infoq 读书笔记-Resilience in Deep Systems

2024-05-28 00:52

本文主要是介绍infoq 读书笔记-Resilience in Deep Systems,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1.Service granularity Don’t go with the hype; correspond to a real business capability. When designing complex applications using microservice architecture,we’re looking to define a set of
cohesive and loosely-coupled services.

we found that defining microservices that correspond to a real business capability will result in a sane amount of selfcontained pieces of business functionality. Those pieces can still be very cohesive, loosely
coupled, scale well, be testable, built, and owned by a small enough team.

2.Sharing data - safe and consistent Be Aware: The worst monolith you can have is a distributed monolith.
However, using synchronous communications, like REST, across the entire deep system makes the various components in the chain very tightly coupled to each other. It creates an increased dependency on the network’s reliability.

In reality, we found that such a deep system behaves more like a monolith, or more precisely a distributed monolith, which prevents the full benefits of microservices from being enjoyed.

Using an asynchronous, event-driven architecture enables your microservices to publish fresh data updates to other microservices.
However, by using “push” instead of “pull,” the system can handle data updates in almost real-time and dispose of all that overhead.

3.Distributed storytelling Don’t lose sight of the flow of events; increase observability. Observability isn’t just knowing that a problem is happening, but knowing why it is happening.
The growing amount of microservices layers and their logged data is challenging for both R&D teams and business analysts.

At that point, ask yourself: how can a dashboard or a log trace tell a story?

a.Correlation ID/Trace ID
b.Distributed tracing
c.Monitor workflow automation

这篇关于infoq 读书笔记-Resilience in Deep Systems的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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这篇博客记录了书中《第3章:创建型模式》里的要点。 介绍 创建型设计模式抽象了实例化过程。 在这些模式中有两个不断出现的主旋律: 他们都将关于该系统使用哪些具体的类的信息封装起来。他们隐藏了这些类的实例是如何被创建和放在一起的。 整个系统关于这些对象所知道的是由抽象类所定义的接口。因此,创建型模式在什么被创建、谁创建它、它是怎样被创建的,以及何时被创建等方面给予你很大的灵活性。 下面将这


第8章:注重实效的项目 随着项目开动,我们需要从个体的哲学与编码问题,转向为项目级别的问题。 本章将讨论影响项目成败的几个关键区域。 41《注重实效的团队》 本书在先前讨论了帮助程序员个体更好的方法,这些方法对团队也有效。 下面将针对团队,来重述前面部分章节。 不要留破窗户。团队不应该容忍那些小小的、无人修正的不完美。煮青蛙。团队更容易被煮熟,因为每个人都觉得别人会在监视环境的变化。交流


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