第 8 章 机器人底盘Arduino端入口(自学二刷笔记)

2024-05-10 15:52

本文主要是介绍第 8 章 机器人底盘Arduino端入口(自学二刷笔记),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



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8.4.2 底盘实现_01Arduino端入口



/**********************************************************************  ROSArduinoBridge可以通过一组简单的串口命令来控制差分机器人并接收回传的传感器与里程计数据,默认使用的是 Arduino Mega + Pololu电机驱动模块,如果使用其他的编码器或电机驱动需要重写readEncoder()与setMotorSpeed()函数A set of simple serial commands to control a differential driverobot and receive back sensor and odometry data. Default configuration assumes use of an Arduino Mega + Pololu motorcontroller shield + Robogaia Mega Encoder shield.  Edit thereadEncoder() and setMotorSpeed() wrapper functions if using different motor controller or encoder method.Created for the Pi Robot Project: http://www.pirobot.organd the Home Brew Robotics Club (HBRC): http://hbrobotics.orgAuthors: Patrick Goebel, James NugenInspired and modeled after the ArbotiX driver by Michael FergusonSoftware License Agreement (BSD License)Copyright (c) 2012, Patrick Goebel.All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or withoutmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditionsare met:* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyrightnotice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the abovecopyright notice, this list of conditions and the followingdisclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials providedwith the distribution.THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THECOPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING INANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE*  POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.*********************************************************************/
//#define USE_BASE      // Enable the base controller code
#undef USE_BASE     // Disable the base controller code/* Define the motor controller and encoder library you are using */
#ifdef USE_BASE/* The Pololu VNH5019 dual motor driver shield */#define POLOLU_VNH5019/* The Pololu MC33926 dual motor driver shield *///#define POLOLU_MC33926/* The RoboGaia encoder shield */#define ROBOGAIA/* Encoders directly attached to Arduino board *///#define ARDUINO_ENC_COUNTER/* L298 Motor driver*///#define L298_MOTOR_DRIVER
#define USE_SERVOS  // Enable use of PWM servos as defined in servos.h
//#undef USE_SERVOS     // Disable use of PWM servos/* Serial port baud rate */
#define BAUDRATE     57600/* Maximum PWM signal */
#define MAX_PWM        255//根据Arduino型号来包含对应的头文件
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#endif/* Include definition of serial commands */
#include "commands.h"/* Sensor functions */
#include "sensors.h"/* Include servo support if required */
#ifdef USE_SERVOS#include <Servo.h>#include "servos.h"
#ifdef USE_BASE/* Motor driver function definitions */#include "motor_driver.h" //电机驱动/* Encoder driver function definitions */#include "encoder_driver.h"  //编码器驱动/* PID parameters and functions */#include "diff_controller.h" //PID调速/* Run the PID loop at 30 times per second */#define PID_RATE           30     // Hz 调速频率/* Convert the rate into an interval */const int PID_INTERVAL = 1000 / PID_RATE; //调速周期/* Track the next time we make a PID calculation */unsigned long nextPID = PID_INTERVAL;/* Stop the robot if it hasn't received a movement commandin this number of milliseconds */#define AUTO_STOP_INTERVAL 2000 //自动结束时间(可按需修改)long lastMotorCommand = AUTO_STOP_INTERVAL;
#endif/* Variable initialization */// A pair of varibles to help parse serial commands (thanks Fergs)
int arg = 0;
int index = 0;// Variable to hold an input character
char chr;// Variable to hold the current single-character command
char cmd;// Character arrays to hold the first and second arguments
char argv1[16];
char argv2[16];// The arguments converted to integers
long arg1;
long arg2;/* Clear the current command parameters */
void resetCommand() {cmd = NULL;memset(argv1, 0, sizeof(argv1));memset(argv2, 0, sizeof(argv2));arg1 = 0;arg2 = 0;arg = 0;index = 0;
}/* Run a command.  Commands are defined in commands.h */
int runCommand() {int i = 0;char *p = argv1;char *str;int pid_args[4];arg1 = atoi(argv1);arg2 = atoi(argv2);switch(cmd) {case GET_BAUDRATE:Serial.println(BAUDRATE);break;case ANALOG_READ:Serial.println(analogRead(arg1));break;case DIGITAL_READ:Serial.println(digitalRead(arg1));break;case ANALOG_WRITE:analogWrite(arg1, arg2);Serial.println("OK"); break;case DIGITAL_WRITE:if (arg2 == 0) digitalWrite(arg1, LOW);else if (arg2 == 1) digitalWrite(arg1, HIGH);Serial.println("OK"); break;case PIN_MODE:if (arg2 == 0) pinMode(arg1, INPUT);else if (arg2 == 1) pinMode(arg1, OUTPUT);Serial.println("OK");break;case PING:Serial.println(Ping(arg1));break;
#ifdef USE_SERVOScase SERVO_WRITE:servos[arg1].setTargetPosition(arg2);Serial.println("OK");break;case SERVO_READ:Serial.println(servos[arg1].getServo().read());break;
#endif#ifdef USE_BASEcase READ_ENCODERS:Serial.print(readEncoder(LEFT));Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(readEncoder(RIGHT));break;case RESET_ENCODERS:resetEncoders();resetPID();Serial.println("OK");break;case MOTOR_SPEEDS: //传入电机控制命令/* Reset the auto stop timer */lastMotorCommand = millis();if (arg1 == 0 && arg2 == 0) {setMotorSpeeds(0, 0);resetPID();moving = 0;}else moving = 1;leftPID.TargetTicksPerFrame = arg1;rightPID.TargetTicksPerFrame = arg2;Serial.println("OK"); break;case UPDATE_PID:while ((str = strtok_r(p, ":", &p)) != '\0') {pid_args[i] = atoi(str);i++;}Kp = pid_args[0];Kd = pid_args[1];Ki = pid_args[2];Ko = pid_args[3];Serial.println("OK");break;
#endifdefault:Serial.println("Invalid Command");break;}
}/* Setup function--runs once at startup. */
void setup() {Serial.begin(BAUDRATE);// Initialize the motor controller if used */
#ifdef USE_BASE#ifdef ARDUINO_ENC_COUNTER//set as inputsDDRD &= ~(1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_A);DDRD &= ~(1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_B);DDRC &= ~(1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_A);DDRC &= ~(1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_B);//enable pull up resistorsPORTD |= (1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_A);PORTD |= (1<<LEFT_ENC_PIN_B);PORTC |= (1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_A);PORTC |= (1<<RIGHT_ENC_PIN_B);// tell pin change mask to listen to left encoder pinsPCMSK2 |= (1 << LEFT_ENC_PIN_A)|(1 << LEFT_ENC_PIN_B);// tell pin change mask to listen to right encoder pinsPCMSK1 |= (1 << RIGHT_ENC_PIN_A)|(1 << RIGHT_ENC_PIN_B);// enable PCINT1 and PCINT2 interrupt in the general interrupt maskPCICR |= (1 << PCIE1) | (1 << PCIE2);#endifinitMotorController(); //初始化电机控制resetPID(); //重置 PID
#endif/* Attach servos if used */#ifdef USE_SERVOSint i;for (i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servos[i].initServo(servoPins[i],stepDelay[i],servoInitPosition[i]);}#endif
}/* Enter the main loop.  Read and parse input from the serial portand run any valid commands. Run a PID calculation at the targetinterval and check for auto-stop conditions.
void loop() {//读取串口命令while (Serial.available() > 0) {// Read the next characterchr = Serial.read();// Terminate a command with a CRif (chr == 13) {if (arg == 1) argv1[index] = NULL;else if (arg == 2) argv2[index] = NULL;runCommand();resetCommand();}// Use spaces to delimit parts of the commandelse if (chr == ' ') {// Step through the argumentsif (arg == 0) arg = 1;else if (arg == 1)  {argv1[index] = NULL;arg = 2;index = 0;}continue;}else {if (arg == 0) {// The first arg is the single-letter commandcmd = chr;}else if (arg == 1) {// Subsequent arguments can be more than one characterargv1[index] = chr;index++;}else if (arg == 2) {argv2[index] = chr;index++;}}}// If we are using base control, run a PID calculation at the appropriate intervals
#ifdef USE_BASEif (millis() > nextPID) {updatePID();//PID调速nextPID += PID_INTERVAL;}// Check to see if we have exceeded the auto-stop intervalif ((millis() - lastMotorCommand) > AUTO_STOP_INTERVAL) {;setMotorSpeeds(0, 0);moving = 0;}
#endif// Sweep servos
#ifdef USE_SERVOSint i;for (i = 0; i < N_SERVOS; i++) {servos[i].doSweep();}



在主程序中,包含了 commands.h,该文件中包含了当前程序预定义的串口命令,可以编译程序并上传至 Arduino 电路板,然后打开串口监视器测试(当前程序并未修改,所以并非所有串口可用):

  • w 可以用于控制引脚电平
  • x 可以用于模拟输出


  • w 13 0 == LED灯关闭
  • w 13 1 == LED灯打开
  • x 13 50 == LED灯PWM值为50


#define USE_BASE      // Enable the base controller code
//#undef USE_BASE     // Disable the base controller code/* Define the motor controller and encoder library you are using */
#ifdef USE_BASE/* The Pololu VNH5019 dual motor driver shield *///#define POLOLU_VNH5019/* The Pololu MC33926 dual motor driver shield *///#define POLOLU_MC33926/* The RoboGaia encoder shield *///#define ROBOGAIA/* Encoders directly attached to Arduino board *///#define ARDUINO_ENC_COUNTER/* L298 Motor driver*///#define L298_MOTOR_DRIVER
#endif//#define USE_SERVOS  // Enable use of PWM servos as defined in servos.h
#undef USE_SERVOS     // Disable use of PWM servos


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