近期,昆山杜克大学在语音旗舰期刊 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP)上发表了一篇题为“Leveraging ASR Pretrained Conformers for Speaker Verification Through Transfer Learning and Knowledge Di
1、wenet模型:WeNet语音识别实战-CSDN博客 git地址:GitHub - wenet-e2e/wenet: Production First and Production Ready End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit 生产应用方式为:使用pytorch训练,使用c++部署。
自动语音识别技术(ASR)在聋哑儿童计算机辅助教学中的开发与应用 RDTE OF CAI FOR THE DEAF&DUMB CHILDREN BASED ON ASR 一、 课题来源及研究的目的和意义; 据有关机构抽样调查,我国有残疾人约6000万,其中聋哑人约有1300万,18岁以下应受教育的聋哑人约达100万,这是一个庞大的弱势群体。他们在学习
语音asr是什么意思 ASR:自动语音识别 (ASR: Automated Speech Recognition) ASR stands for Automated Speech Recognition. With the help of this technology, spoken words can be easily converted to written text. What ac