
mysql Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

一、现场情况 sql:insert into a ...... 数据库隔离级别:read-committed 表a有唯一索引 二、死锁发生的4个必要条件 1、互斥条件(Mutual Exclusion):资源独享 2、占有并等待条件(Hold and Wait):占有资源并等待其他资源 3、非抢占条件(No Preemption):占有的资源不可以被剥夺,只能主动释放 4、循环等待

Trying to update a textarea with string from an OpenAI request

题意:把从 OpenAI 请求中得到的字符串更新到一个文本区域中。 问题背景: Can anyone assist me with an issue I'm facing. I'm trying to append a string received back from an OpenAI request to an exisitng textarea element. The req

20201016-MYSQL死锁问题分析Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction

问题描述: 测试环境中财务服务对RabbitMQ消息进行消费时,出现异常 Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLTransactionRollbackException: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction 原因分析: 从上面截图可以看出

java.lang.RuntimeException: Canvas: trying to use a recycled bitmap

错误提示如题 具体错误内容如下: 08-10 12:21:00.370: E/InputEventReceiver(16613): Exception dispatching input event.08-10 12:21:00.370: E/MessageQueue-JNI(16613): Exception in MessageQueue callback: handleReceiv

You are trying to run the Python 2 version of Beautiful Soup under Python 3. This will not work

但是在IDLE中import bs4时,会出现:Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>    import bs4  File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\bs4\__in

conda新建环境报错An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.

conda新建环境报错如下 cat .condarc #将 .condarc文件中的内容删除,改成下面的内容 vi .condarc channels:- defaultsshow_channel_urls: truedefault_channels:- https://m

Python报错You are trying to merge on object and int64 columns.

代码截取 result= pd.read_excel('D:/1日常工作内容/每日销售开发业绩(Python)/20200302/配置信息/ebay.xlsx')result_saleid = pd.read_csv('D:/1日常工作内容/每日销售开发业绩(Python)/20200302/配置信息/ID.csv',encoding='gbk')result_id=result

Oracle 9i 升级中的bug-- Sys.Cdc_alter_ctable_before ORA-04020 deadlock detected while trying to lock obj

在将数据库从9.2.0.6 升级到 的过程中,执行utlrp.sql 脚本时,遇到了Oracle 的一个bug。 Oracle 的说法是:   Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later   [Release: 9.2 and later ] Information in this doc

flutter Got socket error trying to find package nested at

flutter Got socket error trying to find package nested at xxx 报错信息:“Got socket error trying to find package nested at” 通常出现在Flutter尝试从pub.dev获取依赖包时,由于网络问题导致无法连接到pub.dev或者无法正确解析包的路径。 例如: 供给器Provider

Lattice FPGA 使用指南1 - clarity designer出现ERROR – Error trying to create component 错误的解决办法

ERROR – Error trying to create component 信息如下: 若工具联网,则工具会自动检查更新,有更新时,在Software Updae Center,会给出更新连接。 解决方法, 点击Software Updae Center给出的最新版本链接更新工具。更新后如下: 重新配置IP,发现问题已解决。

如何通过pandas.apply进行整列和整行计算,以及如何处理A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.错误

df[['星期日']].apply(lambda x:time_diff(x),axis = 0) #axis = 0 将每列数据传入,axis = 1将每行数据传入 #df[['星期日']].apply(time_diff,axis = 0) #axis = 0 将每列数据传入,axis = 1将每行数据传入#df.apply(time_diff,axis = 1) #axis = 0 将每

error “You‘re trying to build PyTorch with a too old version of GCC. We need GCC 5 or later.解决方案

大家好,我是爱编程的喵喵。双985硕士毕业,现担任全栈工程师一职,热衷于将数据思维应用到工作与生活中。从事机器学习以及相关的前后端开发工作。曾在阿里云、科大讯飞、CCF等比赛获得多次Top名次。现为CSDN博客专家、人工智能领域优质创作者。喜欢通过博客创作的方式对所学的知识进行总结与归纳,不仅形成深入且独到的理解,而且能够帮助新手快速入门。   本文主要介绍了error "You’re tr

【无标题】You can set innodb_force_recovery=1 in my.cnf to force InnoDB: a startup if you are trying to r

在配置主从之前,可以正常启动,添加复制参数后,无法启动。 注意参数:添加前和添加后不一至 innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:200M;ibdata2:200M;ibdata3:200M;ibdata4:200M:autoextend:max:5G innodb_temp_data_file_path =ibtmp1:200M;ibtmp2:200M;ibtmp3:20

RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time but the buffers have already been f

RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already been freed 遇到过几次这个报错了,这几天把backward和autograd给看了几遍,终于摸着点门道 首先要知道,为什么会报这个错,这个错翻译成白话文就是说:当我们第二次backward的时候,

【已解决】RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tens

问题描述 Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/home/sysu/qfy/project/GCL/GCL/", line 281, in <module>     main(args)   File "/home/sysu/qfy/project/GCL/GCL/", line 200, in main

通过yarn提交任务出现Failed while trying to construct the redirect url to the log server. Log Server url may

1、在通过yarn-client模式提交任务时,打开http://master:8088/网页出现如下错误: Failed while trying to construct the redirect url to the log server. Log Server url may not be configuredjava.lang.Exception: Unknown container

ValueError: You are trying to merge on datetime64[ns] and object columns. If you wish to proceed you

问题 python读取的csv文件的某一列是时间,把datetime列转换为datetime类型。 问题示例 —情景:按时间索引ts,用merge横向合并两个dataframe,报错: ValueError: You are trying to merge on datetime64[ns] and object columns. If you wish to proceed you sh

Django 死锁 Deadlock found where trying to get lock, try restarting tracsaction

Django 死锁 mysql死锁问题参考链接: 情况一 在创建完一条数据后,对此条数据的多对多键和外键进行设置时产生 如下: tree_qs = Tree.objects.filter(id__in=list_tree_ids)for name in list_name:asset = Asset.o

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame 解决方案

1、当需要对dataFrame迭代赋值时,会产生上述错误,可采用下列方式 for i in[i,'columsname'] = 'abc' 2、字符格式化问题 对某一列formata['lon'].astype(float).map('{:.1f}'.format)保存时format 保留三位all_mix.to_csv(

Docker“Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket“问题

错误现象 : Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/create?fromImage=mongo&tag=latest

python报错A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice

加入.copy()即可避免该报错提示 原代码: df5=df4.drop_duplicates()print(df5.shape)df5['班型中文名称']=df5['班型名称']+'-A'print(df5.head()) 输出结果: 修改后代码: df5=df4.drop_duplicates().copy()print(df5.shape)df5['班型中文名称'

python报错A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice

加入.copy()即可避免该报错提示 原代码: df5=df4.drop_duplicates()print(df5.shape)df5['班型中文名称']=df5['班型名称']+'-A'print(df5.head()) 输出结果: 修改后代码: df5=df4.drop_duplicates().copy()print(df5.shape)df5['班型中文名称'

解决(error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs.问题~

该问题出现在我在使用shutdown关闭redis服务器时,出现该问题的原因是由于配置文件的日志文件位置未配置或者缺少日志文件 我自己出现该问题是因为缺少日志文件,解决步骤如下所示: 第一步:在该目录下使用touch命令创建日志文件 第二步:将日志文件配置到redis.conf中 配置完成后需要重启服务器

Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12154 解决方案

oracle/ora92/network/admin/tnsnames.ora,属性/安全/添加Net service用户的"读取和运行"权限即可. 感谢:

centos 6.4编译busybox报错 Trying libraries: crypt m

编译选项选择了 build busybox as a static binary (no shared libs)时 错误提示:Trying libraries: crypt m Failed: -Wl,--start-group  -lcrypt -lm  -Wl,--end-group 解决办法 安装glibc-static yum install glibc-static

Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undef

UNITY运行时报错Objects are trying to be loaded during a domain backup. This is not allowed as it will lead to undefined behaviour! 解决方法是关闭在编辑器中打开的SHADER GRAPH窗口