Vector3 三维向量 Struct Representation of 3D vectors and points. 表示3D的向量和点。 This structure is used throughout Unity to pass 3D positions and directions around. It also contains functions for doin
The new operator is also used to invoke the constructor for value types. Value-type objects such as structs are created on the stack. —— C# new operator This is not like Java. In C#, you can ne
教程中(BeatPlane,背景下移)看到用下面这个语句,表示的意思是让对象向下,以moveSpeed 单位/s的速度平移,研究了一下为什么: // Update is called once per framevoid Update () {this.transform.Translate(Vector3.down * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);} 首先API
Dot函数经常被用在方位判断,放上代码和结果。 using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.UI;//UTF8 说明public class dottest : MonoBehaviour{[SerializeField] Text txtSh