
2024-05-10 14:20
文章标签 train gpt2


llm.c/train_gpt2.c at master · karpathy/llm.c (


This file trains the GPT-2 model.
This version is the clean, minimal, reference. As such:
- it runs on CPU.
- it does not make the code too complex; it is readable.
- it does not use any processor-specific instructions, intrinsics and such.
- it _does_ use a few OpenMP pragmas because this is a large speedup at very low cost
There will be other versions of this code that specialize it and make it fast.
*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef OMP
#include <omp.h>
// our own utilities
// defines: fopenCheck, freadCheck, fcloseCheck, fseekCheck, mallocCheck
#include "utils.h"
// defines: tokenizer_init, tokenizer_decode, tokenizer_free
#include "tokenizer.h"// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// all the individual layers' forward and backward passes
// B = batch_size, T = sequence_length, C = channels, V = vocab_sizevoid encoder_forward(float* out,int* inp, float* wte, float* wpe,int B, int T, int C) {// out is (B,T,C). At each position (b,t), a C-dimensional vector summarizing token & position// inp is (B,T) of integers, holding the token ids at each (b,t) position// wte is (V,C) of token embeddings, short for "weight token embeddings"// wpe is (maxT,C) of position embeddings, short for "weight positional embedding"for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {// seek to the output position in out[b,t,:]float* out_bt = out + b * T * C + t * C;// get the index of the token at inp[b, t]int ix = inp[b * T + t];// seek to the position in wte corresponding to the tokenfloat* wte_ix = wte + ix * C;// seek to the position in wpe corresponding to the positionfloat* wpe_t = wpe + t * C;// add the two vectors and store the result in out[b,t,:]for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {out_bt[i] = wte_ix[i] + wpe_t[i];}}}
}void encoder_backward(float* dwte, float* dwpe,float* dout, int* inp,int B, int T, int C) {for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {float* dout_bt = dout + b * T * C + t * C;int ix = inp[b * T + t];float* dwte_ix = dwte + ix * C;float* dwpe_t = dwpe + t * C;for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {float d = dout_bt[i];dwte_ix[i] += d;dwpe_t[i] += d;}}}
}void layernorm_forward(float* out, float* mean, float* rstd,float* inp, float* weight, float* bias,int B, int T, int C) {// reference: both inp and out are (B,T,C) of the activations// mean and rstd are (B,T) buffers, to be used later in backward pass// at each position (b,t) of the input, the C-dimensional vector// of activations gets normalized, then scaled and shiftedfloat eps = 1e-5f;for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {// seek to the input position inp[b,t,:]float* x = inp + b * T * C + t * C;// calculate the meanfloat m = 0.0f;for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {m += x[i];}m = m/C;// calculate the variance (without any bias correction)float v = 0.0f;for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {float xshift = x[i] - m;v += xshift * xshift;}v = v/C;// calculate the rstd (reciprocal standard deviation)float s = 1.0f / sqrtf(v + eps);// seek to the output position in out[b,t,:]float* out_bt = out + b * T * C + t * C;for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {float n = (s * (x[i] - m)); // normalizefloat o = n * weight[i] + bias[i]; // scale and shiftout_bt[i] = o; // write}// cache the mean and rstd for the backward pass latermean[b * T + t] = m;rstd[b * T + t] = s;}}
}void layernorm_backward(float* dinp, float* dweight, float* dbias,float* dout, float* inp, float* weight, float* mean, float* rstd,int B, int T, int C) {for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {float* dout_bt = dout + b * T * C + t * C;float* inp_bt = inp + b * T * C + t * C;float* dinp_bt = dinp + b * T * C + t * C;float mean_bt = mean[b * T + t];float rstd_bt = rstd[b * T + t];// first: two reduce operationsfloat dnorm_mean = 0.0f;float dnorm_norm_mean = 0.0f;for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {float norm_bti = (inp_bt[i] - mean_bt) * rstd_bt;float dnorm_i = weight[i] * dout_bt[i];dnorm_mean += dnorm_i;dnorm_norm_mean += dnorm_i * norm_bti;}dnorm_mean = dnorm_mean / C;dnorm_norm_mean = dnorm_norm_mean / C;// now iterate again and accumulate all the gradientsfor (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {float norm_bti = (inp_bt[i] - mean_bt) * rstd_bt;float dnorm_i = weight[i] * dout_bt[i];// gradient contribution to biasdbias[i] += dout_bt[i];// gradient contribution to weightdweight[i] += norm_bti * dout_bt[i];// gradient contribution to inputfloat dval = 0.0f;dval += dnorm_i; // term 1dval -= dnorm_mean; // term 2dval -= norm_bti * dnorm_norm_mean; // term 3dval *= rstd_bt; // final scaledinp_bt[i] += dval;}}}
}void matmul_forward(float* out,float* inp, float* weight, float* bias,int B, int T, int C, int OC) {// most of the running time is spent here and in matmul_backward// OC is short for "output channels"// inp is (B,T,C), weight is (OC, C), bias is (OC)// out will be (B,T,OC)#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {float* out_bt = out + b * T * OC + t * OC;float* inp_bt = inp + b * T * C + t * C;for (int o = 0; o < OC; o++) {float val = (bias != NULL) ? bias[o] : 0.0f;float* wrow = weight + o*C;for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {val += inp_bt[i] * wrow[i];}out_bt[o] = val;}}}
}void matmul_backward(float* dinp, float* dweight, float* dbias,float* dout, float* inp, float* weight,int B, int T, int C, int OC) {// most of the running time is spent here and in matmul_forward// this backward could be done in a single "round" of loops// but that doesn't afford an efficient parallelization strategy// backward into inp first, parallelize over B,T#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {float* dout_bt = dout + b * T * OC + t * OC;float* dinp_bt = dinp + b * T * C + t * C;for (int o = 0; o < OC; o++) {float* wrow = weight + o*C;float d = dout_bt[o];for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {dinp_bt[i] += wrow[i] * d;}}}}// backward into weight/bias, parallelize over output channels OC#pragma omp parallel forfor (int o = 0; o < OC; o++) {for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {float* dout_bt = dout + b * T * OC + t * OC;float* inp_bt = inp + b * T * C + t * C;float* dwrow = dweight + o*C;float d = dout_bt[o];if (dbias != NULL) { dbias[o] += d; }for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) {dwrow[i] += inp_bt[i] * d;}}}}
}void attention_forward(float* out, float* preatt, float* att,float* inp,int B, int T, int C, int NH) {// input is (B, T, 3C) holding the query, key, value (Q, K, V) vectors// preatt, att are (B, NH, T, T). NH = number of heads, T = sequence length// that holds the pre-attention and post-attention scores (used in backward)// output is (B, T, C)// attention is the only layer that mixes information across time// every other operation is applied at every (b,t) position independently// (and of course, no layer mixes information across batch)int C3 = C*3;int hs = C / NH; // head sizefloat scale = 1.0 / sqrtf(hs);#pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {for (int h = 0; h < NH; h++) {float* query_t = inp + b * T * C3 + t * C3 + h * hs;float* preatt_bth = preatt + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;float* att_bth = att + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;// pass 1: calculate query dot key and maxvalfloat maxval = -10000.0f; // TODO something betterfor (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {float* key_t2 = inp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C; // +C because it's key// (query_t) dot (key_t2)float val = 0.0f;for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) {val += query_t[i] * key_t2[i];}val *= scale;if (val > maxval) {maxval = val;}preatt_bth[t2] = val;}// pass 2: calculate the exp and keep track of sum// maxval is being calculated and subtracted only for numerical stabilityfloat expsum = 0.0f;for (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {float expv = expf(preatt_bth[t2] - maxval);expsum += expv;att_bth[t2] = expv;}float expsum_inv = expsum == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / expsum;// pass 3: normalize to get the softmaxfor (int t2 = 0; t2 < T; t2++) {if (t2 <= t) {att_bth[t2] *= expsum_inv;} else {// causal attention mask. not strictly necessary to set to zero here// only doing this explicitly for debugging and checking to PyTorchatt_bth[t2] = 0.0f;}}// pass 4: accumulate weighted values into the output of attentionfloat* out_bth = out + b * T * C + t * C + h * hs;for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) { out_bth[i] = 0.0f; }for (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {float* value_t2 = inp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C*2; // +C*2 because it's valuefloat att_btht2 = att_bth[t2];for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) {out_bth[i] += att_btht2 * value_t2[i];}}}}}
}void attention_backward(float* dinp, float* dpreatt, float* datt,float* dout, float* inp, float* att,int B, int T, int C, int NH) {// inp/dinp are (B, T, 3C) Q,K,V// att/datt/dpreatt are (B, NH, T, T)// dout is (B, T, C)int C3 = C*3;int hs = C / NH; // head sizefloat scale = 1.0 / sqrtf(hs);for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {for (int h = 0; h < NH; h++) {float* att_bth = att + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;float* datt_bth = datt + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;float* dpreatt_bth = dpreatt + b*NH*T*T + h*T*T + t*T;float* dquery_t = dinp + b * T * C3 + t * C3 + h * hs;float* query_t = inp + b * T * C3 + t * C3 + h * hs;// backward pass 4, through the value accumulationfloat* dout_bth = dout + b * T * C + t * C + h * hs;for (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {float* value_t2 = inp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C*2; // +C*2 because it's valuefloat* dvalue_t2 = dinp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C*2;for (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) {// in the forward pass this was:// out_bth[i] += att_bth[t2] * value_t2[i];// so now we have:datt_bth[t2] += value_t2[i] * dout_bth[i];dvalue_t2[i] += att_bth[t2] * dout_bth[i];}}// backward pass 2 & 3, the softmax// note that softmax (like e.g. tanh) doesn't need the input (preatt) to backwardfor (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {for (int t3 = 0; t3 <= t; t3++) {float indicator = t2 == t3 ? 1.0f : 0.0f;float local_derivative = att_bth[t2] * (indicator - att_bth[t3]);dpreatt_bth[t3] += local_derivative * datt_bth[t2];}}// backward pass 1, the query @ key matmulfor (int t2 = 0; t2 <= t; t2++) {float* key_t2 = inp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C; // +C because it's keyfloat* dkey_t2 = dinp + b * T * C3 + t2 * C3 + h * hs + C; // +C because it's keyfor (int i = 0; i < hs; i++) {// in the forward pass this was:// preatt_bth[t2] += (query_t[i] * key_t2[i]) * scale;// so now we have:dquery_t[i] += key_t2[i] * dpreatt_bth[t2] * scale;dkey_t2[i] += query_t[i] * dpreatt_bth[t2] * scale;}}}}}
}#define GELU_SCALING_FACTOR sqrtf(2.0f / M_PI)
void gelu_forward(float* out, float* inp, int N) {// (approximate) GeLU elementwise non-linearity in the MLP block of Transformerfor (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {float x = inp[i];float cube = 0.044715f * x * x * x;out[i] = 0.5f * x * (1.0f + tanhf(GELU_SCALING_FACTOR * (x + cube)));}
}// we want to use -Ofast optimization, but sadly GeLU breaks, so disable this flag just for it (#168)
#pragma float_control(precise, on, push)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
void gelu_backward(float* dinp, float* inp, float* dout, int N) {for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {float x = inp[i];float cube = 0.044715f * x * x * x;float tanh_arg = GELU_SCALING_FACTOR * (x + cube);float tanh_out = tanhf(tanh_arg);float coshf_out = coshf(tanh_arg);float sech_out = 1.0f / (coshf_out * coshf_out);float local_grad = 0.5f * (1.0f + tanh_out) + x * 0.5f * sech_out * GELU_SCALING_FACTOR * (1.0f + 3.0f * 0.044715f * x * x);dinp[i] += local_grad * dout[i];}
#pragma float_control(pop)void residual_forward(float* out, float* inp1, float* inp2, int N) {for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {out[i] = inp1[i] + inp2[i];}
}void residual_backward(float* dinp1, float* dinp2, float* dout, int N) {for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {dinp1[i] += dout[i];dinp2[i] += dout[i];}
}void softmax_forward(float* probs, float* logits, int B, int T, int V, int Vp) {// output: probs are (B,T,Vp) of the probabilities (sums to 1.0 in each b,t position)// input: logits is (B,T,Vp) of the unnormalized log probabilities// Vp is the padded vocab size (for efficiency), V is the "real" vocab size// example: Vp is 50304 and V is 50257#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)for (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {// probs <- softmax(logits)float* logits_bt = logits + b * T * Vp + t * Vp;float* probs_bt = probs + b * T * Vp + t * Vp;// maxval is only calculated and subtracted for numerical stabilityfloat maxval = -10000.0f; // TODO something betterfor (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {if (logits_bt[i] > maxval) {maxval = logits_bt[i];}}float sum = 0.0f;for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {probs_bt[i] = expf(logits_bt[i] - maxval);sum += probs_bt[i];}// note we only loop to V, leaving the padded dimensionsfor (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {probs_bt[i] /= sum;}// for extra super safety we may wish to include this too,// forcing the probabilities here to be zero, but it shouldn't matterfor (int i = V; i < Vp; i++) {probs_bt[i] = 0.0f;}}}
}void crossentropy_forward(float* losses,float* probs, int* targets,int B, int T, int Vp) {// output: losses is (B,T) of the individual losses at each position// input: probs are (B,T,Vp) of the probabilities// input: targets is (B,T) of integers giving the correct index in logitsfor (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {// loss = -log(probs[target])float* probs_bt = probs + b * T * Vp + t * Vp;int ix = targets[b * T + t];losses[b * T + t] = -logf(probs_bt[ix]);}}
}void crossentropy_softmax_backward(float* dlogits,float* dlosses, float* probs, int* targets,int B, int T, int V, int Vp) {// backwards through both softmax and crossentropyfor (int b = 0; b < B; b++) {for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {float* dlogits_bt = dlogits + b * T * Vp + t * Vp;float* probs_bt = probs + b * T * Vp + t * Vp;float dloss = dlosses[b * T + t];int ix = targets[b * T + t];// note we only loop to V, leaving the padded dimensions// of dlogits untouched, so gradient there stays at zerofor (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {float p = probs_bt[i];float indicator = i == ix ? 1.0f : 0.0f;dlogits_bt[i] += (p - indicator) * dloss;}}}
}// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GPT-2 model definitiontypedef struct {int max_seq_len; // max sequence length, e.g. 1024int vocab_size; // vocab size, e.g. 50257int padded_vocab_size; // padded to e.g. %128==0, 50304int num_layers; // number of layers, e.g. 12int num_heads; // number of heads in attention, e.g. 12int channels; // number of channels, e.g. 768
} GPT2Config;// the parameters of the model
typedef struct {float* wte; // (V, C)float* wpe; // (maxT, C)float* ln1w; // (L, C)float* ln1b; // (L, C)float* qkvw; // (L, 3*C, C)float* qkvb; // (L, 3*C)float* attprojw; // (L, C, C)float* attprojb; // (L, C)float* ln2w; // (L, C)float* ln2b; // (L, C)float* fcw; // (L, 4*C, C)float* fcb; // (L, 4*C)float* fcprojw; // (L, C, 4*C)float* fcprojb; // (L, C)float* lnfw; // (C)float* lnfb; // (C)
} ParameterTensors;void fill_in_parameter_sizes(size_t* param_sizes, GPT2Config config) {size_t Vp = config.padded_vocab_size;size_t C = config.channels;size_t maxT = config.max_seq_len;size_t L = config.num_layers;param_sizes[0] = Vp * C; // wteparam_sizes[1] = maxT * C; // wpeparam_sizes[2] = L * C; // ln1wparam_sizes[3] = L * C; // ln1bparam_sizes[4] = L * (3 * C) * C; // qkvwparam_sizes[5] = L * (3 * C); // qkvbparam_sizes[6] = L * C * C; // attprojwparam_sizes[7] = L * C; // attprojbparam_sizes[8] = L * C; // ln2wparam_sizes[9] = L * C; // ln2bparam_sizes[10] = L * (4 * C) * C; // fcwparam_sizes[11] = L * (4 * C); // fcbparam_sizes[12] = L * C * (4 * C); // fcprojwparam_sizes[13] = L * C; // fcprojbparam_sizes[14] = C; // lnfwparam_sizes[15] = C; // lnfb
}// allocate memory for the parameters and point the individual tensors to the right places
float* malloc_and_point_parameters(ParameterTensors* params, size_t* param_sizes) {size_t num_parameters = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS; i++) {num_parameters += param_sizes[i];}// malloc all parameters all at oncefloat* params_memory = (float*)mallocCheck(num_parameters * sizeof(float));// assign all the tensorsfloat** ptrs[] = {&params->wte, &params->wpe, &params->ln1w, &params->ln1b, &params->qkvw, &params->qkvb,&params->attprojw, &params->attprojb, &params->ln2w, &params->ln2b, &params->fcw, &params->fcb,&params->fcprojw, &params->fcprojb, &params->lnfw, &params->lnfb};float* params_memory_iterator = params_memory;for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS; i++) {*(ptrs[i]) = params_memory_iterator;params_memory_iterator += param_sizes[i];}return params_memory;
typedef struct {float* encoded; // (B, T, C)float* ln1; // (L, B, T, C)float* ln1_mean; // (L, B, T)float* ln1_rstd; // (L, B, T)float* qkv; // (L, B, T, 3*C)float* atty; // (L, B, T, C)float* preatt; // (L, B, NH, T, T)float* att; // (L, B, NH, T, T)float* attproj; // (L, B, T, C)float* residual2; // (L, B, T, C)float* ln2; // (L, B, T, C)float* ln2_mean; // (L, B, T)float* ln2_rstd; // (L, B, T)float* fch; // (L, B, T, 4*C)float* fch_gelu; // (L, B, T, 4*C)float* fcproj; // (L, B, T, C)float* residual3; // (L, B, T, C)float* lnf; // (B, T, C)float* lnf_mean; // (B, T)float* lnf_rstd; // (B, T)float* logits; // (B, T, V)float* probs; // (B, T, V)float* losses; // (B, T)
} ActivationTensors;float* malloc_and_point_activations(ActivationTensors* acts, size_t* act_sizes) {size_t num_activations = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS; i++) {num_activations += act_sizes[i];}float* acts_memory = (float*)mallocCheck(num_activations * sizeof(float));float** ptrs[] = {&acts->encoded, &acts->ln1, &acts->ln1_mean, &acts->ln1_rstd, &acts->qkv, &acts->atty,&acts->preatt, &acts->att, &acts->attproj, &acts->residual2, &acts->ln2, &acts->ln2_mean,&acts->ln2_rstd, &acts->fch, &acts->fch_gelu, &acts->fcproj, &acts->residual3, &acts->lnf,&acts->lnf_mean, &acts->lnf_rstd, &acts->logits, &acts->probs, &acts->losses};float* acts_memory_iterator = acts_memory;for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS; i++) {*(ptrs[i]) = acts_memory_iterator;acts_memory_iterator += act_sizes[i];}return acts_memory;
}typedef struct {GPT2Config config;// the weights (parameters) of the model, and their sizesParameterTensors params;size_t param_sizes[NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS];float* params_memory;size_t num_parameters;// gradients of the weightsParameterTensors grads;float* grads_memory;// buffers for the AdamW optimizerfloat* m_memory;float* v_memory;// the activations of the model, and their sizesActivationTensors acts;size_t act_sizes[NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS];float* acts_memory;size_t num_activations;// gradients of the activationsActivationTensors grads_acts;float* grads_acts_memory;// other run state configurationint batch_size; // the batch size (B) of current forward passint seq_len; // the sequence length (T) of current forward passint* inputs; // the input tokens for the current forward passint* targets; // the target tokens for the current forward passfloat mean_loss; // after a forward pass with targets, will be populated with the mean loss
} GPT2;void gpt2_build_from_checkpoint(GPT2 *model, const char* checkpoint_path) {// read in model from a checkpoint fileFILE *model_file = fopenCheck(checkpoint_path, "rb");if (model_file == NULL) { printf("Error opening model file\n"); exit(1); }int model_header[256];freadCheck(model_header, sizeof(int), 256, model_file);if (model_header[0] != 20240326) { printf("Bad magic model file\n"); exit(1); }if (model_header[1] != 3) {printf("Bad version in model file\n");printf("---> HINT: try to re-run `python`\n");exit(1);}// read in hyperparameterssize_t maxT, V, Vp, L, NH, C; // size_t to prevent int overflowmodel->config.max_seq_len = maxT = model_header[2];model->config.vocab_size = V = model_header[3];model->config.num_layers = L = model_header[4];model->config.num_heads = NH = model_header[5];model->config.channels = C = model_header[6];model->config.padded_vocab_size = Vp = model_header[7];printf("[GPT-2]\n");printf("max_seq_len: %zu\n", maxT);printf("vocab_size: %zu\n", V);printf("padded_vocab_size: %zu\n", Vp);printf("num_layers: %zu\n", L);printf("num_heads: %zu\n", NH);printf("channels: %zu\n", C);// allocate space for all the parameters and read them infill_in_parameter_sizes(model->param_sizes,  model->config);// count the number of parameterssize_t num_parameters = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_PARAMETER_TENSORS; i++) {num_parameters += model->param_sizes[i];}printf("num_parameters: %zu\n", num_parameters);model->num_parameters = num_parameters;// read in all the parameters from filemodel->params_memory = malloc_and_point_parameters(&model->params, model->param_sizes);freadCheck(model->params_memory, sizeof(float), num_parameters, model_file);fcloseCheck(model_file);// other initsmodel->acts_memory = NULL;model->grads_memory = NULL;model->m_memory = NULL;model->v_memory = NULL;model->grads_acts_memory = NULL;model->inputs = NULL;model->targets = NULL;model->batch_size = 0;model->seq_len = 0;model->mean_loss = -1.0f; // -1.0f will designate no loss
}void gpt2_forward(GPT2 *model, int* inputs, int* targets, size_t B, size_t T) {// targets are optional and could be NULL// ensure the model was initialized or error outif (model->params_memory == NULL) {printf("Error: model was not initialized properly.\n");exit(1);}// convenience parameters (size_t to help prevent int overflow)size_t V = model->config.vocab_size;size_t Vp = model->config.padded_vocab_size;size_t L = model->config.num_layers;size_t NH = model->config.num_heads;size_t C = model->config.channels;// validate inputs, all indices must be in the range [0, V)for(int i = 0; i < B * T; i++) {assert(0 <= inputs[i] && inputs[i] < V);if (targets != NULL) {assert(0 <= targets[i] && targets[i] < V);}}// allocate space for all the activations if needed (done here, lazily)if(model->acts_memory == NULL) {// record the current B,T as wellmodel->batch_size = B;model->seq_len = T;// and now allocate the spacemodel->act_sizes[0] = B * T * C; // encodedmodel->act_sizes[1] = L * B * T * C; // ln1model->act_sizes[2] = L * B * T;  // ln1_meanmodel->act_sizes[3] = L * B * T;  // ln1_rstdmodel->act_sizes[4] = L * B * T * 3*C; // qkvmodel->act_sizes[5] = L * B * T * C;  // attymodel->act_sizes[6] = L * B * NH * T * T;  // preattmodel->act_sizes[7] = L * B * NH * T * T;  // attmodel->act_sizes[8] = L * B * T * C; // attprojmodel->act_sizes[9] = L * B * T * C; // residual2model->act_sizes[10] = L * B * T * C; // ln2model->act_sizes[11] = L * B * T; // ln2_meanmodel->act_sizes[12] = L * B * T; // ln2_rstdmodel->act_sizes[13] = L * B * T * 4*C; // fchmodel->act_sizes[14] = L * B * T * 4*C; // fch_gelumodel->act_sizes[15] = L * B * T * C; // fcprojmodel->act_sizes[16] = L * B * T * C; // residual3model->act_sizes[17] = B * T * C; // lnfmodel->act_sizes[18] = B * T; // lnf_meanmodel->act_sizes[19] = B * T; // lnf_rstdmodel->act_sizes[20] = B * T * Vp; // logitsmodel->act_sizes[21] = B * T * Vp; // probsmodel->act_sizes[22] = B * T; // lossessize_t num_activations = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ACTIVATION_TENSORS; i++) {num_activations += model->act_sizes[i];}printf("num_activations: %zu\n", num_activations);model->num_activations = num_activations;model->acts_memory = malloc_and_point_activations(&model->acts, model->act_sizes);// also create memory for caching inputs and targetsmodel->inputs = (int*)mallocCheck(B * T * sizeof(int));model->targets = (int*)mallocCheck(B * T * sizeof(int)); // might be unused if we never have targets but it's small} else {// validate B,T is consistent with how we've allocated the memory before// in principle we could get more clever here in the future, for now this is safestif (B != model->batch_size || T != model->seq_len) {printf("Model: B=%d T=%d, Desired: B=%d T=%d\n", model->batch_size, model->seq_len, (int)B, (int)T);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}}// cache the inputs/targetsmemcpy(model->inputs, inputs, B * T * sizeof(int));if (targets != NULL) {memcpy(model->targets, targets, B * T * sizeof(int));}// forward passParameterTensors params = model->params; // for brevityActivationTensors acts = model->acts;float* residual;encoder_forward(acts.encoded, inputs, params.wte, params.wpe, B, T, C); // encoding goes into residual[0]for (int l = 0; l < L; l++) {residual = l == 0 ? acts.encoded : acts.residual3 + (l-1) * B * T * C;// get the pointers of the weights for this layerfloat* l_ln1w = params.ln1w + l * C;float* l_ln1b = params.ln1b + l * C;float* l_qkvw = params.qkvw + l * 3*C * C;float* l_qkvb = params.qkvb + l * 3*C;float* l_attprojw = params.attprojw + l * C * C;float* l_attprojb = params.attprojb + l * C;float* l_ln2w = params.ln2w + l * C;float* l_ln2b = params.ln2b + l * C;float* l_fcw = params.fcw + l * 4*C * C;float* l_fcb = params.fcb + l * 4*C;float* l_fcprojw = params.fcprojw + l * C * 4*C;float* l_fcprojb = params.fcprojb + l * C;// get the pointers of the activations for this layerfloat* l_ln1 = acts.ln1 + l * B * T * C;float* l_ln1_mean = acts.ln1_mean + l * B * T;float* l_ln1_rstd = acts.ln1_rstd + l * B * T;float* l_qkv = acts.qkv + l * B * T * 3*C;float* l_atty = acts.atty + l * B * T * C;float* l_preatt = acts.preatt + l * B * NH * T * T;float* l_att = acts.att + l * B * NH * T * T;float* l_attproj = acts.attproj + l * B * T * C;float* l_residual2 = acts.residual2 + l * B * T * C;float* l_ln2 = acts.ln2 + l * B * T * C;float* l_ln2_mean = acts.ln2_mean + l * B * T;float* l_ln2_rstd = acts.ln2_rstd + l * B * T;float* l_fch = acts.fch + l * B * T * 4*C;float* l_fch_gelu = acts.fch_gelu + l * B * T * 4*C;float* l_fcproj = acts.fcproj + l * B * T * C;float* l_residual3 = acts.residual3 + l * B * T * C;// now do the forward passlayernorm_forward(l_ln1, l_ln1_mean, l_ln1_rstd, residual, l_ln1w, l_ln1b, B, T, C);matmul_forward(l_qkv, l_ln1, l_qkvw, l_qkvb, B, T, C, 3*C);attention_forward(l_atty, l_preatt, l_att, l_qkv, B, T, C, NH);matmul_forward(l_attproj, l_atty, l_attprojw, l_attprojb, B, T, C, C);residual_forward(l_residual2, residual, l_attproj, B*T*C);layernorm_forward(l_ln2, l_ln2_mean, l_ln2_rstd, l_residual2, l_ln2w, l_ln2b, B, T, C);matmul_forward(l_fch, l_ln2, l_fcw, l_fcb, B, T, C, 4*C);gelu_forward(l_fch_gelu, l_fch, B*T*4*C);matmul_forward(l_fcproj, l_fch_gelu, l_fcprojw, l_fcprojb, B, T, 4*C, C);residual_forward(l_residual3, l_residual2, l_fcproj, B*T*C);}residual = acts.residual3 + (L-1) * B * T * C; // last residual is in residual3layernorm_forward(acts.lnf, acts.lnf_mean, acts.lnf_rstd, residual, params.lnfw, params.lnfb, B, T, C);matmul_forward(acts.logits, acts.lnf, params.wte, NULL, B, T, C, Vp);softmax_forward(acts.probs, acts.logits, B, T, V, Vp);// also forward the cross-entropy loss function if we have the targetsif (targets != NULL) {crossentropy_forward(model->acts.losses, model->acts.probs, targets, B, T, Vp);// for convenience also evaluate the mean lossfloat mean_loss = 0.0f;for (int i=0; i<B*T; i++) { mean_loss += model->acts.losses[i]; }mean_loss /= B*T;model->mean_loss = mean_loss;} else {// if we don't have targets, we don't have a lossmodel->mean_loss = -1.0f;}
}void gpt2_zero_grad(GPT2 *model) {if(model->grads_memory != NULL) { memset(model->grads_memory, 0, model->num_parameters * sizeof(float)); }if(model->grads_acts_memory != NULL) { memset(model->grads_acts_memory, 0, model->num_activations * sizeof(float)); }
}void gpt2_backward(GPT2 *model) {// double check we forwarded previously, with targetsif (model->mean_loss == -1.0f) {printf("Error: must forward with targets before backward\n");exit(1);}// lazily allocate the memory for gradients of the weights and activations, if neededif (model->grads_memory == NULL) {model->grads_memory = malloc_and_point_parameters(&model->grads, model->param_sizes);model->grads_acts_memory = malloc_and_point_activations(&model->grads_acts, model->act_sizes);gpt2_zero_grad(model);}// convenience shortcuts (and size_t to help prevent int overflow)size_t B = model->batch_size;size_t T = model->seq_len;size_t V = model->config.vocab_size;size_t Vp = model->config.padded_vocab_size;size_t L = model->config.num_layers;size_t NH = model->config.num_heads;size_t C = model->config.channels;// backward pass: go in the reverse order of the forward pass, and call backward() functionsParameterTensors params = model->params; // for brevityParameterTensors grads = model->grads;ActivationTensors acts = model->acts;ActivationTensors grads_acts = model->grads_acts;// we kick off the chain rule by filling in dlosses with 1.0f/(B*T)// technically this is a small, inline backward() pass of calculating// total, final loss as the mean over all losses over all (B,T) positions in the batchfloat dloss_mean = 1.0f / (B*T);for (int i = 0; i < B*T; i++) { grads_acts.losses[i] = dloss_mean; }crossentropy_softmax_backward(grads_acts.logits, grads_acts.losses, acts.probs, model->targets, B, T, V, Vp);matmul_backward(grads_acts.lnf, grads.wte, NULL, grads_acts.logits, acts.lnf, params.wte, B, T, C, Vp);float* residual = acts.residual3 + (L-1) * B * T * C; // last layer's residualfloat* dresidual = grads_acts.residual3 + (L-1) * B * T * C; // write to last layer's residuallayernorm_backward(dresidual, grads.lnfw, grads.lnfb, grads_acts.lnf, residual, params.lnfw, acts.lnf_mean, acts.lnf_rstd, B, T, C);for (int l = L-1; l >= 0; l--) {residual = l == 0 ? acts.encoded : acts.residual3 + (l-1) * B * T * C;dresidual = l == 0 ? grads_acts.encoded : grads_acts.residual3 + (l-1) * B * T * C;// get the pointers of the weights for this layerfloat* l_ln1w = params.ln1w + l * C;float* l_qkvw = params.qkvw + l * 3*C * C;float* l_attprojw = params.attprojw + l * C * C;float* l_ln2w = params.ln2w + l * C;float* l_fcw = params.fcw + l * 4*C * C;float* l_fcprojw = params.fcprojw + l * C * 4*C;// get the pointers of the gradients of the weights for this layerfloat* dl_ln1w = grads.ln1w + l * C;float* dl_ln1b = grads.ln1b + l * C;float* dl_qkvw = grads.qkvw + l * 3*C * C;float* dl_qkvb = grads.qkvb + l * 3*C;float* dl_attprojw = grads.attprojw + l * C * C;float* dl_attprojb = grads.attprojb + l * C;float* dl_ln2w = grads.ln2w + l * C;float* dl_ln2b = grads.ln2b + l * C;float* dl_fcw = grads.fcw + l * 4*C * C;float* dl_fcb = grads.fcb + l * 4*C;float* dl_fcprojw = grads.fcprojw + l * C * 4*C;float* dl_fcprojb = grads.fcprojb + l * C;// get the pointers of the activations for this layerfloat* l_ln1 = acts.ln1 + l * B * T * C;float* l_ln1_mean = acts.ln1_mean + l * B * T;float* l_ln1_rstd = acts.ln1_rstd + l * B * T;float* l_qkv = acts.qkv + l * B * T * 3*C;float* l_atty = acts.atty + l * B * T * C;float* l_att = acts.att + l * B * NH * T * T;float* l_residual2 = acts.residual2 + l * B * T * C;float* l_ln2 = acts.ln2 + l * B * T * C;float* l_ln2_mean = acts.ln2_mean + l * B * T;float* l_ln2_rstd = acts.ln2_rstd + l * B * T;float* l_fch = acts.fch + l * B * T * 4*C;float* l_fch_gelu = acts.fch_gelu + l * B * T * 4*C;// get the pointers of the gradients of the activations for this layerfloat* dl_ln1 = grads_acts.ln1 + l * B * T * C;float* dl_qkv = grads_acts.qkv + l * B * T * 3*C;float* dl_atty = grads_acts.atty + l * B * T * C;float* dl_preatt = grads_acts.preatt + l * B * NH * T * T;float* dl_att = grads_acts.att + l * B * NH * T * T;float* dl_attproj = grads_acts.attproj + l * B * T * C;float* dl_residual2 = grads_acts.residual2 + l * B * T * C;float* dl_ln2 = grads_acts.ln2 + l * B * T * C;float* dl_fch = grads_acts.fch + l * B * T * 4*C;float* dl_fch_gelu = grads_acts.fch_gelu + l * B * T * 4*C;float* dl_fcproj = grads_acts.fcproj + l * B * T * C;float* dl_residual3 = grads_acts.residual3 + l * B * T * C;// backprop this layerresidual_backward(dl_residual2, dl_fcproj, dl_residual3, B*T*C);matmul_backward(dl_fch_gelu, dl_fcprojw, dl_fcprojb, dl_fcproj, l_fch_gelu, l_fcprojw, B, T, 4*C, C);gelu_backward(dl_fch, l_fch, dl_fch_gelu, B*T*4*C);matmul_backward(dl_ln2, dl_fcw, dl_fcb, dl_fch, l_ln2, l_fcw, B, T, C, 4*C);layernorm_backward(dl_residual2, dl_ln2w, dl_ln2b, dl_ln2, l_residual2, l_ln2w, l_ln2_mean, l_ln2_rstd, B, T, C);residual_backward(dresidual, dl_attproj, dl_residual2, B*T*C);matmul_backward(dl_atty, dl_attprojw, dl_attprojb, dl_attproj, l_atty, l_attprojw, B, T, C, C);attention_backward(dl_qkv, dl_preatt, dl_att, dl_atty, l_qkv, l_att, B, T, C, NH);matmul_backward(dl_ln1, dl_qkvw, dl_qkvb, dl_qkv, l_ln1, l_qkvw, B, T, C, 3*C);layernorm_backward(dresidual, dl_ln1w, dl_ln1b, dl_ln1, residual, l_ln1w, l_ln1_mean, l_ln1_rstd, B, T, C);}encoder_backward(grads.wte, grads.wpe, grads_acts.encoded, model->inputs, B, T, C);
}void gpt2_update(GPT2 *model, float learning_rate, float beta1, float beta2, float eps, float weight_decay, int t) {// reference: lazily allocate the memory for m_memory and v_memoryif (model->m_memory == NULL) {model->m_memory = (float*)calloc(model->num_parameters, sizeof(float));model->v_memory = (float*)calloc(model->num_parameters, sizeof(float));}for (size_t i = 0; i < model->num_parameters; i++) {float param = model->params_memory[i];float grad = model->grads_memory[i];// update the first moment (momentum)float m = beta1 * model->m_memory[i] + (1.0f - beta1) * grad;// update the second moment (RMSprop)float v = beta2 * model->v_memory[i] + (1.0f - beta2) * grad * grad;// bias-correct both momentsfloat m_hat = m / (1.0f - powf(beta1, t));float v_hat = v / (1.0f - powf(beta2, t));// updatemodel->m_memory[i] = m;model->v_memory[i] = v;model->params_memory[i] -= learning_rate * (m_hat / (sqrtf(v_hat) + eps) + weight_decay * param);}
}void gpt2_free(GPT2 *model) {free(model->params_memory);free(model->grads_memory);free(model->m_memory);free(model->v_memory);free(model->acts_memory);free(model->grads_acts_memory);free(model->inputs);free(model->targets);
}#ifndef TESTING
// if we are TESTING (see test_gpt2.c), we'll skip the int main below// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// data loader lite
// returns random batches of data from a file of integerstypedef struct {// hyperparametersint B; // batch sizeint T; // sequence length// input handling and its stateFILE* tokens_file;long file_size;long current_position;// output memoryint* batch;int* inputs;int* targets;// convenience variablesint num_batches;
} DataLoader;void dataloader_init(DataLoader *loader, const char* filename, int B, int T) {loader->B = B;loader->T = T;// open the input file for readingloader->tokens_file = fopen(filename, "rb");if (loader->tokens_file == NULL) {printf("Error opening tokens file\n");exit(1);}// determine the file sizefseekCheck(loader->tokens_file, 0, SEEK_END);loader->file_size = ftell(loader->tokens_file);fseekCheck(loader->tokens_file, 0, SEEK_SET);if (loader->file_size < (B * T + 1) * sizeof(int)) {printf("Error: file size is too small for the batch size and sequence length\n");exit(1);}loader->current_position = 0; // start at the beginning// allocate space for B*T + 1 integers to store the inputs and targetsloader->batch = (int*) mallocCheck((B * T + 1) * sizeof(int));loader->inputs = loader->batch;loader->targets = loader->batch + 1; // targets are shifted by oneloader->num_batches = loader->file_size / (B * T * sizeof(int));
}void dataloader_reset(DataLoader *loader) {loader->current_position = 0;
}void dataloader_next_batch(DataLoader *loader) {int B = loader->B;int T = loader->T;// if we are at the end of the file, loop back to the beginningif (loader->current_position + (B*T+1) * sizeof(int) > loader->file_size) {loader->current_position = 0;}// read the B*T+1 integers from the file into batchfseekCheck(loader->tokens_file, loader->current_position, SEEK_SET);freadCheck(loader->batch, sizeof(int), B*T+1, loader->tokens_file);// advance the current position by B*T integersloader->current_position += B*T * sizeof(int);
}void dataloader_free(DataLoader *loader) {fcloseCheck(loader->tokens_file);free(loader->batch);
}// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sampler// the GPT-2 end-of-text token id
#define GPT2_EOT 50256unsigned int random_u32(unsigned long long *state) {// xorshift rng:*state ^= *state >> 12;*state ^= *state << 25;*state ^= *state >> 27;return (*state * 0x2545F4914F6CDD1Dull) >> 32;
float random_f32(unsigned long long *state) { // random float32 in [0,1)return (random_u32(state) >> 8) / 16777216.0f;
}int sample_mult(float* probabilities, int n, float coin) {// sample index from probabilities (they must sum to 1!)// coin is a random number in [0, 1), usually from random_f32()float cdf = 0.0f;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cdf += probabilities[i];if (coin < cdf) {return i;}}return n - 1; // in case of rounding errors
}// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main training loop
int main() {// build the GPT-2 model from a checkpointGPT2 model;gpt2_build_from_checkpoint(&model, "gpt2_124M.bin");// build the DataLoaders from tokens files. for now use tiny_shakespeare if available, else tiny_storiesconst char* tiny_stories_train = "data/TinyStories_train.bin";const char* tiny_stories_val = "data/TinyStories_val.bin";const char* tiny_shakespeare_train = "data/tiny_shakespeare_train.bin";const char* tiny_shakespeare_val = "data/tiny_shakespeare_val.bin";const char* train_tokens = access(tiny_shakespeare_train, F_OK) != -1 ? tiny_shakespeare_train : tiny_stories_train;const char* val_tokens = access(tiny_shakespeare_val, F_OK) != -1 ? tiny_shakespeare_val : tiny_stories_val;int B = 4; // batch size 4 (i.e. 4 independent token sequences will be trained on)int T = 64; // sequence length 64 (i.e. each sequence is 64 tokens long). must be <= maxT, which is 1024 for GPT-2DataLoader train_loader;dataloader_init(&train_loader, train_tokens, B, T);printf("train dataset num_batches: %d\n", train_loader.num_batches);DataLoader val_loader;dataloader_init(&val_loader, val_tokens, B, T);printf("val dataset num_batches: %d\n", val_loader.num_batches);int val_num_batches = 5;// build the TokenizerTokenizer tokenizer;tokenizer_init(&tokenizer, "gpt2_tokenizer.bin");// some memory for generating samples from the modelunsigned long long rng_state = 1337;int* gen_tokens = (int*)mallocCheck(B * T * sizeof(int));const int genT = 64; // number of steps of inference we will do// trainstruct timespec start, end;for (int step = 0; step <= 40; step++) {// once in a while estimate the validation lossif (step % 10 == 0) {float val_loss = 0.0f;dataloader_reset(&val_loader);for (int i = 0; i < val_num_batches; i++) {dataloader_next_batch(&val_loader);gpt2_forward(&model, val_loader.inputs, val_loader.targets, B, T);val_loss += model.mean_loss;}val_loss /= val_num_batches;printf("val loss %f\n", val_loss);}// once in a while do model inference to print generated textif (step > 0 && step % 20 == 0) {// fill up gen_tokens with the GPT2_EOT, which kicks off the generationfor(int i = 0; i < B * T; ++i) {gen_tokens[i] = GPT2_EOT;}// now sample from the model autoregressivelyprintf("generating:\n---\n");for (int t = 1; t < genT; t++) {// note that inference is very wasteful here because for each token// we re-calculate the forward pass for all of (B,T) positions from scratch// but the inference here is just for sanity checking anyway// and we can maybe optimize a bit more later, with careful testsgpt2_forward(&model, gen_tokens, NULL, B, T);// furthermore, below we're only using b=0 (i.e. the first row) of all B rows// we're in principle running B "inference streams" in parallel here// but only using position 0// get the Vp-dimensional vector probs[0, t-1, :]float* probs = model.acts.probs + (t-1) * model.config.padded_vocab_size;float coin = random_f32(&rng_state);// note we're only sampling from the first V elements, ignoring padding// (the probabilities in the padded region should be zero anyway)int next_token = sample_mult(probs, model.config.vocab_size, coin);gen_tokens[t] = next_token;// print the generated token, either using the Tokenizer or a fallbackif (tokenizer.init_ok) {const char* token_str = tokenizer_decode(&tokenizer, next_token);safe_printf(token_str);} else {// fall back to printing the token idprintf("%d ", next_token);}fflush(stdout);}printf("\n---\n");}// do a training stepclock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);dataloader_next_batch(&train_loader);gpt2_forward(&model, train_loader.inputs, train_loader.targets, B, T);gpt2_zero_grad(&model);gpt2_backward(&model);gpt2_update(&model, 1e-4f, 0.9f, 0.999f, 1e-8f, 0.0f, step+1);clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);double time_elapsed_s = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1e9;printf("step %d: train loss %f (took %f ms)\n", step, model.mean_loss, time_elapsed_s * 1000);}// freedataloader_free(&train_loader);dataloader_free(&val_loader);tokenizer_free(&tokenizer);gpt2_free(&model);free(gen_tokens);return 0;


这段代码是一个用于训练GPT-2模型的C语言程序。GPT-2是一种基于Transformer架构的语言模型,常用于生成文本。这个程序的设计目标是提供一个简洁、易读的参考实现,它在CPU上运行,没有使用特定的处理器指令或内联函数,但使用了OpenMP来加速并行计算。 下面是程序的主要组成部分和它们的功能:

  1. 头文件和实用宏:程序包含了多个标准库头文件,如stdio.hstdlib.h等,以及一些自定义的宏定义,如fopenCheckmallocCheck,用于检查文件操作和内存分配是否成功。

  2. tokenizer.h:这个头文件提供了一个分词器的接口,它允许程序初始化分词器、解码分词和释放分词器资源。

  3. 模型参数和超参数:定义了GPT2Config结构体来保存模型的超参数,如最大序列长度、词汇表大小、层数、头数和通道数。同时,ParameterTensors结构体用于保存模型的参数张量。

  4. 内存分配:程序提供了函数来分配模型参数和激活张量的内存。这些函数使用malloc来分配内存,并将参数和激活张量的指针设置到正确的地方。

  5. 前向和后向传播函数:程序实现了GPT-2模型中各个层的前向和后向传播函数,包括词嵌入层、位置编码层、自注意力层、全连接层和LayerNorm层。

  6. 注意力机制:实现了多头注意力机制的前向和后向传播,这是Transformer模型的核心部分。

  7. 激活函数:实现了GELU激活函数的前向和后向传播。

  8. 损失函数:实现了softmax函数和交叉熵损失函数的前向传播,以及对应的后向传播。

  9. 模型构建和训练:定义了GPT2结构体来保存模型的状态,包括配置、参数、激活张量、梯度等。提供了从检查点构建模型、执行前向传播、归零梯度、执行后向传播、参数更新和释放模型资源的函数。

  10. 数据加载器:实现了一个简单的数据加载器,用于从文件中加载批量数据。

  11. 采样器:实现了从概率分布中采样的函数。

  12. 主训练循环:程序的主体是一个训练循环,它使用数据加载器来获取训练数据,执行模型的前向传播、后向传播和参数更新,并定期输出验证损失和生成文本。

  13. 文本生成:程序还包括了一个生成文本的示例,它使用模型来生成新的文本序列。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef OMP
#include <omp.h>
#endif// 引入自定义的实用工具函数
#include "utils.h"
// 引入tokenizer相关的函数
#include "tokenizer.h"// 定义模型参数结构体
typedef struct {int max_seq_len; // 最大序列长度int vocab_size;   // 词汇表大小int padded_vocab_size; // 填充后的词汇表大小int num_layers;  // 层数int num_heads;   // 注意力机制中的头数int channels;    // 通道数
} GPT2Config;// 定义模型参数
typedef struct {float* wte; // 词嵌入参数float* wpe; // 位置编码参数// ... 其他层的参数
} ParameterTensors;// 定义激活张量
typedef struct {float* encoded; // 编码器输出// ... 其他层的激活张量
} ActivationTensors;// 构建模型并从检查点加载参数
void gpt2_build_from_checkpoint(GPT2 *model, const char* checkpoint_path) {// ... 实现细节
}// 前向传播函数
void gpt2_forward(GPT2 *model, int* inputs, int* targets, size_t B, size_t T) {// ... 实现细节
}// 梯度清零函数
void gpt2_zero_grad(GPT2 *model) {// ... 实现细节
}// 反向传播函数
void gpt2_backward(GPT2 *model) {// ... 实现细节
}// 参数更新函数
void gpt2_update(GPT2 *model, float learning_rate, float beta1, float beta2, float eps, float weight_decay, int t) {// ... 实现细节
}// 释放模型资源
void gpt2_free(GPT2 *model) {// ... 实现细节
}// 数据加载器初始化函数
void dataloader_init(DataLoader *loader, const char* filename, int B, int T) {// ... 实现细节
}// 获取下一个数据批次
void dataloader_next_batch(DataLoader *loader) {// ... 实现细节
}// 释放数据加载器资源
void dataloader_free(DataLoader *loader) {// ... 实现细节
}// 主函数
int main() {// 构建模型GPT2 model;gpt2_build_from_checkpoint(&model, "gpt2_124M.bin");// 初始化数据加载器DataLoader train_loader;dataloader_init(&train_loader, "tiny_shakespeare_train.bin", B, T);// 初始化分词器Tokenizer tokenizer;tokenizer_init(&tokenizer, "gpt2_tokenizer.bin");// 训练循环for (int step = 0; step <= 40; step++) {// 验证集损失评估if (step % 10 == 0) {// ... 实现细节}// 模型生成文本if (step > 0 && step % 20 == 0) {// ... 实现细节}// 训练步骤dataloader_next_batch(&train_loader);gpt2_forward(&model, train_loader.inputs, train_loader.targets, B, T);gpt2_zero_grad(&model);gpt2_backward(&model);gpt2_update(&model, 1e-4f, 0.9f, 0.999f, 1e-8f, 0.0f, step+1);}// 释放资源dataloader_free(&train_loader);tokenizer_free(&tokenizer);gpt2_free(&model);return 0;




  • GPT2Config:定义了GPT-2模型的主要配置参数,如最大序列长度、词汇表大小、层数、头数和通道数。
  • ParameterTensorsActivationTensors:分别定义了模型的参数张量和激活张量,用于存储模型的权重和中间激活值。
  • GPT2:是一个结构体,包含了模型的配置、参数、激活值、梯度、优化器状态等所有信息。


  • fill_in_parameter_sizes:计算模型参数张量的大小,填充到param_sizes数组中。
  • malloc_and_point_parameters:分配内存并初始化ParameterTensors结构体中的指针。
  • malloc_and_point_activations:分配内存并初始化ActivationTensors结构体中的指针。


  • gpt2_build_from_checkpoint:从检查点文件中读取模型参数,初始化模型。


  • gpt2_forward:执行模型的前向传播,计算输入文本的激活值和最终的预测概率。


  • crossentropy_forward:计算交叉熵损失,用于训练时评估模型性能。


  • gpt2_backward:执行模型的反向传播,计算参数梯度。


  • gpt2_update:使用AdamW优化器更新模型参数。


  • gpt2_zero_grad:将模型参数的梯度清零。


  • gpt2_free:释放模型分配的所有资源。


  • dataloader_initdataloader_resetdataloader_next_batchdataloader_free:用于从文件中加载数据,支持训练和验证数据集的批量处理。


  • sample_mult:从概率分布中采样一个整数。


  • main:程序的入口点,包含了模型训练的主要循环。在循环中,程序将执行数据加载、模型前向传播、损失计算、反向传播、参数更新等步骤。此外,程序还将定期输出验证损失和生成文本样本。


  • 程序中使用了大量的自定义函数,如fopenCheckfreadCheckmallocCheck等,这些函数用于检查文件操作和内存分配是否成功,以避免程序运行中出现错误。
  • 程序中的注释提供了函数的基本功能描述,但具体的数学操作和算法逻辑需要更深入的机器学习和深度学习知识来理解。
  • 程序中的一些函数和变量使用了OpenMP指令进行并行化,以提高运行效率。






本系列文章包含从OpenStack离线源制作到完成OpenStack安装的全部过程。 在本系列教程中使用的OpenStack的安装版本为第20个版本Train(简称T版本),2020年5月13日,OpenStack社区发布了第21个版本Ussuri(简称U版本)。 OpenStack部署系列文章 OpenStack Victoria版 安装部署系列教程 OpenStack Ussuri版


本系列文章包含从OpenStack离线源制作到完成OpenStack安装的全部过程。 在本系列教程中使用的OpenStack的安装版本为第20个版本Train(简称T版本),2020年5月13日,OpenStack社区发布了第21个版本Ussuri(简称U版本)。 OpenStack部署系列文章 OpenStack Victoria版 安装部署系列教程 OpenStack Ussuri版


本系列文章包含从OpenStack离线源制作到完成OpenStack安装的全部过程。 在本系列教程中使用的OpenStack的安装版本为第20个版本Train(简称T版本),2020年5月13日,OpenStack社区发布了第21个版本Ussuri(简称U版本)。 OpenStack部署系列文章 OpenStack Victoria版 安装部署系列教程 OpenStack Ussuri版


本系列文章包含从OpenStack离线源制作到完成OpenStack安装的全部过程。 在本系列教程中使用的OpenStack的安装版本为第20个版本Train(简称T版本),2020年5月13日,OpenStack社区发布了第21个版本Ussuri(简称U版本)。 OpenStack部署系列文章 OpenStack Victoria版 安装部署系列教程 OpenStack Ussuri版


本系列文章包含从OpenStack离线源制作到完成OpenStack安装的全部过程。 在本系列教程中使用的OpenStack的安装版本为第20个版本Train(简称T版本),2020年5月13日,OpenStack社区发布了第21个版本Ussuri(简称U版本)。 OpenStack部署系列文章 OpenStack Victoria版 安装部署系列教程 OpenStack Ussuri版


本系列文章包含从OpenStack离线源制作到完成OpenStack安装的全部过程。 在本系列教程中使用的OpenStack的安装版本为第20个版本Train(简称T版本),2020年5月13日,OpenStack社区发布了第21个版本Ussuri(简称U版本)。 OpenStack部署系列文章 OpenStack Victoria版 安装部署系列教程 OpenStack Ussuri版

Tensorflow 中train和test的batchsize不同时, 如何设置: tf.nn.conv2d_transpose

大家可能都知道, 在tensorflow中, 如果想实现测试时的batchsize大小随意设置, 那么在训练时, 输入的placeholder的shape应该设置为[None, H, W, C]. 具体代码如下所示: # Placeholders for input data and the targetsx_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, s

tf.train.batch 和 tf.train.batch_join的区别

先看两个函数的官方文档说明 tf.train.batch官方文档地址: tf.train.batch_join官方文档地址:


在这篇博客中对tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage讲的很清楚,这里主要补充几点说明: 第一点: 当程序执行到 ema_op = ema.apply([w]) 的时候,如果 w 是 Variable, 那么将会用 w 的初始值初始化 ema 中关于 w 的 ema_value,所以 emaVal0=1.0。如果 w 是 Tensor的话,将会用 0.0 初始化。


#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''学习率较大容易搜索震荡(在最优值附近徘徊),学习率较小则收敛速度较慢,那么可以通过初始定义一个较大的学习率,通过设置decay_rate来缩小学习率,减少迭代次数。tf.train.exponential_decay就是用来实现这个功能。'''__author__ = 'Zhang Shuai'i