题目链接:hdu 4941 Magical Forest 题目大意:给定N,M和K,表示在一个N*M的棋盘上有K个棋子,给出K个棋子的位置和值,然后是Q次操作,对应的是: 1 a b :交换a和b两行2 a b : 交换a和b两列3 a b :查询a b这个位置上棋子的值,没有棋子的话输出0 解题思路:一开始X[i]
题目: Magical Forest Time Limit: 24000/12000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 389 Accepted Submission(s): 186 Problem Description The
1118. Birds in Forest Hash会误将这个当成两棵树,而出现问题。 例如: ① 1 2 3 ② 4 5 6 ③ 3 7 4 #include<iostream>#include<set>using namespace std;const int maxn = 10010;set<int> st;int n, m, k;int fa[maxn], cnt[ma
从头开始构建的50个岩石森林资源集合,充分利用了HDRP。还支持Universal 和Built-In。 支持Unity 2020.3+、高清渲染管线、通用渲染管线、标准渲染管线。导入包后,按照README中的说明进行操作。 Mountain Lake - Rock & Tree Pack是一个由50个准备好的资源组成的集合,从头开始构建,以充分利用高清渲染管道。这些资源经过精心雕刻、纹理化和
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a king. This king owned a small collection of rare and valuable trees, which had been gathered by his ancestors on their travels. To protect his trees