本文主要是介绍【设计模式】JAVA Design Patterns——Combinator(功能模式),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
简单地说,有一些类型 T,一些用于构造类型 T 的“原始”值的函数,以及一些可以以各种方式组合类型 T 的值以构建更复杂的类型 T 值的“组合器”
在计算机科学中,组合逻辑被用作计算的简化模型,用于可计算性理论和证明理论。 尽管组合逻辑很简单,但它捕获了计算的许多基本特征。
创建一个由not ,or ,and ,contains方法组成的接口
// 用于查找文本中的行的功能界面。
public interface Finder {// 在文本中查找行的函数。List<String> find(String text);// 函数{@link #find(String)}的简单实现。static Finder contains(String word) {return txt -> Stream.of(txt.split("\n")).filter(line -> line.toLowerCase().contains(word.toLowerCase())).collect(Collectors.toList());}// 组合器:not。default Finder not(Finder notFinder) {return txt -> {List<String> res = this.find(txt);res.removeAll(notFinder.find(txt));return res;};}// 组合器:or。default Finder or(Finder orFinder) {return txt -> {List<String> res = this.find(txt);res.addAll(orFinder.find(txt));return res;};}// 组合器:and。default Finder and(Finder andFinder) {returntxt -> this.find(txt).stream().flatMap(line -> andFinder.find(line).stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());}...
, filteredFinder
, specializedFinder
// 由简单取景器组成的复杂取景器。
public class Finders {private Finders() {}// Finder 用于查找复杂的查询。public static Finder advancedFinder(String query, String orQuery, String notQuery) {returnFinder.contains(query).or(Finder.contains(orQuery)).not(Finder.contains(notQuery));}// 过滤查找器也会查找包含排除查询的查询。public static Finder filteredFinder(String query, String... excludeQueries) {var finder = Finder.contains(query);for (String q : excludeQueries) {finder = finder.not(Finder.contains(q));}return finder;}// 专门查询。 每个下一个查询都会在上一个结果中查找。public static Finder specializedFinder(String... queries) {var finder = identMult();for (String query : queries) {finder = finder.and(Finder.contains(query));}return finder;}// 扩展查询。 寻找替代品。public static Finder expandedFinder(String... queries) {var finder = identSum();for (String query : queries) {finder = finder.or(Finder.contains(query));}return finder;}...
var queriesOr = new String[]{"many", "Annabel"};
var finder = Finders.expandedFinder(queriesOr);
var res = finder.find(text());
LOGGER.info("the result of expanded(or) query[{}] is {}", queriesOr, res);var queriesAnd = new String[]{"Annabel", "my"};
finder = Finders.specializedFinder(queriesAnd);
res = finder.find(text());
LOGGER.info("the result of specialized(and) query[{}] is {}", queriesAnd, res);finder = Finders.advancedFinder("it was", "kingdom", "sea");
res = finder.find(text());
LOGGER.info("the result of advanced query is {}", res);res = Finders.filteredFinder(" was ", "many", "child").find(text());
LOGGER.info("the result of filtered query is {}", res);private static String text() {return"It was many and many a year ago,\n"+ "In a kingdom by the sea,\n"+ "That a maiden there lived whom you may know\n"+ "By the name of ANNABEL LEE;\n"+ "And this maiden she lived with no other thought\n"+ "Than to love and be loved by me.\n"+ "I was a child and she was a child,\n"+ "In this kingdom by the sea;\n"+ "But we loved with a love that was more than love-\n"+ "I and my Annabel Lee;\n"+ "With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven\n"+ "Coveted her and me.";}
the result of expanded(or) query[[many, Annabel]] is [It was many and many a year ago,, By the name of ANNABEL LEE;, I and my Annabel Lee;]
the result of specialized(and) query[[Annabel, my]] is [I and my Annabel Lee;]
the result of advanced query is [It was many and many a year ago,]
the result of filtered query is [But we loved with a love that was more than love-]
, specializedFinder
, advancedFinder
, filteredFinder
, or
, not
, and
Combinator class diagram
- 您可以从更简单的值创建更复杂的值,但具有相同的类型(它们的组合)
从开发人员的角度来看,API 由领域中的术语组成。
这篇关于【设计模式】JAVA Design Patterns——Combinator(功能模式)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!