本文主要是介绍基于矩阵实现的Connected Components算法,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
连通分支(Connected Component)是指:在一个图中,某个子图的任意两点有边连接,并且该子图去剩下的任何点都没有边相连。在 Wikipedia上的定义如下:In graph theory, a connected component (or just component) of an undirected graph is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths, and which is connected to no additional vertices in the supergraph.
下面是用Python实现的代码:class Data(object):def __init__(self, name):self.__name = nameself.__links = set()@propertydef name(self):return self.__name@propertydef links(self):return set(self.__links)def add_link(self, other):self.__links.add(other)other.__links.add(self)# The function to look for connected components.
def connected_components(nodes):# List of connected components found. The order is random.result = []# Make a copy of the set, so we can modify it.nodes = set(nodes)# Iterate while we still have nodes to process.while nodes:# Get a random node and remove it from the global set.n = nodes.pop()print(n)# This set will contain the next group of nodes connected to each other.group = {n}# Build a queue with this node in it.queue = [n]# Iterate the queue.# When it's empty, we finished visiting a group of connected nodes.while queue:# Consume the next item from the queue.n = queue.pop(0)# Fetch the neighbors.neighbors = n.links# Remove the neighbors we already visited.neighbors.difference_update(group)# Remove the remaining nodes from the global set.nodes.difference_update(neighbors)# Add them to the group of connected nodes.group.update(neighbors)# Add them to the queue, so we visit them in the next iterations.queue.extend(neighbors)# Add the group to the list of groups.result.append(group)# Return the list of groups.return result# The test code...
if __name__ == "__main__":# The first group, let's make a tree.a = Data("a")b = Data("b")c = Data("c")d = Data("d")e = Data("e")f = Data("f")a.add_link(b) # aa.add_link(c) # / \b.add_link(d) # b cc.add_link(e) # / / \c.add_link(f) # d e f# The second group, let's leave a single, isolated node.g = Data("g")# The third group, let's make a cycle.h = Data("h")i = Data("i")j = Data("j")k = Data("k")h.add_link(i) # h————ii.add_link(j) # | |j.add_link(k) # | |k.add_link(h) # k————j# Put all the nodes together in one big set.nodes = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k}# Find all the connected components.number = 1for components in connected_components(nodes):names = sorted(node.name for node in components)names = ", ".join(names)print("Group #%i: %s" % (number, names))number += 1# You should now see the following output:# Group #1: a, b, c, d, e, f# Group #2: g# Group #3: h, i, j, k
如果把经过0、1、2、3••••••条路径形成的回路矩阵求并集(注:经过0条路径形成的回路矩阵即为单位矩阵I),那么该并集C可以表示所有回路的总和,用公式可以表示为:由于 比较复杂,但是,我们可以用下式计算:
对于D,这个式子几乎不收敛,因为我们需要修改它。现在让我们考虑式子 ,证明如下:
下面是用Python实现的代码:from numpy.random import rand
import numpy as np#利用求并集和交集的方法
def cccomplex(adjacencyMat):def power(adjacencyMatPower, adjacencyMat):adjacencyMatPower *= adjacencyMatreturn adjacencyMatPowerdimension = np.shape(adjacencyMat)[0]eye = np.mat(np.eye(dimension))adjacencyMat = np.mat(adjacencyMat)adjacencyMatPower = adjacencyMat.copy()result = np.logical_or(eye, adjacencyMat)for i in range(dimension):adjacencyMatPower = power(adjacencyMatPower, adjacencyMat)result = np.logical_or(result, adjacencyMatPower)final = np.logical_and(result, result.T)return final#利用求矩阵逆的方法
def connectedConponents(adjacencyMat, alpha = 0.5):n = np.shape(adjacencyMat)[0]E = np.eye(n)ccmatrix = np.mat(E - alpha * adjacencyMat)return ccmatrix.Idef init(dimension):mat = np.ones((dimension, dimension))mat[(rand(dimension) * dimension).astype(int), (rand(dimension) * dimension).astype(int)] = 0return matif __name__ == "__main__":dimension = 4adjacencyMat = init(dimension)adjacencyMat1 = np.array([[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0],[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1],[1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]]) adjacencyMat2 = np.array([[0,1,1,0],[1,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])print(cccomplex(adjacencyMat1)) #(A, B, E) (C, D) (F, G) (H)print(connectedConponents(adjacencyMat2)) #[[ True True False False True False False False]# [ True True False False True False False False]# [False False True True False False False False]# [False False True True False False False False]# [ True True False False True False False False]# [False False False False False True True False]# [False False False False False True True False]# [False False False False False False False True]]#[[ 2. 1. 1. 0. ]# [ 1. 1.5 0.5 0. ]# [ 1. 0.5 1.5 0. ]# [ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
基于矩阵运算实现的图算法,有以下几点优势:- 易于实现。利用矩阵可以仅仅通过矩阵与矩阵或矩阵与向量的运算就可以实现一些图算法。
- 易于并行。在超大矩阵运算中,可以采用分块的方式平行处理矩阵运算。同理,也可以很容易的移植分布式上(可以参考我的博文基于Spark实现的超大矩阵运算)。
- 效率更高。基于矩阵的图形算法更清晰突出的数据访问模式,可以很容易地优化(实验测试工作已完成)。
- 易于理解。这个需要对离散数学或者图论有一定基础,知道每一步矩阵运算所对应的物理意义或数学意义。
这篇关于基于矩阵实现的Connected Components算法的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!