原文:http://mattwarren.org/2018/06/07/CoreRT-.NET-Runtime-for-AOT/ 版权归原作者所有 Firstly, what exactly is CoreRT? From its GitHub repo: .. a .NET Core runtime optimized for AOT (ahead of time compilat
public a as long =9977public function add(a as long,b as long) as longadd=a+bend function VB.NET用AOT编绎成独立EXE,只能生成无函数的dll(默认有个DotNetRuntimeDebugHeader),无法导出自有模块或类中的API EXPORT动态库 (AOT只能生成64位EXE和DLL,可以
art aot This has been a bit slow coming, but I am now sticking to my promise to write a Behind the paper post for each of my published academic papers. This is about: 来的有点慢,但是我现在仍然信守诺言,为我发表的每篇学术论文写一