
每周打靶VulnHub靶机-DEATHNOTE_ 1

Deathnote: 1 靶机传送门 don’t waste too much time thinking outside the box . It is a Straight forward box . 不要浪费太多时间跳出框框思考问题。这是一个很直接的盒子 是不是所有线索都在这个盒子里? 1.信息搜集 使用nmap进行域内存活主机扫描发现target machine ,继续扫描


一.环境搭建 1.靶场描述 Level - easyDescription : don't waste too much time thinking outside the box . It is a Straight forward box .This works better with VirtualBox rather than VMware 2.靶场下载 https://