
【HDU】4960 Another OCD Patient 【DP】

传送门:【HDU】4960 Another OCD Patient 题目分析:比赛的时候写的太乱了,本来不需要合并的地方也合并了,现在重新改了改倒是清爽多了,顺便贴一下。 由于题目需要我们将原数组变成回文串,所以我们可以一开始就将原数组中必须合并的先合并了。那么什么是必须合并的呢?注意到左右对称,所以我们可以将左端的数相加正好等于右端的左右两个块分别合并(一定这样得到的是极小块),怎么相

android NDK开发中,用Cygwin调试本地代码时报错“Another debug session running,Use --force to kill it”原因及解决办法

在使用ndk-gdb调试的时候,执行$NDK/ndk-gdb --verbose报错“Another debug session running,Use --force to kill it”。      我查了NDK官方文档,是这样说的:        --force: By default, ndk-gdb aborts if it finds that another nati

ubuntu进行apt-get时候出现Package libpcre3-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package 错误

Package libpcre3-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package 这个问题的原因是ubuntu的/etc/apt/source.list中的源比较旧了,需要更新一下,更新方法: $ sudo apt-get -y update 更新完毕之后,在使用apt-get就没有问题了。

【矩阵快速幂】UVA 10698 G - Yet another Number Sequence

【题目链接】click here~~ 【题目大意】 Let's define another number sequence, given by the following function: f(0) = a f(1) = b f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2), n > 1 When a = 0 and b = 1, this sequence gives the

Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...

Linux安装Redis依赖遇到的问题 Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit… 解决办法 sudo rm -f /var/run/ sudo: 以超级用户(root)的权限执行后续命令。某些操作需要管理员权限才能执行,因此需要使用 sudo。rm: Linux/Unix

FZU1753 Another Easy Problem【组合数】

题目链接: 题目大意: 给你 T 个组合数 C(N,K),求这 T 个组合数的最大公约数。 解题思路: 将组合数用 素因子分解的形式来表示。然后求出每个素因子在公约数中最小的阶, 相乘得到答案。 AC代码: #include<iostream>#include<algor

D. Yet Another Minimization Problem(dp,数学公式推导)

You are given two arrays aa and bb, both of length nn. You can perform the following operation any number of times (possibly zero): select an index ii (1≤i≤n1≤i≤n) and swap aiai and bibi. Let's defi

MySQL错误Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket

前提:突然停电再来电后,服务器的mysql无法重新自启动,人工启动后发生如下问题:   查看数据库是否启动: /etc/init.d/mysqld status  启动数据库:       service mysqld start  出现错误:Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket.  解决办法:

UVA - 11490 Just Another Problem (因数分解)

There is a wise saying “Nothingis unfair in love and war”. Probably that is why emperors of ancient days usedto use many funny and clever tricks to fool the opponents. The most commontechnique was

UESTC 360(1425) another LCIS

这道题是CD老OJ上面的一道题,现在在新OJ上的题号是360,开始在VJ上做的提交一直RE(囧)。后来才知道OJ移位了。 这道题是一个简单的成段更新+区间合并的线段树的题,1A还让我小激动了一下 这道题的大概意思是有两种操作,一种是成段地增加一个值,另外一种是询问从l到r这段区间内的最长递增子序列 首先先分析一下,如果某一段的值成段地增加一个量,那么该区间内的数的相对大小是不变的,因此递增子

安装oracle 11g 监听器netca 提示 use another port number the information provided。。。

启动netca时,安装到配置端口时提示: 1.use another port number: the information provided for this listener is currently in use by another listener on this computer. re-enter different information 处理步骤: 1.   fi

解决 windows 文件被占用的问题 -- The action can‘t be completed because the folder is open in another program

问题 今天要删一个文件但是删不掉,一直提示我文件被占用: The action can’t be completed because the folder is open in another program 真的烦,想删还不能删,淦 虽然重启可以解决这个问题,但是我不服,我就是要看看哪个孙子干这事 解决方法 打开 windows 资源管理器 – Resource Monitor

Redis可视化工具:Another Redis Desktop Manager下载安装使用

1.Github下载 github下载地址: Releases · qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager · GitHub 2. 安装 直接双击exe文件进行安装 3. 连接Redis服务 先启动Redis服务,具体启动过程可参考: Windows安装并启动Redis服务端(zip包)( Windows安装并启动Redis服务端(zip包)-

dpkg: status database area is locked by another process 解决方法

解决办法:sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock 或者:rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock

矩阵十题【四】 HDU 3306 Another kind of Fibonacci

题目链接: 题目大意:A(0) = 1 , A(1) = 1 , A(N) = X * A(N - 1) + Y * A(N - 2) (N >= 2);给定三个值N,X,Y求S(N):S(N) = A(0)^2 +A(1)^2+……+A(n)^2。  学了这几题,还是不太很懂,后来看题解,渐渐也是懂了

hdu4474 Yet Another Multiple Problem

Yet Another Multiple Problem Description There are tons of problems about integer multiples. Despite the fact that the topic is not original, the content is highly challenging. That’s why we

【Centos7 】Centos7yum报错:another app is currently holding the yum lock;解决方案

Centos7 yum报错:another app is currently holding the yum lock;waiting for it to exit 大家好 我是寸铁👊 总结了一篇Centos7 yum报错:another app is currently holding the yum lock;waiting for it to exit✨ 喜欢的小伙伴可以点点关注 💝

Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket.

mysql 由于非正常关机,比如断电或者人为因素导致 的数据库不能启动的问题   [ root@localhost  ~]# service mysqld start Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket. Starting mysqld:

Another Permutation Problem 题解

十七、Another Permutation Problem Another Permutation Problem 根据公式可推出,正序的一定在所有排列中最大,逆序一定最小,证明如下: 注:这里的 i 1 , i 2 相当于 1 , 2 i_1, i_2相当于1, 2 i1​,i2​相当于1,2 对正序排列求取当前元素乘下标: i 1 2 + i 2 2 + . . . + i n 2

Codeforces Round #589 (Div. 2) E. Another Filling the Grid(容斥+DP)

题目链接:   题目大意:一个n*n的正方形,每个格子能填1~k的数字,问每一行每一列至少有一个1的方案有几种   题目思路: 法一: 容斥,如果行和列一起容斥会很难,所以直接先保证列肯定全有,对行进行容斥,首先是所有列都有1的所有情况,第一列有1的情况就是,随便取-取不到1的方案数就是至少有一个1

RuntimeError: Attempted to send CUDA tensor received from another process

训练模型时报错: RuntimeError: Attempted to send CUDA tensor received from another process; this is not currently supported. Consider cloning before sending. 翻译:RuntimeError:尝试发送从其他进程接收的 CUDA 张量;目前不支持此

CF1228E. Another Filling the Grid(容斥原理+排列组合)

You have ?×? square grid and an integer ?. Put an integer in each cell while satisfying the conditions below. All numbers in the grid should be between 1 and ? inclusive. Minimum number of the ?-th r

软件随想录(年10月25日 另一种似乎行不通的商业模式 - Another Business Model That Doesn't

2000年10月25日 另一种似乎行不通的商业模式 - Another Business Model That Doesn't Seem to Work     The Joel on Software Translation Project:另一种似乎行不通的商业模式 From The Joel on Software Translation Project Jump to: n

Gym 102419 I Another Query Problem —— 线段树

This way 题意: 现在有n个操作,有两种操作: 1 l r 查看l-r区间所有数是否相同 2 l r a b 区间l-r第i个位置加上a+(i-l)*b 题解: 这种题目遇到好几次了,估计下次就懒得写题解。首先区间问题考虑线段树,但是无法直接更新,因为值会随位置变化而变化,怎么解决这个问题,可以在第i个位置上维护 a i − a i − 1 a_i-a_{i-1} ai​−ai−1

Codeforces Round 840 (Div. 2) C. Another Array Problem

题目 思路: #include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define int long long#define pb push_back#define fi first#define se second#define lson p << 1#define rson p << 1 | 1const int maxn =

cf Educational Codeforces Round 80 B. Yet Another Meme Problem

原题: B. Yet Another Meme Problem time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Try guessing the statement from this picture http://tiny.