2024年4月19日,美国西北大学 John A. Rogers和中国科学技术大学吕頔(Di Lu)团队,在《Science Advances》上发布了一篇题为“Bioresorbable, wireless, passive sensors for continuous pH measurements and early detection of gastric leakage”的论文。论文
编者按 在本月 MS 文章精选中,我们梳理了顶刊 Management Science 三月份发布有关OR/OM/FE以及相关应用的文章基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察行业/学界最新动态。本文为第二部分(2/2)。 推荐文章1 ● 题目:How Much Can Machines Learn Finance from Chinese Text Data? 机器能在多大程度上从中文文
在ZeroMQ的Basic guide里看到这么一句话,挺有感觉,摘录下来: Programming is a science dressed up as art, because most of us don't understand the physics of software, and it's rarely if ever taught. The physics of sof
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