LLVM Instruction Selection 笔记

2024-05-06 00:36

本文主要是介绍LLVM Instruction Selection 笔记,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Instruction Selection 所处阶段

注:上图来源于 Welcome to the back-end: The LLVM machine representation

可以看到 SelectionDAG 架在 LLVM IR 和 LLVM MIR 之间,在此之前 machine independent optimization 已经完成。之后基本上就进入了 machine dependent 的阶段。


众所周知编译的过程就是将一种 “语言” 转换为另外一种 “语言”,其中要保持程序语义的性质不变,中间会做一些“变换”。常规认知中的编译是将 “高级语言” 变换为 “机器语言”,中间会经历一些列的 lowering 的阶段,每一个 lowering 的阶段几乎都会伴随一个中间的抽象形式来方便做性质分析和优化变换。对于常规的 C++ 语言来将,大致会经历如下几个阶段,

不同的 “抽象” 用于不同的目的,例如 LLVM IR SSA 用来更好的做优化,AST 用来做 syntax 和 semantic 检查,而 SelectionDAG 主要是用来做 Instruction Selection 以及一些的简单的变换(或者说 scheduling)。中间可能会穿插一些其它的辅助数据结构,例如 CFG, CallGraph 以及 Dom Tree等等。我们以下面的 C 代码为例,看下各个抽象分别长什么样子。

long imul(long a, long b) {return a * b;

clang test.c -Xclang -ast-dump


clang test.c -S -emit-llvm


opt test.ll -passes='dot-cfg'


llc test.ll --view-dag-combine1-dags=1

llc test.ll --view-isel-dags=1

llc test.ll --view-sched-dags=1

The SelectionDAG is a Directed-Acyclic-Graph whose nodes are instances of the SDNode class. The primary payload of the SDNode is its operation code (Opcode) that indicates what operation the node performs and the operands to the operation. The various operation node types are described at the top of the include/llvm/CodeGen/ISDOpcodes.h file.  The LLVM Target-Independent Code Generator — LLVM 19.0.0git documentation

SelectionDAG 是以 basic block 为单位的,也就是说后续的 instruction selection 所能看到的范围也是 basic block 内部

int fac(int num) {if (num == 1) return 1;return fac(num - 1) * num;

opt test.cpp.ll -passes='dot-cfg'

Selection DAG

llc test.cpp.ll --view-dag-combine1-dags=1

我们还是以下面的代码为例简单介绍其 SelectionDAG。

long imul(long a, long b) {return a * b;
; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone uwtable
define dso_local i64 @imul(i64 noundef %a, i64 noundef %b) #0 {
entry:%a.addr = alloca i64, align 8%b.addr = alloca i64, align 8store i64 %a, ptr %a.addr, align 8store i64 %b, ptr %b.addr, align 8%0 = load i64, ptr %a.addr, align 8%1 = load i64, ptr %b.addr, align 8%mul = mul nsw i64 %0, %1ret i64 %mul

Data flow dependencies: Simple edges with integer or floating point value type. Black Edges

Control flow dependencies: "chain" edges which are of type MVT::Other.

Chain edges provide an ordering between nodes that have side effects. Blue Edges

Glue Edges forbids breaking up instructions.


  • Chain inputs are always operand #0

  • Chain results are always the last value produced by an operation

Entry & Root nodes

Entry node: A marker node with an Opcode of ISD::EntryToken.

Root node: Final side-effecting node in the token chain. The LLVM Target-Independent Code Generator — LLVM 19.0.0git documentation


  • 下图中每个节点都实例化自SDNode class,像是加减乘除等,详细的见 `include/llvm/CodeGen/ISDOpcodes.h`
  • 每个 SDNode 有0个或者多个输入,边实例化自SDValue class
  • SDNode 产生的 value 的类型为 Machine Value Type(MTV) 例如,i1i8 分别表示 1bit 和 8bit 的整型
  • 可能有副作用的节点会强行要求顺序,也就是会在输入和输出强行安插一个 chain dependence。

These edges provide an ordering between nodes that have side effects (such as loads, stores, calls, returns, etc). All nodes that have side effects should take a token chain as input and produce a new one as output. By convention, token chain inputs are always operand #0, and chain results are always the last value produced by an operation. The LLVM Target-Independent Code Generator — LLVM 19.0.0git documentation

我们可以看到 `t2` 和 `t4` 的 SDNode 的 OpCode 是 `CopyFromReg`。它表示 %a%b 从外部来的值。

CopyFromReg - This node indicates that the input value is a virtual or physical register that is defined outside of the scope of this SelectionDAG.

FrameIndex<0> 和 FrameIndex<1> 用来表示栈上的一个对象,表示 %a.addr 和 %b.addr

A serializaable representation of a reference to a stack object or fixed stack object.

实线表示有实际的值流动表示 flow dependencies。蓝色虚线表示 chain dependency,在指令调度时要保持顺序,例如下图中的两条 load 指令不能调度到最后一条 store 指令前面。因为它们可能会有隐含的“依赖关系”,例如可能会 access 同一块儿内存。所以编译器会额外添加一条 chain 依赖,使用 `ch` 表示。

//===- X86ISelDAGToDAG.cpp - A DAG pattern matching inst selector for X86 -===//
#define DEBUG_TYPE "x86-isel"
#define PASS_NAME "X86 DAG->DAG Instruction Selection"
/// ISel - X86-specific code to select X86 machine instructions for
/// SelectionDAG operations.
class X86DAGToDAGISel final : public SelectionDAGISel {bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override {// Reset the subtarget each time through.Subtarget = &MF.getSubtarget<X86Subtarget>();IndirectTlsSegRefs = MF.getFunction().hasFnAttribute("indirect-tls-seg-refs");// OptFor[Min]Size are used in pattern predicates that isel is matching.OptForMinSize = MF.getFunction().hasMinSize();assert((!OptForMinSize || MF.getFunction().hasOptSize()) &&"OptForMinSize implies OptForSize");SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(MF);return true;}
}bool SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &mf) {SelectAllBasicBlocks(Fn);
}void SelectionDAGISel::SelectAllBasicBlocks(const Function &Fn) {ReversePostOrderTraversal<const Function*> RPOT(&Fn);for (const BasicBlock *LLVMBB : RPOT) {SelectBasicBlock(Begin, BI, HadTailCall);}
}void SelectionDAGISel::SelectBasicBlock(BasicBlock::const_iterator Begin,BasicBlock::const_iterator End,bool &HadTailCall) {// Final step, emit the lowered DAG as machine code.CodeGenAndEmitDAG();
}void SelectionDAGISel::CodeGenAndEmitDAG() {// Run the DAG combiner in pre-legalize mode.{NamedRegionTimer T("combine1", "DAG Combining 1", GroupName,GroupDescription, TimePassesIsEnabled);CurDAG->Combine(BeforeLegalizeTypes, AA, OptLevel);}// ...// Third, instruction select all of the operations to machine code, adding the// code to the MachineBasicBlock.{NamedRegionTimer T("isel", "Instruction Selection", GroupName,GroupDescription, TimePassesIsEnabled);DoInstructionSelection();}

SelectionDAGBuilder 是构建 SelectionDAG 的入口,通过一组 `SelectionDAGBuilder::Visit*` 来进行 SelectionDAG 的构建,想要观察对于 store instruction 这种可能有副作用的指令是怎么创建 chain dependence 的话,可以通过 `SelectionDAGBuilder::visitStore()`。

The initial SelectionDAG is naïvely peephole expanded from the LLVM input by the SelectionDAGBuilder class. The intent of this pass is to expose as much low-level, target-specific details to the SelectionDAG as possible. This pass is mostly hard-coded (e.g. an LLVM add turns into an SDNode add while a getelementptr is expanded into the obvious arithmetic). This pass requires target-specific hooks to lower calls, returns, varargs, etc. For these features, the TargetLowering interface is used.

SelectionDAG ISel

在执行真正的 selection 之前,有很多的步骤,例如 dag combine, legalize 等等优化的过程。这里专注杂 instruction selection 的部分。


MatcherTable 是 SelectionDAGISel 中比较基础的一个数据,这里先看一下这个 MatcherTable 长什么样子,有以下几点需要注意:

  • 它是一个 unsigned char 超大数组可能会有上百万个元素,基于什么由谁生成的?被谁用了?

  • 有一堆 OPC_* 开头的枚举类型,它们是做什么的?分别代表什么意思?

  • 里面有一些 TARGET_VAL(ISD::OR)TARGET_VAL 是什么意思?ISD::OR 又是什么意思?

  • 其中有很多注释,它们分别表示什么意思?

// build/lib/Target/X86/X86GenDAGISel.inc
/*===- TableGen'erated file -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
|*                                                                            *|
|* DAG Instruction Selector for the X86 target                                *|
|*                                                                            *|
|* Automatically generated file, do not edit!                                 *|
|*                                                                            *|
\*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*/#define TARGET_VAL(X) X & 255, unsigned(X) >> 8static const unsigned char MatcherTable[] = {
/*     0*/ OPC_SwitchOpcode /*496 cases */, 74|128,121/*15562*/, TARGET_VAL(ISD::STORE),// ->15567
/*     5*/  OPC_RecordMemRef,
/*     6*/  OPC_RecordNode, // #0 = 'st' chained node
/*     7*/  OPC_Scope, 71|128,7/*967*/, /*->977*/ // 9 children in Scope
/*    10*/   OPC_RecordChild1, // #1 = $src
/*    11*/   OPC_Scope, 60, /*->73*/ // 24 children in Scope
/*    13*/    OPC_CheckChild1Type, MVT::v4f32,
/*    15*/    OPC_RecordChild2, // #2 = $dst
/*    16*/    OPC_CheckPredicate6,  // Predicate_unindexedstore
/*    17*/    OPC_CheckPredicate7,  // Predicate_store
/*    18*/    OPC_CheckPredicate, 42, // Predicate_nontemporalstore
/*    20*/    OPC_CheckPredicate, 49, // Predicate_alignednontemporalstore
/*    22*/    OPC_Scope, 15, /*->39*/ // 3 children in Scope
/*    24*/     OPC_CheckPatternPredicate7, // (Subtarget->hasAVX()) && (!Subtarget->hasVLX())
/*    25*/     OPC_CheckComplexPat0, /*#*/2, // selectAddr:$dst #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
/*    27*/     OPC_EmitMergeInputChains1_0,
/*    28*/     OPC_MorphNodeTo0, TARGET_VAL(X86::VMOVNTPSmr), 0|OPFL_Chain|OPFL_MemRefs,6/*#Ops*/, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, // Src: (st VR128:{ *:[v4f32] }:$src, addr:{ *:[iPTR] }:$dst)<<P:Predicate_unindexedstore>><<P:Predicate_store>><<P:Predicate_nontemporalstore>><<P:Predicate_alignednontemporalstore>> - Complexity = 422// Dst: (VMOVNTPSmr addr:{ *:[iPTR] }:$dst, VR128:{ *:[v4f32] }:$src)
/*    39*/    /*Scope*/ 16, /*->56*/
/*    40*/     OPC_CheckPatternPredicate, 15, // (Subtarget->hasSSE1() && !Subtarget->hasAVX())
/*    42*/     OPC_CheckComplexPat0, /*#*/2, // selectAddr:$dst #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
/*    44*/     OPC_EmitMergeInputChains1_0,// ...}

首先这个表格位于 X86GenDAGISel.inc,是基于 llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86.td 生成的,我们可以使用下面的命令来生成这个文件。

➜  llvm git:(release/18.x) ../build/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-dag-isel ./lib/Target/X86/X86.td -I=include -I=lib/Target/X86 

OPC_*定义在SelectionDAGISel的内部枚举类型BuiltinOpcodes中,下面划知识点,这个枚举类型会被 DAG state machine 用到。我们可以看到这些操作,有的是 Record Node,有的是 CaptureGlueInput,有的是 Move Child,有的是 Move Parent,有的是 Switch Type等等,应该是 state machine 状态转换的操作。行首注释与状态枚举之间的缩进长度指示了该状态的所属的层级举例而言对于pattern (add a, (sub b, c)), 检查操作数b的范围与检查操作数c的范围两个状态是平级的,检查操作数字a的范围肯定优先于检查操作数 b 的范围(先匹配树的根节点,再叶子节点)。 利用缩进可以图形化阅读状态跳转表。

对于类似于 ISD::OR 的类型来说,它们的定义如下:

/// ISD::NodeType enum - This enum defines the target-independent operators
/// for a SelectionDAG.
/// Targets may also define target-dependent operator codes for SDNodes. For
/// example, on x86, these are the enum values in the X86ISD namespace.
/// Targets should aim to use target-independent operators to model their
/// instruction sets as much as possible, and only use target-dependent
/// operators when they have special requirements.
/// Finally, during and after selection proper, SNodes may use special
/// operator codes that correspond directly with MachineInstr opcodes. These
/// are used to represent selected instructions. See the isMachineOpcode()
/// and getMachineOpcode() member functions of SDNode.
enum NodeType {// .../// Bitwise operators - logical and, logical or, logical xor.AND,OR,XOR,// ...

但是除此之外在 MatcherTable 中也有 X86::VMOVNTPSmr 这样的标识,这类表示就是 X86 自己的定义,它们全部定义在 build/lib/Target/X86/X86GenAsmMatcher.inc 中。

static const MatchEntry MatchTable0[] = {{ 0 /* aaa */, X86::AAA, Convert_NoOperands, AMFBS_Not64BitMode, {  }, },{ 4 /* aad */, X86::AAD8i8, Convert__imm_95_10, AMFBS_Not64BitMode, {  }, },// ...{ 14029 /* vmovntps */, X86::VMOVNTPSmr, Convert__Mem1285_1__Reg1_0, AMFBS_None, { MCK_FR16, MCK_Mem128 }, },// ...

类似于 X86::VMOVNTPSmr 这种标识基本上可以认为是 target-dependent operator code,与指令基本上有一一对应的关系。现在我们知道了 MatcherTable 中包含了一些和 state machine 相关的内容,这些内容涉及到 static machine 中的 state 和 转移的动作,同时包含一些 LLVM 指令选择时抽象出来的 MVTISD(target-independent operator code),以及 target 相关的 opcode(target-dependent)。那么 MatcherTable 中的一些注释代表什么意思呢?这些注释我们需要搭配着示例来解释。

void X86DAGToDAGISel::Select(SDNode *Node) {switch (Opcode) {default: break;// ...case Intrinsic::x86_tileloadd64:case Intrinsic::x86_tileloaddt164:case Intrinsic::x86_tilestored64: {}}SelectCode(Node);

整个过程的入口函数是 `llvm::X86DAGToDAGISel::Select` ,前半部分主要是 Intrinsic 的 select,最终会调用 `X86DAGToDAGISel::SelectCode`,而最终会调用 `llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectCodeCommon`,该函数是核心(它叫什么名字无所谓,关键是它的整个逻辑)。


  • 首先会初始化此次为 SDNode 选择指令所需要的数据结构,MatchScopesRecoredNodesInputChainInputGlue(这些数据结构在注释中都写明了它的用途)

  • 一个 while 循环不停地根据 Opcode 来选择执行不同的动作,或更新当前状态,或跳转到下一状态

  • 如果在匹配的过程中,发现匹配失败,如何进行回退,如何从所谓的上,也就是MatchScopes回溯到前一个状态选择另外的状态进行匹配

以代码中的 `mul` 指令为例,看看它是怎么选择的。在 state machine 转起来之前,先获取到 SDNode 的 `Opcode ISD::MUL`,它对应的 MatcherTable Index 是 57288(SelectCodeCommon会预先将各个 Opcode 在 MatcherTable 中对应的 Index 给缓存下来放到 OpcodeOffset,下面就让整个过程转起来。

%mul = mul nsw i64 %0, %1
/* 96464*/ /*SwitchOpcode*/ 79|128,15/*1999*/, TARGET_VAL(ISD::MUL),// ->98467
/* 96468*/  OPC_Scope, 94, /*->96564*/ // 9 children in Scope
/* 96470*/   OPC_MoveChild0,
/* 96471*/   OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL(ISD::LOAD),
/* 96474*/   OPC_RecordMemRef,
/* 96475*/   OPC_RecordNode, // #0 = 'ld' chained node
/* 96476*/   OPC_CheckFoldableChainNode,
/* 96477*/   OPC_RecordChild1, // #1 = $src1
/* 96478*/   OPC_CheckPredicate2,  // Predicate_unindexedload
/* 96479*/   OPC_Scope, 27, /*->96508*/ // 3 children in Scope
/* 96481*/    OPC_CheckPredicate1,  // Predicate_load
/* 96482*/    OPC_MoveSibling1,
/* 96483*/    OPC_CheckOpcode, TARGET_VAL(ISD::Constant),
/* 96486*/    OPC_RecordNode, // #2 = $src2
/* 96487*/    OPC_CheckPredicate, 24, // Predicate_i64immSExt32
/* 96489*/    OPC_MoveParent,
/* 96490*/    OPC_CheckTypeI64,
/* 96491*/    OPC_CheckComplexPat0, /*#*/1, // selectAddr:$src1 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
/* 96493*/    OPC_EmitMergeInputChains1_0,
/* 96494*/    OPC_EmitConvertToTarget2,
/* 96495*/    OPC_MorphNodeTo2, TARGET_VAL(X86::IMUL64rmi32), 0|OPFL_Chain|OPFL_MemRefs,


llc test.ll -debug-only=isel -O3 --debugFastISel is disabled=== imulOptimized legalized selection DAG: %bb.0 'imul:entry'
SelectionDAG has 10 nodes:t0: ch,glue = EntryTokent4: i64,ch = CopyFromReg t0, Register:i64 %1t2: i64,ch = CopyFromReg t0, Register:i64 %0t5: i64 = mul nsw t4, t2t8: ch,glue = CopyToReg t0, Register:i64 $rax, t5t9: ch = X86ISD::RET_GLUE t8, TargetConstant:i32<0>, Register:i64 $rax, t8:1===== Instruction selection begins: %bb.0 'entry'ISEL: Starting selection on root node: t9: ch = X86ISD::RET_GLUE t8, TargetConstant:i32<0>, Register:i64 $rax, t8:1
ISEL: Starting pattern matchMorphed node: t9: ch = RET TargetConstant:i32<0>, Register:i64 $rax, t8, t8:1
ISEL: Match complete!ISEL: Starting selection on root node: t8: ch,glue = CopyToReg t0, Register:i64 $rax, t5ISEL: Starting selection on root node: t5: i64 = mul nsw t4, t2
ISEL: Starting pattern matchInitial Opcode index to 96468Match failed at index 96471Continuing at 96564Match failed at index 96568Continuing at 96739Match failed at index 96742Continuing at 96896TypeSwitch[i64] from 96898 to 96935Match failed at index 96935Continuing at 96948Match failed at index 96958Continuing at 97003Match failed at index 97004Continuing at 97015Match failed at index 97016Continuing at 97042Match failed at index 97043Continuing at 97068Morphed node: t5: i64,i32 = IMUL64rr nsw t4, t2
ISEL: Match complete!===== Instruction selection ends:Selected selection DAG: %bb.0 'imul:entry'
SelectionDAG has 11 nodes:t0: ch,glue = EntryTokent4: i64,ch = CopyFromReg t0, Register:i64 %1t2: i64,ch = CopyFromReg t0, Register:i64 %0t5: i64,i32 = IMUL64rr nsw t4, t2t8: ch,glue = CopyToReg t0, Register:i64 $rax, t5t10: i32 = Register $noregt9: ch = RET TargetConstant:i32<0>, Register:i64 $rax, t8, t8:1Total amount of phi nodes to update: 0
*** MachineFunction at end of ISel ***
# Machine code for function imul: IsSSA, TracksLiveness
Function Live Ins: $rdi in %0, $rsi in %1bb.0.entry:liveins: $rdi, $rsi%1:gr64 = COPY $rsi%0:gr64 = COPY $rdi%2:gr64 = nsw IMUL64rr %1:gr64(tied-def 0), %0:gr64, implicit-def dead $eflags$rax = COPY %2:gr64RET 0, $rax# End machine code for function imul.


注:上图来源于 https://www.cnblogs.com/Five100Miles/p/12903057.html,介绍的非常深入

According to a blog entry by Bendersky [30] – which at the time of writing provided the only documentation except for the LLVM code itself – the instruction selector is basically a greedy DAG-to-DAG rewriter, where machine-independent DAG representations of basic blocks are rewritten into machine-dependent DAG representations. 

The patterns, which are limited to trees, are expressed in a machine description format that allows common features to be factored out into abstract instructions.

Using a tool called TableGen, the machine description is then expanded into complete tree patterns which are processed by a matcher generator.

The matcher generator first performs a lexicographical sort on the patterns:

  1. first by decreasing complexity, which is the sum of the pattern size and a constant ( this can be tweaked to give higher priority for particular machine instructions);
  2. then by increasing cost;
  3. and lastly by increasing size of the output pattern.

Once sorted each pattern is converted into a recursive matcher which is essentially a small program that checks whether the pattern matches at a given node in the expression DAG. The table is arranged such that the patterns are checked in the order of the lexicographical sort. As a match is found the pattern is greedily selected and the matched subgraph is replaced with the output (usually a single node) of the matched pattern. Although powerful and in extensive use, LLVM’s instruction selector has several drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that any pattern that cannot be handled by TableGen has to be handled manually through custom C functions. Since patterns are restricted to tree shapes this includes all multiple-output patterns. In addition, the greedy scheme compromises code quality. 

Survey on Instruction Selection

Global ISel

最原始的 proposal 来源于

  • [LLVMdev] [global-isel] Proposal for a global instruction selector
  • [GlobalISel] A Proposal for global instruction selection

按照下面的 motivation,SelectionDAG ISel 有一些问题,例如不是真正的 global instruction selector,慢,如 FastIsel 代码不共享,SelectionDAG 太 High Level 无法表示真正意义上的 Register 信息等等。


Everybody loves to hate SelectionDAG, but it is still useful to make its shortcomings explicit. These are some of the goals for a new instruction selector architecture.

We want a global instruction selector.
SelectionDAG operates on a basic block at a time, and we have been forced to implement a number of hacks to work around that. For example, most of CodeGenPrepare is moving instructions around to make good local instruction selection more likely. Legalization of switches and selects must be done either before or after instruction selection because it requires creating new basic blocks.

A number of passes running after instruction selection are also mostly about cleaning up after the single-basic-block selector. This includes MachineCSE, MachineLICM, and the peephole pass.

We want a faster instruction selector.
The SelectionDAG process is quite heavyweight because it uses continuous CSE, a whole new IR, and a mandatory scheduling phase to linearize the DAG. By selecting directly to MI, we can avoid one IR translation phase. By using a linearized IR, scheduling becomes optional.

We want a shared code path for fast and good instruction selection.
Currently, the fast instruction selector used for -O0 builds is a completely separate code path. This is not healthy because it increases the likelihood of bugs in the fast path that were not present in the slow path. It would be better if the -O0 instruction selector were a trimmed down version of the full instruction selector.

We want an IR that represents ISA concepts better.
The SelectionDAG IR is very good at representing LLVM IR directly, but as the code is lowered to model target machine concepts, weird hacks are often required. This is evident in the way too many SDNodes required to represent a function call, or the many custom ISD nodes that targets need to define.

In many cases, custom target code knows exactly which instructions it wants to produce, and the IR should make it possible and easy to just emit the desired instructions directly. The MI intermediate representation isn't perfect either, and we should plan some MI improvements as well.

The SelectionDAG concept of legal types and their mapping to a single register class often causes problems. In some cases, it is necessary to lie about value types, just to get the instruction selector to do the right thing.

We want a more configurable instruction selector.

Weird targets have weird requirements, and it should be possible for targets to inject new passes into the instruction selection process. Sometimes, it may even be required to replace a standard pass.

SelectionDAG ISel 在 instruction selection 的同时完成 LLVM IR -> Machine IR 的转换。所以提出来了 Global ISel 的概念,中间也会涉及到一些转换。

 注:上图来源于 Global Instruction Selection(global-isel)

注:上图来源于 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6SNs2ttdoA

但是按照目前的数据来看 Global ISel 比 SelectionDAG ISel 在编译耗时上有优势,性能上并没有 totally win。例如 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEP0DfAT_N8 和 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6SNs2ttdoA。本文不深入分析了

注:上图来源于 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6GGbYtae3g


How to Write an LLVM Backend #4: Instruction Selection

LLVM笔记(10) - 指令选择(二) lowering https://sourcecodeartisan.com/2020/11/17/llvm-backend-4.html





这篇关于LLVM Instruction Selection 笔记的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




目录   1.准备工作 2.运行例子 01.HelloWorld:在C#中,创建和销毁Lua虚拟机 和 简单调用。 02.ScriptsFromFile:在C#中,对一个lua文件的执行调用 03.CallLuaFunction:在C#中,对lua函数的操作 04.AccessingLuaVariables:在C#中,对lua变量的操作 05.LuaCoroutine:在Lua中,


AssetBundle是unity自定义的资源格式,通过调用引擎的资源打包接口对资源进行打包成.assetbundle格式的资源包。本文介绍了AssetBundle的生成,使用,加载,卸载以及Unity资源更新的一个基本步骤。 目录 1.定义: 2.AssetBundle的生成: 1)设置AssetBundle包的属性——通过编辑器界面 补充:分组策略 2)调用引擎接口API


1.集合 Java四种集合:List、Queue、Set和Map 1.1.List:可重复 有序的Collection ArrayList: 基于数组实现,增删慢,查询快,线程不安全 Vector: 基于数组实现,增删慢,查询快,线程安全 LinkedList: 基于双向链实现,增删快,查询慢,线程不安全 1.2.Queue:队列 ArrayBlockingQueue:


目录 Linux vi/vim编辑器(简单) (1)vi/vim基本用法。 (2)vi/vim基础操作。 进程基础操作(简单) (1)fork()函数。 写文件系统函数(中等) ​编辑 (1)C语言读取文件。 (2)C语言写入文件。 1、write()函数。  读文件系统函数(简单) (1)read()函数。 作者本人的操作系统实训复习笔记 Linux


目录 一、基础知识 1. 基础对象(lv_obj) 2. 基础对象的大小(size) 3. 基础对象的位置(position) 3.1 直接设置方式 3.2 参照父对象对齐 3.3 获取位置 4. 基础对象的盒子模型(border-box) 5. 基础对象的样式(styles) 5.1 样式的状态和部分 5.1.1 对象可以处于以下状态States的组合: 5.1.2 对象


前言:第一部分详细讲解DDS核心框图,还请读者深入阅读第一部分,以便理解DDS核心思想 三刷小梅哥视频总结! 小梅哥https://www.corecourse.com/lander 一、DDS简介         DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer)即数字合成器,是一种新型的频率合成技术,具有低成本、低功耗、高分辨率、频率转换时间短、相位连续性好等优点,对数字信


1 概念 产生与发展:人工管理阶段 → \to → 文件系统阶段 → \to → 数据库系统阶段。 数据库系统特点:数据的管理者(DBMS);数据结构化;数据共享性高,冗余度低,易于扩充;数据独立性高。DBMS 对数据的控制功能:数据的安全性保护;数据的完整性检查;并发控制;数据库恢复。 数据库技术研究领域:数据库管理系统软件的研发;数据库设计;数据库理论。数据模型要素 数据结构:描述数据库


信息系统项目管理基础 日常笔记 项目的特点:临时性(一次性)、独特的产品、服务或成果、逐步完善、资源约束、目的性。 临时性是指每一个项目都有确定的开始和结束日期独特性,创造独特的可交付成果,如产品、服务或成果逐步完善意味着分步、连续的积累。例如,在项目早期,项目范围的说明是粗略的,随着项目团队对目标和可交付成果的理解更完整和深入时,项目的范围也就更具体和详细。 战略管理包括以下三个过程


信息化与信息系统 最近在备考信息系统项目管理师软考证书,特记录笔记留念,也希望可以帮到有需求的人。 因为这是从notion里导出来的,格式上可能有点问题,懒的逐条修改了,还望见谅! 日常笔记 核心知识 信息的质量属性:1.精确性 2.完整性 3.可靠性 4.及时性 5.经济性 6.可验证下 7.安全性 信息的传输技术(通常指通信、网络)是信息技术的核心。另外,噪声影响的是信道


前端笔试⾯试经常会问到:不定宽⾼如何⽔平垂直居中。最简单的实现⽅法就是flex布局,⽗元素加上如下代码即 可: display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items :center; 。下⾯详细介绍下flex布局吧。   2009年,W3C提出了 Flex布局,可以简便⼂完整⼂响应式地实现各种页⾯布局。⽬前已得到了所有浏览器的⽀持,这意味着,现