

目前接触比较多的就是通过dialer应用来启动/触发暗码。 也有通过Calculator来实现的。 本文以Dialer为例, 1.经过调试定位,发现拨号盘接对应的Activity为DialtactsActivity。 2.DialtactsActivity中有个showDialpadFragment方法,用来加载显示拨号盘,因为有可能此时拨号盘正处于收缩/隐藏状态。 /*

[LeetCode] 935. Knight Dialer

题:https://leetcode.com/problems/shortest-bridge/description/ 题目 In a given 2D binary array A, there are two islands. (An island is a 4-directionally connected group of 1s not connected to any other

mt2503 [BT dialer v2.1]提示Currently not available

[DESCRIPTION] MT2503BT Dialer执行disconnect操作一直提示Currently not available,除非手机关机。 [SOLUTION] 1. btconnscr.c文件中: static const MMI_bt_dialer_conn_callback_item *mmi_bt_dialer_next_callback_i

leetcode - 935. Knight Dialer

Description The chess knight has a unique movement, it may move two squares vertically and one square horizontally, or two squares horizontally and one square vertically (with both forming the shape