私有的framework加入资源中之后,打包报错 Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 1918975009 in xCode 6 I archived my project to send out as an ad hoc build and it builds/links/archives just fine but when I'm i
来源:专知本文1000字,建议阅读5分钟TransPHLA设计了Transformer衍生模型来预测pHLA的结合。 近日,国际知名期刊《Nature Machine Intelligence》在线发表了上海交通大学生命科学技术学院魏冬青团队的研究论文《A transformer-based model to predict peptide–HLA class I binding and o
论文标题:A transformer-based model to predict peptide–HLA class I binding and optimize mutated peptides for vaccine design 论文地址:A transformer-based model to predict peptide–HLA class I binding and opti