr.Row():with gr.Column():steps = gr.Slider(label="Inference Steps", minimum=1, maximum=100, value=25,info="In many steps will the denoiser denoise the image?")guidance = gr.Slider(label="Guidance Scale", minimum=1, maximum=20, value=7,info="Controls how much the text prompt influences the result")with gr.Column():width = gr.Slider(label="Width", minimum=64, maximum=512, step=64, value=512)height = gr.Slider(label="Height", minimum=64, maximum=512, step=64, value=512)output = gr.Image(label="Result") #Move the output up toobtn.click(fn=generate, inputs=[prompt,negative_prompt,steps,guidance,width,height], outputs=[output])gr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT4']))



L4: Describe-and-Generate game 🖍️

Construct a game app


import os
import io
from IPython.display import Image, display, HTML
from PIL import Image
import base64 from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # read local .env file
hf_api_key = os.environ['HF_API_KEY']
#### Helper function
import requests, json#Here we are going to call multiple endpoints!
def get_completion(inputs, parameters=None, ENDPOINT_URL=""):headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_api_key}","Content-Type": "application/json"}   data = { "inputs": inputs }if parameters is not None:data.update({"parameters": parameters})response = requests.request("POST",ENDPOINT_URL,headers=headers,data=json.dumps(data))return json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8"))

Building your game with gr.Blocks()

#Bringing the functions from lessons 3 and 4!
def image_to_base64_str(pil_image):byte_arr = io.BytesIO()pil_image.save(byte_arr, format='PNG')byte_arr = byte_arr.getvalue()return str(base64.b64encode(byte_arr).decode('utf-8'))def base64_to_pil(img_base64):base64_decoded = base64.b64decode(img_base64)byte_stream = io.BytesIO(base64_decoded)pil_image = Image.open(byte_stream)return pil_imagedef captioner(image):base64_image = image_to_base64_str(image)result = get_completion(base64_image, None, ITT_ENDPOINT)return result[0]['generated_text']def generate(prompt):output = get_completion(prompt, None, TTI_ENDPOINT)result_image = base64_to_pil(output)return result_image

First attempt, just captioning

import gradio as gr 
with gr.Blocks() as demo:gr.Markdown("# Describe-and-Generate game 🖍️")image_upload = gr.Image(label="Your first image",type="pil")btn_caption = gr.Button("Generate caption")caption = gr.Textbox(label="Generated caption")btn_caption.click(fn=captioner, inputs=[image_upload], outputs=[caption])gr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT1']))



Let’s add generation

with gr.Blocks() as demo:gr.Markdown("# Describe-and-Generate game 🖍️")image_upload = gr.Image(label="Your first image",type="pil")btn_caption = gr.Button("Generate caption")caption = gr.Textbox(label="Generated caption")btn_image = gr.Button("Generate image")image_output = gr.Image(label="Generated Image")btn_caption.click(fn=captioner, inputs=[image_upload], outputs=[caption])btn_image.click(fn=generate, inputs=[caption], outputs=[image_output])gr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT2']))



Doing it all at once

def caption_and_generate(image):caption = captioner(image)image = generate(caption)return [caption, image]with gr.Blocks() as demo:gr.Markdown("# Describe-and-Generate game 🖍️")image_upload = gr.Image(label="Your first image",type="pil")btn_all = gr.Button("Caption and generate")caption = gr.Textbox(label="Generated caption")image_output = gr.Image(label="Generated Image")btn_all.click(fn=caption_and_generate, inputs=[image_upload], outputs=[caption, image_output])gr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT3']))



L5: Chat with any LLM! 💬

import os
import io
import IPython.display
from PIL import Image
import base64 
import requests 
requests.adapters.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # read local .env file
hf_api_key = os.environ['HF_API_KEY']
# Helper function
import requests, json
from text_generation import Client#FalcomLM-instruct endpoint on the text_generation library
client = Client(os.environ['HF_API_FALCOM_BASE'], headers={"Authorization": f"Basic {hf_api_key}"}, timeout=120)

Building an app to chat with any LLM

Here we’ll be using an Inference Endpoint for falcon-40b-instruct , the best ranking open source LLM on the 🤗 Open LLM Leaderboard.

prompt = "Has math been invented or discovered?"
client.generate(prompt, max_new_tokens=256).generated_text


'\nMath has been both invented and discovered. It is a human invention in the sense that it is a system of rules and concepts that we have created to help us understand the world around us. However, it is also a discovery in the sense that it is a fundamental aspect of the universe that we have uncovered through our observations and experiments.'
#Back to Lesson 2, time flies!
import gradio as gr
def generate(input, slider):output = client.generate(input, max_new_tokens=slider).generated_textreturn outputdemo = gr.Interface(fn=generate, inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Prompt"), gr.Slider(label="Max new tokens", value=20,  maximum=1024, minimum=1)], outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Completion")])gr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT1']))




  • gr.Chatbot() allows you to save the chat history (between the user and the LLM) as well as display the dialogue in the app.

  • Define your fn to take in a gr.Chatbot() object.

    • Within your defined fn function, append a tuple (or a list) containing the user message and the LLM’s response:
      chatbot_object.append( (user_message, llm_message) )
  • Include the chatbot object in both the inputs and the outputs of the app.

import randomdef respond(message, chat_history):#No LLM here, just respond with a random pre-made messagebot_message = random.choice(["Tell me more about it", "Cool, but I'm not interested", "Hmmmm, ok then"]) chat_history.append((message, bot_message))return "", chat_historywith gr.Blocks() as demo:chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=240) #just to fit the notebookmsg = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt")	btn = gr.Button("Submit")clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[msg, chatbot], value="Clear console")btn.click(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot], outputs=[msg, chatbot])msg.submit(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot], outputs=[msg, chatbot]) #Press enter to submitgr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT2']))



Format the prompt with the chat history

  • You can iterate through the chatbot object with a for loop.
  • Each item is a tuple containing the user message and the LLM’s message.
for turn in chat_history:user_msg, bot_msg = turn...
def format_chat_prompt(message, chat_history):prompt = ""for turn in chat_history:user_message, bot_message = turnprompt = f"{prompt}\nUser: {user_message}\nAssistant: {bot_message}"prompt = f"{prompt}\nUser: {message}\nAssistant:"return promptdef respond(message, chat_history):formatted_prompt = format_chat_prompt(message, chat_history)bot_message = client.generate(formatted_prompt,max_new_tokens=1024,stop_sequences=["\nUser:", "<|endoftext|>"]).generated_textchat_history.append((message, bot_message))return "", chat_historywith gr.Blocks() as demo:chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=240) #just to fit the notebookmsg = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt")btn = gr.Button("Submit")clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[msg, chatbot], value="Clear console")btn.click(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot], outputs=[msg, chatbot])msg.submit(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot], outputs=[msg, chatbot]) #Press enter to submitgr.close_all()
demo.launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT3']))

Adding other advanced features

def format_chat_prompt(message, chat_history, instruction):prompt = f"System:{instruction}"for turn in chat_history:user_message, bot_message = turnprompt = f"{prompt}\nUser: {user_message}\nAssistant: {bot_message}"prompt = f"{prompt}\nUser: {message}\nAssistant:"return prompt


  • If your LLM can provide its tokens one at a time in a stream, you can accumulate those tokens in the chatbot object.
  • The for loop in the following function goes through all the tokens that are in the stream and appends them to the most recent conversational turn in the chatbot’s message history.
def respond(message, chat_history, instruction, temperature=0.7):prompt = format_chat_prompt(message, chat_history, instruction)chat_history = chat_history + [[message, ""]]stream = client.generate_stream(prompt,max_new_tokens=1024,stop_sequences=["\nUser:", "<|endoftext|>"],temperature=temperature)#stop_sequences to not generate the user answeracc_text = ""#Streaming the tokensfor idx, response in enumerate(stream):text_token = response.token.textif response.details:returnif idx == 0 and text_token.startswith(" "):text_token = text_token[1:]acc_text += text_tokenlast_turn = list(chat_history.pop(-1))last_turn[-1] += acc_textchat_history = chat_history + [last_turn]yield "", chat_historyacc_text = ""
with gr.Blocks() as demo:chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=240) #just to fit the notebookmsg = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt")with gr.Accordion(label="Advanced options",open=False):system = gr.Textbox(label="System message", lines=2, value="A conversation between a user and an LLM-based AI assistant. The assistant gives helpful and honest answers.")temperature = gr.Slider(label="temperature", minimum=0.1, maximum=1, value=0.7, step=0.1)btn = gr.Button("Submit")clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[msg, chatbot], value="Clear console")btn.click(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot, system], outputs=[msg, chatbot])msg.submit(respond, inputs=[msg, chatbot, system], outputs=[msg, chatbot]) #Press enter to submitgr.close_all()
demo.queue().launch(share=True, server_port=int(os.environ['PORT4']))    



Notice, in the cell above, you have used demo.queue().launch() instead of demo.launch(). “queue” helps you to boost up the performance for your demo. You can read setting up a demo for maximum performance for more details.



这篇关于使用Gradio构建大模型应用:Building Generative AI Applications with Gradio的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




Ilya(不是本人,claude AI)在社交媒体上分享了他在OpenAI学习到的15个Prompt撰写技巧。 以下是详细的内容: 提示精确化:在编写提示时,力求表达清晰准确。清楚地阐述任务需求和概念定义至关重要。例:不用"分析文本",而用"判断这段话的情感倾向:积极、消极还是中性"。 快速迭代:善于快速连续调整提示。熟练的提示工程师能够灵活地进行多轮优化。例:从"总结文章"到"用


在科技飞速发展的今天,AI绘图作为一种新兴技术,不仅改变了艺术创作的方式,也为创作者提供了多种变现途径。本文将详细探讨几种常见的AI绘图变现方式,帮助创作者更好地利用这一技术实现经济收益。 更多实操教程和AI绘画工具,可以扫描下方,免费获取 定制服务:个性化的创意商机 个性化定制 AI绘图技术能够根据用户需求生成个性化的头像、壁纸、插画等作品。例如,姓氏头像在电商平台上非常受欢迎,




知识星球:https://articles.zsxq.com/id_fxvgc803qmr2.html 目录 一.定义: 精确模式(默认模式): 全模式: 搜索引擎模式: paddle 模式(基于深度学习的分词模式): 二 自定义词典 三.文本解析   调整词出现的频率 四. 关键词提取 A. 基于TF-IDF算法的关键词提取 B. 基于TextRank算法的关键词提取


在当今社会,随着科技的飞速发展,各种智能监测系统已成为保障公共安全、促进资源管理和环境保护的重要工具。其中,水位雨量在线监测系统作为自然灾害预警、水资源管理及水利工程运行的关键技术,其重要性不言而喻。 一、水位雨量在线监测系统的基本原理 水位雨量在线监测系统主要由数据采集单元、数据传输网络、数据处理中心及用户终端四大部分构成,形成了一个完整的闭环系统。 数据采集单元:这是系统的“眼睛”,


1)需求: NameNode进程挂了并且存储的数据也丢失了,如何恢复NameNode 此种方式恢复的数据可能存在小部分数据的丢失。 2)故障模拟 (1)kill -9 NameNode进程 [lytfly@hadoop102 current]$ kill -9 19886 (2)删除NameNode存储的数据(/opt/module/hadoop-3.1.4/data/tmp/dfs/na


一、压缩原则 (1)运算密集型的Job,少用压缩 (2)IO密集型的Job,多用压缩 二、压缩算法比较 三、压缩位置选择 四、压缩参数配置 1)为了支持多种压缩/解压缩算法,Hadoop引入了编码/解码器 2)要在Hadoop中启用压缩,可以配置如下参数


文章目录 规则makefile文件的基本语法:加在命令前的特殊符号:.PHONY伪目标: Makefilev1 直观写法v2 加上中间过程v3 伪目标v4 变量 make 选项-f-n-C Make 是一种流行的构建工具,常用于将源代码转换成可执行文件或者其他形式的输出文件(如库文件、文档等)。Make 可以自动化地执行编译、链接等一系列操作。 规则 makefile文件


在数字时代的演进中,Web3和人工智能(AI)正成为塑造未来互联网的两大核心力量。Web3的去中心化理念与AI的智能化技术,正相互交织,共同推动数字生态的变革。本文将探讨Web3与AI的融合如何改变数字世界,并展望这一新兴组合如何重塑我们的在线体验。 Web3的去中心化愿景 Web3代表了互联网的第三代发展,它基于去中心化的区块链技术,旨在创建一个开放、透明且用户主导的数字生态。不同于传统

AI一键生成 PPT

AI一键生成 PPT 操作步骤 作为一名打工人,是不是经常需要制作各种PPT来分享我的生活和想法。但是,你们知道,有时候灵感来了,时间却不够用了!😩直到我发现了Kimi AI——一个能够自动生成PPT的神奇助手!🌟 什么是Kimi? 一款月之暗面科技有限公司开发的AI办公工具,帮助用户快速生成高质量的演示文稿。 无论你是职场人士、学生还是教师,Kimi都能够为你的办公文