Advanced Project Management: A Complete Guide to the Key Processes, Models and Technique

本文主要是介绍Advanced Project Management: A Complete Guide to the Key Processes, Models and Technique,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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* A practical title that guides the reader through the key skills required when managing large, and complex projects, including IT
* Includes models, processes and techniques
* Includes a free CD-ROM containing template forms, process flows and examples

Project management has become one of the most valued skills in business: to thrive, it is essential that companies deliver their projects on time. Companies depend on the expertise of skilled project managers; and major projects require project managers with advanced skills. To move from intermediate to advanced project management, a project manager must understand not only the project itself but the overall needs of the company. They must also know how to build and manage teams, how to handle large budgets, and appreciate the difference between gathering information for managing the project, and gathering information for managing the stakeholders. "Advanced Project Management" explains these skills, setting out processes, methods and tools to enable a project manager to handle the greater volume of requirements and change that occur in complex projects.

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