Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities 论文链接 代码链接 摘要 由于大语言模型(LLM)中可能存在一些过时的、不适当的和错误的信息,所以有必要纠正模型中的相关信息。如何高效地修改模型中的相关信息而不影响无关的信息,是模型编辑方法试图解决的问题。本篇文章对大语言模型上的模型编辑方法(model e
On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models- TECHNOLOGY 目录 TECHNOLOGYModelingExpressivityScalabilityMultimodalityMemoryCompositionalitySummary TrainingGoals of training objectivesDesign tr
目录 introductionSocial impact and the foundation models ecosystemThe future of foundation modelsOverview of this reportOverview of capabilitiesOverview of applications.Overview of technologyOverview
【论文阅读】EasyEdit:Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities 文章目录 【论文阅读】EasyEdit:Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities续7. 相关工作7.1 llm知识7.2 终身学习和
Information Fusion 2019 文章目录 Abstract1. Introduction2. Challenges in data integration for biology and medicine3. Conceptual organization of methods for data integration4. Focus of this Review5.
Opportunities and challenges in the use of personal health data for health research 论文笔记 以下是我阅读过程中的一些笔记,希望能帮助大家理解文章。 文章目录 *Opportunities and challenges in the use of personal health data for healt