介绍:Shiny 是一个开源 R 包,它提供了一个优雅而强大的 Web 框架,用于使用 R 构建 Web 应用程序。Shiny 可以帮助您将分析转变为交互式 Web 应用程序,而无需 HTML、CSS 或 JavaScript 知识。 # download R packagepkgtest <- function(x){if(x %in% rownames(installed.packages
程序代码: library(shiny)library(dplyr)library(plotly)library(readxl)library(DT)# we read and prepare the data in the same way as in a normal scriptdataFromBO <-read_xlsx(path = "Book2.xlsx",sheet =
程序代码: library(shiny)library(dplyr)library(plotly)library(readxl)library(DT)# we read and prepare the data in the same way as in a normal scriptdataFromBO <-read_xlsx(path = "Book2.xlsx",sheet =