本文主要是介绍ue4 播放程序化生成的声音,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
采样位数:采样声波时,为每个采样指定最接近原始声波振幅的振幅值。 采样位数提高可提供更多可能的振幅值,产生更大的动态范围、更低的噪声基准和更高的保真度。通常的采样位数有8bit,16bit,24bit,32bit。
通道数:即声音的通道的数目。常有单声道和立体声之分,单声道的声音只能使用一个喇叭发声(有的也处理成两个喇叭输出同一个声道的声音),立体声可以使两个喇叭都发声(一般左右声道有分工) ,更能感受到空间效果,当然还有更多的通道数。
PCM :PCM(Pulse Code Modulation----脉码调制录音)。所谓PCM录音就是将声音等模拟信号变成符号化的脉冲列,再予以记录。PCM信号是由[1]、[0]等符号构成的数字信号,而未经过任何编码和压缩处理。与模拟信号比,它不易受传送系统的杂波及失真的影响。动态范围宽,可得到音质相当好的影响效果。
WAV:wav是一种无损的音频文件格式,WAV符合 PIFF(Resource Interchange File Format)规范。所有的WAV都有一个文件头,这个文件头音频流的编码参数。WAV对音频流的编码没有硬性规定,除了PCM之外,还有几乎所有支持ACM规范的编码都可以为WAV的音频流进行编码。
UE中要播放动态生成的声音,可以使用USoundWaveProcedural 派生类生成波形资源,也可以使用USynthComponent
派生新的组件输出动态声音。 主要是 通过USoundWave的函数GeneratePCMData,在该函数中获取需要播放的声音数据。
UCLASS(hidecategories=Object, editinlinenew, BlueprintType)
class ENGINE_API USoundWave : public USoundBase
* This is only used for DTYPE_Procedural audio. It's recommended to use USynthComponent base class
* for procedurally generated sound vs overriding this function. If a new component is not feasible,
* consider using USoundWaveProcedural base class vs USoundWave base class since as it implements
* GeneratePCMData for you and you only need to return PCM data.
virtual int32 GeneratePCMData(uint8* PCMData, const int32 SamplesNeeded) { ensure(false); return 0; }
* Return the format of the generated PCM data type. Used in audio mixer to allow generating float buffers and avoid unnecessary format conversions.
* This feature is only supported in audio mixer. If your procedural sound wave needs to be used in both audio mixer and old audio engine,
* it's best to generate int16 data as old audio engine only supports int16 formats. Or check at runtime if the audio mixer is enabled.
* Audio mixer will convert from int16 to float internally.
virtual Audio::EAudioMixerStreamDataFormat::Type GetGeneratedPCMDataFormat() const { return Audio::EAudioMixerStreamDataFormat::Int16; }
需要模块的build.cs 中加入依赖库 "AudioMixer"
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "AudioMixer"});
class MOTIONMOCAP_API UMocapAudioComponent : public USynthComponent { GENERATED_BODY() // Called when synth is created virtual bool Init(int32& SampleRate) override; // Called to generate more audio virtual int32 OnGenerateAudio(float* OutAudio, int32 NumSamples) override; protected: UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, meta = (ClampMin = "8000 ", ClampMax = "192000")) int32 ResSampleRate = 44100; UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, meta = (ClampMin = "1", ClampMax = "2")) int32 ResNumChannels = 2; }; |
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "MocapAudioComponent.h" #include "AudioReceiveThread.h" bool UMocapAudioComponent::Init(int32& SampleRate) { SampleRate = ResSampleRate; NumChannels = ResNumChannels; return true; }
int32 UMocapAudioComponent::OnGenerateAudio(float* OutAudio, int32 NumSamples) { for(int i=0; i < NumSamples/NumChannels; i++){ for(int j = 0; j <NumChannels; j++ ){ //获取每个信道的采样数据,这里仅是简单展示数据关系 OutAudio[i*NumChannels + j]= FMath::RandRange(-1.0f, 1.0f); } } return NumSamples; } |
bool UMocapAudioComponent::Init(int32& SampleRate)
// Initialize the DSP objects
SampleRate = ResSampleRate;
NumChannels = ResNumChannels;
return true;
int32 UMocapAudioComponent::OnGenerateAudio(float* OutAudio, int32 NumSamples)
for(int i=0; i < NumSamples/NumChannels; i++){
for(int j = 0; j <NumChannels; j++ ){
OutAudio[i*NumChannels + j]= FMath::RandRange(-1.0f, 1.0f);
return NumSamples;
在OnGenerateAudio中,我们根据NumSamples 获取指定数量的声音数据,该值是每个声道需要的采样数*声道数。 OutAudio是存放输出数据的地址。返回值返回的是实际获得的数据长度。声音的振幅为-1到1. 这里的 OnGenerateAudio 并不是主线程中调用的,我们在使用时需要注意。
#include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "Sound/SoundWaveProcedural.h" #include "DSP/Osc.h" #include "NewSoundWaveProcedural.generated.h" /** * */ UCLASS() class DEMOPROJECT_API UNewSoundWaveProcedural : public USoundWaveProcedural { GENERATED_BODY() public: UNewSoundWaveProcedural(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer); virtual int32 OnGeneratePCMAudio(TArray<uint8>& OutAudio, int32 NumSamples) override; virtual Audio::EAudioMixerStreamDataFormat::Type GetGeneratedPCMDataFormat() const override; protected: Audio::FOsc Osc; }; |
UNewSoundWaveProcedural::UNewSoundWaveProcedural(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) :Super(ObjectInitializer) { NumChannels = 2; SampleRate = 44100; //下面的是简单的测试声音生成设置。 Osc.Init(SampleRate); Osc.SetFrequency(440.0f); Osc.Start(); } int32 UNewSoundWaveProcedural::OnGeneratePCMAudio(TArray<uint8>& OutAudio, int32 NumSamples) { OutAudio.Reset(); OutAudio.AddZeroed(NumSamples * sizeof(int16)); int16* OutAudioBuffer = (int16*)OutAudio.GetData(); for (int32 i = 0; i < NumSamples; ++i) { OutAudioBuffer[i] = (int16)(32767.0f * FMath::Clamp(Osc.Generate(), -1.0f, 1.0f)); } return NumSamples; } Audio::EAudioMixerStreamDataFormat::Type UNewSoundWaveProcedural::GetGeneratedPCMDataFormat() const { return Super::GetGeneratedPCMDataFormat(); } |
需要指定波形文件的NumChannels和SampleRate。 然后OnGeneratePCMAudio 中获取输出的声音数据。NumSamples同样是每个声道需要的采样数*声道数。 OutAudio中,需要存储的数据是与GetGeneratedPCMDataFormat有关的。 默认是Audio::EAudioMixerStreamDataFormat::Int16。从上面的代码我们可以看到OutAudio最终获取的数据长度其实是NumSamples*sizeof(int16)。默认OnGeneratePCMAudio是在主线程中的。如果设置了bCanProcessAsync = true; 则OnGeneratePCMAudio 将运行于线程池。
这篇关于ue4 播放程序化生成的声音的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!