
Playmaker random Bug

1.Play random audio ,random event is often make mistake. 2.Play random audio will create a One shot audio in scene which is unidentified .

Playmaker Activate and send event

1.Activate a gameObect 2.the GameObject that have events to Execute in sequence 3.When send a Event to the GameObject that is Disactivate,It take place mistakes. Problem;what's the internal prin

Playmaker 如何让设计人员也能用

Playmaker 状态机,State,Action,Event,variables.如何在这四个要素组建一个封装的功能模块,像垒积木一样,凭想象创造就够了。 Playmaker并不简单,非程序人员还需更多综合素质,数学,Unity3d游戏编程基础。 最终目的:框架,积木模块,设计思路。 问题:如何做到。

Playmaker edit Actions parameters at runtime

Solution: 1.set  Fsm variables ,by object of Action type 2.A new Action accessing the Action to edit the parameters at runtime 3. By writing special script


PlayMaker是由第三方软件开发商Hotong Games开发完成 它既是一个可视化脚本工具,又是一个分层逻辑框架 设计师、程序员使用PlayMaker能够很快的完成游戏原型动作,既适合独立开发者,又特别适合团队合作   首先先来介绍下PlayMaker的编辑视图 其由FSM、State、Events、Variables四个窗口组成 State视图:可以编辑、添加场景状态