接着上一篇的tty线路规程,这一篇主要说明tty最主要的数据结构tty_driver 1、tty_driver 我认为tty_driver结构体是tty终端设备的根本,他连接了设备和驱动,而且,特定tty设备驱动的主体工作就是填充tty_driver结构体中的成员,实现其中的成员函数,tty_driver结构体如下: struct tty_driver { int magic; /* m
1、OVERVIEW The 6410 is equipped with an internal SRAM buffer called ‘Steppingstone’. Generally, the boot code will copy NAND flash content to SDRAM. Using hardware ECC, the NAND flash data validity w
ADC & TOUCHSCREEN INTERFACE AD转化和触摸屏接口 1、OVERVIEW The 10-bit/12-bitCMOS ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) is a recycling type device with8-channel analog inputs. It converts the analog input si