读后感: 今天读了《Experimental Demonstration of Optical Camera Communications Based Indoor Visible Light Positioning System》——基于室内可见光的新型光学摄像头定位实验验证,有感如下: 本文提出图像定位方法根据真实的世界和图像中led的坐标确定Rx的位置,在确定接收端的位置之前要知道LED的坐
粗略翻译,方便快速阅读 abstract Anomalies of the omnipresent earth magnetic (i.e., geomagnetic) field in an indoor environment, caused by local disturbances due to construction materials, give rise to noisy di
论文标题:LISU: Low-light indoor scene understanding with joint learning of reflectance restoration 代码:GitHub - noahzn/LISU: Low-light Indoor Scene Understanding 期刊:ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Re
论文名: Multi-Sensor Fusion for Robust Autonomous Flight in Indoor and Outdoor Environments with a Rotorcraft MAV Abstract 我们提出了一种模块化和可扩展的方法来集成来自多个异构传感器的噪声测量,这些传感器在不同和不同的时间间隔内产生绝对或