
2024-05-11 17:58



 /*** @static  getLonLat.** @param $lon* @param $lat* @param $distance* @param $angle** @return string*/public static function getLonLat1($lon, $lat, $distance, $angle){$ea = 6378137;     //   赤道半径$eb = 6356725;     //   极半径$dx = $distance * 1000 * sin($angle * pi() / 180);$dy = $distance * 1000 * cos($angle * pi() / 180);$ec = $eb + ($ea - $eb) * (90 - $lat) / 90;$ed = $ec * cos($lat * pi() / 180);$lon = ($dx / $ed + $lon * pi() / 180) * 180 / pi();$lat = ($dy / $ec + $lat * pi() / 180) * 180 / pi();return $lon . ' ' . $lat;}/*** @static  getLonLat.** @param $lon* @param $lat* @param $distance* @param $angle** @return float|int|string*/public static function getLonLat2($lon, $lat, $distance, $angle){// latlngA . longitude + (distance * Math . sin(angle * Math . PI / 180)) / (111 * Math . cos(latlngA . latitude * Math . PI / 180)// latlngA . latitude + (distance * Math . cos(angle * Math . PI / 180)) / 111$lat = $lat + ($distance * cos($angle * pi() / 180)) / 111;$lon = $lon + ($distance * sin($angle * pi() / 180)) / (111 * cos($lat * pi() / 180));return $lon . ' ' . $lat;}/*** @static  getLonLat.** @param $lng* @param $lat* @param $distance* @param $angle** @return array*/public static function getLonLat($lng, $lat, $distance, $angle){# 地球半径 KM$raidus = 6378.137;$pi = 3.14;$latitude1 = $lat * ($pi / 180);$longitude1 = $lng * ($pi / 180);$brng = $angle * ($pi / 180);$latitude2 = asin(sin($latitude1) * cos($distance / $raidus) + cos($latitude1) * sin($distance / $raidus) * cos($brng));$longitude2 = $longitude1 + atan2(sin($brng) * sin($distance / $raidus) * cos($latitude1), cos($distance / $raidus) - sin($latitude1) * sin($latitude2));$latitude2 = $latitude2 * (180 / $pi);$longitude2 = $longitude2 * (180 / $pi);$lat2 = round($latitude2, 6);$lng2 = round($longitude2, 6);return ['lat' => $lat2, 'lng' => $lng2];}





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