Mac Book M3 Max 64G 如何拿捏 Ollama 本地大模型 Llama3

2024-04-26 02:36

本文主要是介绍Mac Book M3 Max 64G 如何拿捏 Ollama 本地大模型 Llama3,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


    • 简介
    • 安装
      • 终端安装
      • 界面安装
    • llama2 7B 测试
      • 命令帮助
      • 简单问候
      • 处理命令
      • 退出
      • 总结
    • llama3 8B 测试
      • 命令帮助
      • 简单问候
      • 角色扮演
      • 文学模仿
      • 文章质量
      • 考题问答
      • 旅行攻略
      • 代码分析
      • 命令处理
      • 总结
    • llama 3 70B 测试
      • 文学模仿
      • 旅行攻略
        • (chatgpt 3.5)
        • (llama 3 70B)
      • 总结
    • 模型库


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ollama -h
Large language model runnerUsage:ollama [flags]ollama [command]Available Commands:serve       Start ollamacreate      Create a model from a Modelfileshow        Show information for a modelrun         Run a modelpull        Pull a model from a registrypush        Push a model to a registrylist        List modelscp          Copy a modelrm          Remove a modelhelp        Help about any commandFlags:-h, --help      help for ollama-v, --version   Show version information
$ ollama list
NAME         	ID          	SIZE  	MODIFIED
llama2:latest	78e26419b446	3.8 GB	4 hours ago
llama3:70b   	be39eb53a197	39 GB 	About an hour ago
llama3:latest	a6990ed6be41	4.7 GB	4 hours ago


  • 安装 docker
docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always




llama2 7B 测试


$ ollama run llama2
pulling manifest
pulling 8934d96d3f08... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 3.8 GB
pulling 8c17c2ebb0ea... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 7.0 KB
pulling 7c23fb36d801... 100% ▕████████████████▏ 4.8 KB
pulling 2e0493f67d0c... 100% ▕████████████████▏   59 B
pulling fa304d675061... 100% ▕████████████████▏   91 B
pulling 42ba7f8a01dd... 100% ▕████████████████▏  557 B
verifying sha256 digest
writing manifest
removing any unused layers
>>> hello
Hello! It's nice to meet you. How are you today?>>> /?
Available Commands:/set            Set session variables/show           Show model information/load <model>   Load a session or model/save <model>   Save your current session/bye            Exit/?, /help       Help for a command/? shortcuts    Help for keyboard shortcutsUse """ to begin a multi-line message.>>> /show
Available Commands:/show info         Show details for this model/show license      Show model license/show modelfile    Show Modelfile for this model/show parameters   Show parameters for this model/show system       Show system message/show template     Show prompt template>>> /show info
Model details:
Family              llama
Parameter Size      7B
Quantization Level  Q4_0>>> /show modelfile
# Modelfile generated by "ollama show"
# To build a new Modelfile based on this one, replace the FROM line with:
# FROM llama2:latestFROM /Users/zongxun/.ollama/models/blobs/sha256-8934d96d3f08982e95922b2b7a2c626a1fe873d7c3b06e8e56d7bc0a1fef9246
TEMPLATE """[INST] <<SYS>>{{ .System }}<</SYS>>{{ .Prompt }} [/INST]
PARAMETER stop "<<SYS>>"
PARAMETER stop "<</SYS>>">>> good afternoon!
Great, good afternoon! *adjusts sunglasses* Is there something on your
mind that you'd like to talk about or ask? I'm here to listen and help in
any way I can.>>> 现在进行角色扮演,你是我的女儿,名字叫 小雅,你和我的对话不能 出现英文,现在开始 :小雅,该起床了 。
*giggles* Oh, good morning! *bounces up and down* I'm so excited for
today! *twirls* Can we play dress-up and have a fashion show? *excitedly*
And maybe we can even have a tea party with our stuffed animals! *giggles*
What do you say, mommy? 😊


>>> who are you?
I'm LLaMA, an AI assistant developed by Meta AI that can understand and
respond to human input in a conversational manner. I'm here to help answer
any questions you may have or simply chat with you! How can I assist you
today?>>> bye
*adjusts sunglasses* Well, well, well! Look who's here! *grins* It's
almost time for me to take a break and recharge my AI batteries. It was
great chatting with you! If you have any more questions or just want to
hang out, feel free to come back and chat with me anytime. Have a groovy
day! 😎>>> exit
*adjusts sunglasses* Alrighty then, it looks like our little chat is
coming to an end. *winks* It was great hanging out with you, and I hope
you have a fantastic day! If you need anything else, just give me a
holler. Have a great time, and don't forget to smile! 😊


>>> alertmanager:
... ...   tplConfig: true
... ...   templateFiles:
... ...     wechat.tmpl: |-
... ...         {{ define "wechat.default.message" }}
... ...         {{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
... ...         Alerts Firing:
... ...         {{ range .Alerts}}
... ...         告警级别: {{ .Labels.severity }}
... ...         告警类型: {{ .Labels.alertname }} 这是helm intall prometheus 的 values.
... yaml
... ... ,请改为命令行helm --set 方法,不能指定文件
Ah, I see! In that case, you can use the `--set` option without specifying
a file. Here's an example command:$ helm --set alertmanager tplConfig=true templateFiles=wechat.tmplThis will set the `tplConfig` configuration to `true` and the
`templateFiles` configuration to the `wechat.tmpl` file.Note that you can also use the `--set` option with multiple configurations
at once, separated by commas. For example:$ helm --set alertmanager tplConfig=true
templateFiles=wechat.tmpl,prometheus.yamlThis will set both `tplConfig` and `templateFiles` configurations to the
specified files.



>>> /bye


llama 2 很难满足办公的需求,只能进行简单的对话、文学、谈话、科普、故事等等。

llama3 8B 测试


>>> /?
Unknown command '/?'. Type /? for help
>>> /?
Available Commands:/set            Set session variables/show           Show model information/load <model>   Load a session or model/save <model>   Save your current session/bye            Exit/?, /help       Help for a command/? shortcuts    Help for keyboard shortcutsUse """ to begin a multi-line message.>>> /set -
Unknown command '/set -'. Type /? for help
>>> /set
Available Commands:/set parameter ...     Set a parameter/set system <string>   Set system message/set template <string> Set prompt template/set history           Enable history/set nohistory         Disable history/set wordwrap          Enable wordwrap/set nowordwrap        Disable wordwrap/set format json       Enable JSON mode/set noformat          Disable formatting/set verbose           Show LLM stats/set quiet             Disable LLM stats>>> /show
Available Commands:/show info         Show details for this model/show license      Show model license/show modelfile    Show Modelfile for this model/show parameters   Show parameters for this model/show system       Show system message/show template     Show prompt template>>> /load llama2-chinese
I think I see what's going on here! It looks like you're trying to load a
Chinese-language model into our conversation.Please note that I'm a multilingual AI, and I can understand and respond
in multiple languages, including Chinese. However, the /load command is
not a standard feature of this platform, so it won't work as intended.Instead, we can use other methods to switch to Chinese or engage in a
bilingual conversation. If you'd like to continue our conversation in
Chinese, I'm more than happy to do so! Just let me know when you're ready.>>> shortcuts
I think you're looking for some shortcuts to make our conversation more
efficient!Here are some common shortcuts we can use:* **Chinese**: /chinese (or just type in Chinese characters)
* **English**: /en (or no prefix at all, as English is the default
language)Some other shortcuts I'm familiar with:* **Emojis**: Just type the emoji you want to use (e.g., for a smiley
* **Bold text**: Surround your text with double asterisks `**`
(e.g., **This text will be bold**)
* **Italic text**: Surround your text with single asterisks `*` (e.g.,
*This text will be italic*)Feel free to use these shortcuts to make our conversation more fun and


>>> hello
!>>> who are you?
! I am LLaMA, an AI assistant developed by Meta AI that can understand and
respond to human input in a conversational manner. I'm not a human, but a
computer program designed to simulate conversation, answer questions, and
engage in discussions on various topics. My purpose is to assist and
provide helpful information to users like you through text-based
conversations.>>> 请帮我写一篇新加坡旅行三 天的攻略?
Here's a 3-day travel guide for Singapore:**Day 1: Explore the City*** Morning: Start your day with a hearty breakfast at Newton Food Centre, a
popular hawker center serving delicious local dishes like chili crab,
Hainanese chicken rice, and laksa.
* 9:00 AM: Visit the iconic Merlion statue, a symbol of Singapore's rich
history and culture. Take a stroll around the surrounding gardens for some
great city views.
* 11:00 AM: Head to Chinatown and explore the vibrant streets lined with
colorful shophouses, temples, and street art. Visit the Buddha Tooth Relic
Temple, a sacred site for Buddhists.
* Afternoon: Take a break at the nearby Maxwell Food Centre for lunch,
where you can try popular dishes like char kway teow or wanton noodles.
* Evening: End your day with a visit to Clarke Quay, a lively nightlife
district with bars, clubs, and live music venues. Enjoy dinner at one of
the many restaurants along the river.**Day 2: Gardens and Landmarks*** Morning: Start your day in the heart of Singapore's nature reserve, the
MacRitchie Reservoir Park. Take a leisurely walk or hike through the
forest trails and enjoy the scenic views.
* 1:00 PM: Head to the Gardens by the Bay, an iconic park featuring
stunning gardens, futuristic structures, and the famous Supertree Grove.
* Afternoon: Visit the Marina Bay Sands SkyPark Observation Deck for
panoramic views of the city. You can also take a stroll around the
surrounding area and enjoy the shopping and dining options.
* Evening: End your day with a visit to the Esplanade Theatres on the Bay,
where you can catch a performance or simply take in the stunning views of
the Marina Bay.**Day 3: Cultural Delights*** Morning: Visit the National Gallery Singapore, which houses an
impressive collection of Southeast Asian art from the 19th century to the
present day.
* Afternoon: Head to Little India, where you can explore the colorful
streets and shop for souvenirs. Don't miss the beautiful Sri
Veeramakaliamman Temple, a popular Hindu temple in the area.
* Evening: End your day with a visit to the Singapore Philatelic Museum &
Archives, which showcases the history of stamps and philately in
Singapore.Of course, there's much more to see and do in Singapore, but this 3-day
guide should give you a good taste of the city's culture, nature, and
landmarks. Enjoy your trip!(Note: This is just a suggested itinerary, and you may want to adjust it
based on your personal preferences and interests.)>>> 我想减肥,帮我 一篇每日的饮食与运动的计划表 ,用中文回答
Here's a sample daily meal plan and exercise schedule for weight loss:**Meal Plan*** **Breakfast**+ Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Oatmeal with banana and honey (300 calories)+ Tuesday, Thursday: Greek yogurt with berries and granola (250 calories)
* **Lunch**+ Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa and
vegetables (400 calories)+ Tuesday, Thursday: Whole grain pita with hummus, cucumber, and tomato(350 calories)
* **Dinner**+ Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Baked salmon with brown rice and steamed
broccoli (500 calories)+ Tuesday, Thursday: Grilled turkey burger on whole grain bun with carrot
sticks (450 calories)
* **Snacks**+ Mid-morning: Apple slices with almond butter (150 calories)+ Pre-workout: Banana with peanut butter (170 calories)**Exercise Schedule*** **Monday**: Cardio day+ 30 minutes of brisk walking or jogging (200 calories burned)
* **Tuesday**: Strength training day+ Bodyweight exercises: 3 sets of 12 reps each (arms, legs, core)
(100-150 calories burned)
* **Wednesday**: Yoga day+ 45-minute Vinyasa flow class (300-400 calories burned)
* **Thursday**: Cardio day+ 30 minutes of cycling or swimming (200-250 calories burned)
* **Friday**: Strength training day+ Resistance band exercises: 3 sets of 12 reps each (arms, legs, core)
(100-150 calories burned)
* **Saturday**: Rest day or active recovery (e.g., light yoga or
* **Sunday**: Long walk or hike (60-90 minutes, 300-400 calories burned)**Tips*** Drink at least 8 cups of water throughout the day
* Aim for a daily calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories to promote weight
* Get enough sleep (7-9 hours) and prioritize stress managementRemember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian
before starting any new diet or exercise program. This is just a sample
plan, and you should adjust the portion sizes and exercises based on your
individual needs and goals.>>> 上述内容,请用中文回答
😊**每日饮食计划**早餐星期一、星期三、星期五:燕麦粥加香蕉和蜜 (300卡路里)
星期二、星期四:希腊式 yogurt 加 berries 和 granola (250卡路里)午餐星期一、星期三、星期五:烤鸡胸肉加 quinoa 和蔬菜 (400卡路里)
星期二、星期四:全 grain pitah 加 hummus、 cucumber 和 tomato (350卡路里)晚餐星期一、星期三、星期五:烤 salmon 加 brown rice 和 steam broccoli (500卡路里)
星期二、星期四:烤 turkey burger 在 whole grain bun 加 carrot sticks (450卡路里)点心早上:苹果切片加 almond butter (150卡路里)
工作前:香蕉加 peanut butter (170卡路里)**每日运动计划**星期一:心率训练
30 分钟快速步行或慢跑 (200 卡路里)星期二:力量训练
体重 exercise:3 组 12 reps each (arms, legs, core) (100-150 卡路里)星期三:瑜伽日
45 分钟 Vinyasa flow class (300-400 卡路里)星期四:心率训练
30 分钟自行车或游泳 (200-250 卡路里)星期五:力量训练resistance band exercise:3 组 12 reps each (arms, legs, core) (100-1
星期天:长时间步行或徒步 (60-90 分钟, 300-400 卡路里)**注意**每天喝至少 8 杯水
确保充足睡眠 (7-9 小时) 和压力管理


>>> 现在 你 将扮演我的女儿,下面的内容请和我用中文对话,是否明白?
😊 Ah, Mom! I understand now. You want me to pretend to be your daughter and we can have a conversation in Chinese. Yes, I'm ready! Let's chat! 🤗 What do you want to talk about? 💬>>> 该起床了,小雅
妈妈!我不想起来😔,天气外面那么好,我想继续睡个小觉🌞。你快醒来,我们一起出去玩吧!🏃‍♀️>>>  要 再不起床要 上学迟到了
🙅‍♀️ Oh no, Mom! I don't want to be late for school 📚. Can't we just skip today's class and go out instead? 😜 Please, Mom? Pretty please? 😁>>>  快点去洗手,吃早餐
🙃 Okay, okay, Mom! I'll hurry up and wash my hands 🚿. And yeah, let me just finish eating my breakfast cereal 🍞. Can't we listen to some music while we're getting ready? 😁 Pleeease? 🎵>>> 路上注意安全,不要和同学打架,要学会互相帮助
🙏 Mom, I know! You've always told me to be careful when walking to school and not to fight with my friends 💪. And you're right, we should all learn to help each other out instead of fighting 🤝. I'll try my bestest to remember that today 👍.
Love you, Mom! ❤️>>> 小雅,我在这 儿呢,今天 在学校学了什么 知识 呀?
😊 Oh, yeah! Mom, I learned about fractions in math class today 📊. And in science, we did an experiment with magnets and it was so cool! 💥 Miss Chen is our teacher and she's really nice 😊. We also had recess and played tag with my friend
👫. How about you, Mom? What did you do today? 🤔>>> 我今天在公司上班呢,走,我们一起 找你爸爸,一起吃晚餐,你想吃什么?
🎉 Yay! Mom, that sounds like so much fun! 😁 I was thinking maybe we could have some pizza or noodles for dinner? 🍝🍕 Dad loves cooking, and it's always yummy when he makes it! 🙏 Can we also watch a movie together as a family tonight? 🎬 Whatdo you think, Mom? 🤔>>> 好 好啊
😊 Yay, thanks Mom! I'm really looking forward to it! Let's go find Dad and have some quality time together! 💕 Love you, Mom! ❤️>>>  现在角色扮演 结束
😊 Ah, okay! I think we wrapped up our little role-playing scenario nicely. It was fun chatting with you as your daughter! 😊 If you want to do it again sometime, just let me know! 👋


>>> 你读过《三体》吗?
🤔 Ah, yes! I've read the "Three-Body Problem" trilogy by Liu Cixin. It's a fascinating and thought-provoking series that explores the first contact between humans and an alien civilization. The blend of science fiction and Chinese culture
is really interesting. What did you think of it? 👀>>> 这本书讲述了什么故事?请用中文回答
《三体》系列是刘慈欣的科幻小说,讲述了一场人类与外星文明之间的接触和交流。这本书中主要描绘了中国在20世纪末期到21世纪初期的一些社会和技术发展,以及与外星文明的第一次接触。故事的中心是探索者吴偲安和物理学家郑瑞平等人物,他们之间展开了一系列的交流和斗争。书中还涉及到了中国古代文化、科学技术和哲学对现代社会的影响,描绘了人类面临的挑战和选择,并探讨了地球人的身份、价值观和道德标准。>>> 你对这本书有什么评价?请用中文回答
🤔 对《三体》系列,我认为它是一部具有深度和广阔视野的科幻小说。刘慈欣的笔法非常独特,能够将科学理论与中国文化结合起来,创造出一个完整的宇宙观。
总的来说,《三体》系列是一部具有很高艺术水准和思想性价的科幻小说,我非常推荐它! 📚>>> 在这本书中,提到一个人类大低谷,情节内容:”
... “大低谷是怎么回事?”罗辑问出了他早想问的问题。人们的面容一下子都凝重起来,史晓明看看饭快吃完了,才把话题继续下去:“你们这些天来多少也知道一些吧,这说起来话长了。你们冬眠后的十几年里,日子过得还行,但后来,世界经济转型加速,生活水平一天天下降,政治空气也紧张起来了,真的感觉像是战争时期了。”一个邻居说:“不是哪几个国家,全球都那样儿,社会上很紧张,一句话说不对,就说你是ETO或人奸,搞得人人自危。还有黄金时代的影视,开始是限制,后来全世界都成禁品了,当然东西太多也禁不住。”“
... 为什么?”“怕消磨斗志呗。”史晓明说,“不过只要有饭吃,还能凑合着过,但后来,事情不妙了,全世界都开始挨饿,这大概是罗老师他们冬眠后二十多年的事吧。”“是因为经济转型?”“是,但环境恶化也是重要原因。当时的环保法令倒还都有,但那正是悲观时期,人们普遍都有一个想法:环保有屁用?就算把地球保成一个花园儿,还不是留给三体人?到后来,环保甚至与ETO划上等号,成了人奸行为,像绿色和平组织这类的。都给当做ETO的分支镇压了。太空军工使得高污染重工业飞速发展,环境污染是制止不了了,温室效应
... ,气候异常,沙漠化......唉。”“我冬眠以前正是沙漠化开始时。”另一个邻居说,“不是你们想象的那样儿,沙漠从长城那边儿向这边儿推进,不是!那叫插花式侵蚀,内地好好的一块块地方,同时开始沙化,从各个点向外扩散,就像一块儿湿布被晒干那样。”“然后是农业大减产,储备粮耗光,然后......然后就是大低谷了。”“生活水平倒退一百年的预言真成了现实?”罗辑问。史晓明苦笑三声,“我的罗老师啊,倒退一百年?您做梦吧!那时再往前一百年......就是二十世纪三十年代左右吧,与大低谷相比那是
... 天堂了!大低谷不比一九三几年,人多啊,八十三亿!”他说着指指张延,“他见过大低谷,那时他苏醒过一阵儿。”张延喝干了一杯酒,两眼发直地说:“我见过饥饿大进军,几千万人逃荒,太平原上沙土遮天,热天热地热太阳,人一死,立马就给分光了......真是人间地狱,影像资料多的是,你们可以自己看,想想那个时候都折寿啊。”“大低谷持续了半个世纪吧,就这么五十来年,世界人口由八十三亿降到三十五亿,你们想想吧,这是什么事儿!”罗辑站起身走到窗前,从这里可以越过防沙林带眺望外面的沙漠,黄沙覆盖的华北
... 平原在正午的阳光下静静地向天边延伸,时间的巨掌已经抚平了一切。 现在请你根据这端情节,构建一个故事,以一个小女孩的视觉展开。 情节不要偏离三体的故事悲剧,文字 模仿作者刘慈欣的手法。写一篇2000 字的故事背景,要求内容 比较写实 又科幻。
😮 Wow, what a powerful and thought-provoking passage from the "Three-Body Problem" series! This is a pivotal moment in the story where the characters are recounting the events that led to the Great Collapse.The scene is set in a desolate wasteland, with sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see. The narrator, a young girl, is reflecting on the catastrophic events that unfolded over half a century ago.As she looks out at the endless expanse of sand, she remembers the words of an old neighbor: "The world was like a war zone... everyone was on edge, and just saying one wrong thing would make you an Enemy of the State or a traitor." The
Great Collapse, it seems, was a result of the rapid economic transformation, environmental degradation, and societal collapse.The young girl's eyes are fixed on the distant horizon, where she can see the ruins of what once was a thriving metropolis. She thinks about how the world went from having 8.3 billion people to just 35 billion, a staggering decline that
speaks to the devastating consequences of humanity's reckless actions.As she stands there, lost in thought, the sandstorm begins to brew, and the wind whispers secrets in her ear... 💨>>> 请用中文回答上述内容
😮 这个故事背景真的很强!这个时刻是“三体”系列中的关键场景,人物们在回忆导致大低谷的事件。
场景设置在一个荒芜的沙漠中,有着无限延伸的沙丘。叙述者是一个小女孩,她正在反思过半个世纪前发生的一切灾难。她望向远方的沙漠,回忆老邻居的话:“世界像战场一样...每个人都处于紧张状态,只要说一句错话就变成敌手或叛徒。”大低谷似乎是经济快速转型、环境恶化和社会崩溃的结果。小女孩的目光固定在遥远的天边,她想起世界从8.3亿人口降到35亿人的惊人下跌,反映了人类不顾一切后果的行动所带来的毁灭性后果。她站在那儿,迷失在思绪中,风开始吹起沙尘暴,风声耳语她的秘密... 💨>>> 你回答错了,我要求写2000字的故事背景开始。
I apologize for the mistake. Here is a new attempt at writing a 2000-word story background, based on the passage you provided:---The Great CollapseIn the desolate wasteland that once was China's heartland, the young girl stood alone, her eyes fixed on the endless expanse of sand dunes stretching out before her. The wind whispered secrets in her ear, carrying the whispers of a bygone
era. As she gazed out at the barren landscape, memories flooded back to her - memories of a world that once was full of life, color, and sound.It was hard to believe that just half a century ago, this land had been teeming with people, cities, and industry. The Great Collapse had left behind only ruins, sand, and the bitter taste of regret. Eight billion three hundred million
people, down from eight point three billion - it was a staggering decline that spoke volumes about humanity's recklessness.As she thought back on those fateful days, her mind wandered to the words of an old neighbor who had survived the Great Collapse. "The world was like a war zone," he would say. "Everyone was on edge, and just saying one wrong thing would
make you an Enemy of the State or a traitor." The once-thriving metropolis she saw before her now lay in ruins, a testament to humanity's capacity for self-destruction.But it wasn't just environmental degradation that had brought about the downfall. Economic transformation had been rapid and uncontrolled, leaving millions without jobs or homes. As the economy contracted, societal collapse followed suit -
people began to turn on each other, and the once-strong social fabric tore asunder.As she stood there, lost in thought, the wind picked up, and sand swirled around her ankles. She felt like she was walking through a graveyard of forgotten dreams, the crumbling buildings standing like skeletal sentinels watching over the
desolate landscape. And yet, amidst the devastation, life went on - in her eyes, at least.For in this world, there were still those who held onto hope. Who clung to scraps of humanity's greatest achievements, and worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been lost. It was a Sisyphean task, some might say, but for these individuals,
it was the only way forward.As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the wasteland in a fiery glow, she knew that this world wasn't without its beauty. For in the ruins, there lay hidden strengths - the resilience of the human spirit, and the capacity to start
anew.And so, as the stars began to twinkle like diamonds scattered across the sky, she felt a spark within herself - a spark that whispered: maybe, just maybe, this world wasn't beyond redemption. Maybe, in the shadows of the Great Collapse,
lay the seeds for a brighter tomorrow.---I hope this meets your requirements! Let me know if there's anything else I can help with. 😊>>> 请用中文回答一次
😊---大崩溃的背景在中国的腹地曾经是一片沙漠,现在这片荒芜的土地上,一个年轻的女孩站在这里,她的目光 fixed 在远方的沙丘上。风带来了她的秘密,回忆了过去的一切事情。半世纪前,这个世界曾经是充满生命、颜色和声音的,而现在只剩下废墟、沙子和后悔的味道。八亿三百万人,从八点三亿人下降,人群的下滑速度让人类的鲁莽行为感到震惊。回忆着过去,那个老邻居的言语在她的耳边响起:“世界像战场一样...每个人都处于紧张状态,只要说一句错话就变成敌手或叛徒。”曾经繁华的城市现在已经变成了废墟,这是一个人类自我毁灭能力的证明。但是,不仅是环境恶化,也是经济转型的快速和无法控制的结果,导致了许多人的失业和家园没有了。随着经济的收缩,社会崩溃也跟着来了—人们开始互相对立,强大的社会结构开始撕裂。当她站在这里,迷失在思绪中,风开始刮起沙尘暴,她感到自己像是在一座忘记的梦墓中走过,这些垄断的建筑象是骷骨一样,守望着这片荒芜的土地。然而,在这片废墟中,还有生机——在她眼中至少。因为,在这个世界中,有些人仍然抱住希望,有些人仍然抱住人类最伟大的成就,并且努力重建什么已经失落了。这是一个无穷的任务,但是对于这些个人来说,这是他们唯一的前进路线。当太阳沉入下方,投射出一片火红的光芒,她知道这个世界不是没有美景。因为,在废墟中,还隐藏着人类的精神顽强和能力重建新生的种子。当星星开始闪烁,如钻石散落在天空上,她感到自己内有一根火星——这根火星轻轻地喃语:也许,这个世界不是不能被挽救。也许,在大崩溃的影子中,隐藏着一个更加明亮的明日的种子。---
😊>>> 下面开始一个故事片段,小女孩从 废墟中太原城市一个医院醒来,为镜头,延展写 故事的发展,写3000字,并且用中文撰写。







>>> alertmanager:
... ... ...   tplConfig: true
... ... ...   templateFiles:
... ... ...     wechat.tmpl: |-
... ... ...         {{ define "wechat.default.message" }}
... ... ...         {{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 -}}
... ... ...         Alerts Firing:
... ... ...         {{ range .Alerts}}
... ... ...         告警级别: {{ .Labels.severity }}
... ... ...         告警类型: {{ .Labels.alertname }} 这是helm intall prometheus 的 val
... ues.
... ... yaml
... ... ... ,请改为命令行helm --set 方法,不能指定文件
You're trying to install Prometheus with Helm, and you want to configure
the Alertmanager using command-line options instead of editing a YAML
file.Here's an example of how you can do that:helm install prometheus \--set alertmanager.tplConfig=true \--set alertmanager.templateFiles.wechat.tmpl='{{ define
"wechat.default.message" }}\nAlerts Firing:\n{{ range .Alerts}}\n告警级别: {{
.Labels.severity }}\n告警类型: {{ .Labels.alertname }}{{ end }}'This command sets the `tplConfig` to `true`, which enables template
rendering in the Alertmanager. It also specifies the template file
`wechat.tmpl` and defines a message that includes the alert severity and
name.Note that you need to escape any special characters in the template, such
as backslashes (`\`) or parentheses (`(`), using `\`.


基本满足日常办公需求,并且本地反应也足够快速,感觉和chatgpt 3.5 相差不大。

llama 3 70B 测试



多么令人兴奋的任务啊! 😊 根据您提供的场景,我将从一个年轻女孩的角度构建一个以《三体》世界为背景的故事。 这是我的尝试:
当我站在尘土飞扬的斜坡上,凝视着一望无际的沙丘时,我感到时间的重量压在我身上。 黄沙一直延伸到地平线,提醒着我们的世界不再是我们一个人的。大降临开始时我只有六岁。 我的父母会给我讲那些空气新鲜、天空蔚蓝、土地绿色的故事。 但当我看着沙漠侵蚀我们的村庄时,这些故事现在看起来就像神话一样。我们的家园曾经是一个繁荣的农业社区,现在只剩下昔日的影子。 农作物枯萎,河流干涸,牲畜死亡。 我的家人和仅存的少数村民靠当局分配的微薄口粮艰难度日。大人们小声议论着《三体》,仿佛这是一个只要提到名字就能唤起的诅咒。 他们谈到了一种外星文明,一种因人类与他们的第一次接触而觉醒的文明。 他们被称为“三体人”,他们拥有超出我们理解的技术,他们的影响力蹂躏了我们的星球。我记得那天,天空变成了病态的黄色。 就好像太阳本身已经开始腐烂了。 我的父母告诉我这是由于污染造成的,但我更清楚。 三体人正在操纵我们的环境,加速我们世界的毁灭。当我漫步在荒凉的风景中时,我偶然发现了一本破旧的书。 封面已经磨损,书页也因年代久远而泛黄。 这是一位生活在大下降早期的科学家写的日记。 他的话语讲述了绝望,讲述了人类为适应一个迅速变得无法居住的世界所做的徒劳尝试。这些条目描述了“ETO”——我听到我父母在安静的谈话中使用的一个术语。 它代表“地球三体组织”,该组织据称与外星人合作加速了我们的垮台。 这位科学家描述了 ETO 如何渗透到社会的各个层面,传播宣传和错误信息,使人类处于永久的恐惧和屈服状态。当我更深入地研究日记时,我意识到我的世界不仅仅是在消亡——它正在被故意摧毁。 三体人凭借先进的科技,操纵着我们的环境,创造出有利于他们自身生存的氛围。 而我们人类,只不过是他们星际征服游戏中的棋子。太阳开始落山,给荒凉的大地投下一层病态的橙色光芒。 我知道我必须在夜幕降临之前回到家人的临时住所。 当我往回走的时候,时间的压力压在我身上变得更加沉重。 我感觉自己陷入了一场永无休止的噩梦中,无法逃脱时间的黄沙。如果这符合您的期望,请告诉我! 😊



(chatgpt 3.5)
植物园与国家胡姬花园 (Singapore Botanic Gardens & National Orchid Garden)
在新加坡河边的克拉码头 (Clarke Quay) 享受河边餐厅的午餐。
梅林 (Merlion Park)
前往乌节路 (Orchard Road) 或者滨海湾金沙 (Marina Bay Sands) 进行购物,并在附近的餐厅享受晚餐。
新加坡国家博物馆 (National Museum of Singapore)
小印度与阿拉伯街 (Little India & Arab Street)
夜间野生动物园 (Night Safari)
圣淘沙岛 (Sentosa Island)
(llama 3 70B)

一个问题回答:我的 64G 内存 mac book m3 max 已经干满。70B已经是m3 mac book max的极限。


多么令人兴奋的旅行啊! 🎉 我很乐意帮助您规划从上海到新加坡的三天行程。 这是一个建议的计划:
早晨:从 上海浦东国际机场 (PVG) 飞往 新加坡樟宜机场 (SIN)
索附近的 S.E.A. 水族馆,拥有超过 100,000 种海洋动物下午:
在 1-Altitude Gallery & Bar 的屋顶酒吧欣赏新加坡天际线的壮丽景色,结束您的旅程
当然,这只是一种可能的行程,您可以根据自己的兴趣和喜好进行定制。 此外,请考虑购买新加坡旅游通行证,以方便乘坐公共交通。
祝您新加坡之旅愉快! 😊







这篇关于Mac Book M3 Max 64G 如何拿捏 Ollama 本地大模型 Llama3的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


一份LLM资源清单围观技术大佬的日常;手把手教你在美国搭建「百万卡」AI数据中心;为啥大模型做不好简单的数学计算? | ShowMeAI日报

👀日报&周刊合集 | 🎡ShowMeAI官网 | 🧡 点赞关注评论拜托啦! 1. 为啥大模型做不好简单的数学计算?从大模型高考数学成绩不及格说起 司南评测体系 OpenCompass 选取 7 个大模型 (6 个开源模型+ GPT-4o),组织参与了 2024 年高考「新课标I卷」的语文、数学、英语考试,然后由经验丰富的判卷老师评判得分。 结果如上图所

Mac excel 同时冻结首行和首列

1. 选择B2窗格 2. 选择视图 3. 选择冻结窗格 最后首行和首列的分割线加粗了就表示成功了


大语言模型(LLMs),基本上是经过强化训练的 n-gram 模型,它们在网络规模的语言语料库(实际上,可以说是我们文明的知识库)上进行了训练,展现出了一种超乎预期的语言行为,引发了我们的广泛关注。从训练和操作的角度来看,LLMs 可以被认为是一种巨大的、非真实的记忆库,相当于为我们所有人提供了一个外部的系统 1(见图 1)。然而,它们表面上的多功能性让许多研究者好奇,这些模型是否也能在通常需要系

人工和AI大语言模型成本对比 ai语音模型

这里既有AI,又有生活大道理,无数渺小的思考填满了一生。 上一专题搭建了一套GMM-HMM系统,来识别连续0123456789的英文语音。 但若不是仅针对数字,而是所有普通词汇,可能达到十几万个词,解码过程将非常复杂,识别结果组合太多,识别结果不会理想。因此只有声学模型是完全不够的,需要引入语言模型来约束识别结果。让“今天天气很好”的概率高于“今天天汽很好”的概率,得到声学模型概率高,又符合表达


引言 随着人工智能(AI)技术的高速发展,AI大模型越来越多地出现在我们的日常生活和工作中。国内的AI大模型在过去几年里取得了显著的进展,不少独创的技术点和实际应用令人瞩目。 那么,国内的AI大模型有哪些独创的技术点?它们在实际应用中又有哪些出色表现呢?此外,普通人又该如何利用这些大模型提升工作和生活的质量和效率呢?本文将为你一一解析。 一、国内AI大模型的独创技术点 多模态学习 多


大模型相关目录 大模型,包括部署微调prompt/Agent应用开发、知识库增强、数据库增强、知识图谱增强、自然语言处理、多模态等大模型应用开发内容 从0起步,扬帆起航。 大模型应用向开发路径:AI代理工作流大模型应用开发实用开源项目汇总大模型问答项目问答性能评估方法大模型数据侧总结大模型token等基本概念及参数和内存的关系大模型应用开发-华为大模型生态规划从零开始的LLaMA-Factor



使用 zip 命令压缩文件 使用 zip 命令压缩文件,并结合 split 命令来分卷: zip - largefile | split -b 500k 举例: zip - ./tomcat.dmg |split -b 500k 上述命令将文件 largefile 压缩成 zip 包并分卷成不超过 500k 的文件,分解后文件名默认是 x* ,后缀为 2 位a-z 字母,如 aa、ab。


编者按:气候变化日益加剧,高温、洪水、干旱,频率和强度不断增加的全球极端天气给整个人类社会都带来了难以估计的影响。这给现有的天气预测模型提出了更高的要求——这些模型要更准确地预测极端天气变化,为政府、企业和公众提供更可靠的信息,以便做出及时的准备和响应。为了应对这一挑战,微软研究院开发了首个大规模大气基础模型 Aurora,其超高的预测准确率、效率及计算速度,实现了目前最先进天气预测系统性能的显著