本文主要是介绍227.Mock Hanoi Tower by Stacks-用栈模拟汉诺塔问题(容易题),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
在经典的汉诺塔问题中,有 3 个塔和 N 个可用来堆砌成塔的不同大小的盘子。要求盘子必须按照从小到大的顺序从上往下堆 (如,任意一个盘子,其必须堆在比它大的盘子上面)。同时,你必须满足以下限制条件:
(1) 每次只能移动一个盘子。
(2) 每个盘子从堆的顶部被移动后,只能置放于下一个堆中。
(3) 每个盘子只能放在比它大的盘子上面。请写一段程序,实现将第一个堆的盘子移动到最后一个堆中。
public class Tower {private Stack<Integer> disks;// create three towers (i from 0 to 2)public Tower(int i) {disks = new Stack<Integer>();}// Add a disk into this towerpublic void add(int d) {if (!disks.isEmpty() && disks.peek() <= d) {System.out.println("Error placing disk " + d);} else {disks.push(d);}}// @param t a tower// Move the top disk of this tower to the top of t.public void moveTopTo(Tower t) {t.add(disks.pop());}// @param n an integer// @param destination a tower// @param buffer a tower// Move n Disks from this tower to destination by buffer towerpublic void moveDisks(int n, Tower destination, Tower buffer) {if (n > 0){moveDisks(n-1,buffer,destination);moveTopTo(destination);buffer.moveDisks(n - 1, destination, this);}}public Stack<Integer> getDisks() {return disks;}
/*** Your Tower object will be instantiated and called as such:* Tower[] towers = new Tower[3]; * for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) towers[i] = new Tower(i);* for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) towers[0].add(i); * towers[0].moveDisks(n, towers[2], towers[1]);* print towers[0], towers[1], towers[2]
Last Update 2016.9.13
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