Practical Insight into Cmmi

2024-04-19 01:18
文章标签 insight cmmi practical

本文主要是介绍Practical Insight into Cmmi,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Practical Insight into CMMI® is an essential reference for engineering, IT and management professionals striving to grasp the "look and feel of a successful business oriented process improvement implementation". Taking you beyond the Capability Maturity Model® to the integrated world of systems and software, this comprehensive resource presents CMMI® in a manner that is easy to comprehend by higher-level managers and practitioners alike. Written by a world-renowned expert in the field, the book offers a clear picture of the activities an organization would be engaged in if their systems and software engineering processes were based on CMMI®. The book teaches the roles and responsibilities of professionals at all levels, from senior and middle management to project leaders and quality assurance personnel.

Offering a full appreciation of the power of CMMI® to enhance systems and software process improvement initiatives, this invaluable reference captures the essence of each of process area by presenting it in a practical context. From project monitoring and control, quality management, and requirements engineering, to risk management, integrated teams, and measurement programs, this authoritative volume provides you with a complete understanding of CMMI® and the benefits of this integrated approach in your organization.

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CMMI过程域RDM功能CMMI L2MA(100%满足)1.    项目仪表盘(工作量统计、进度统计、缺陷统计、评审统计、问题统计、风险统计等)2.    业务流程效率统计(自动统计业务流程每个步骤的停留时间)3.    灵活自定义统计报表(支持用户灵活定义统计图表,支持饼图、柱状图、条形图、折线图等)4.    Jasper多维度报表自定义CM(100%满足)1.    灵活定义文档归档审计


EPG进行过程的优化,可以参考DMAIC方法。在CMMI模型中有多个PA是和过程管理相关的,如果映射到DMAIC方法,可以进行如下的对应:(1)Define 定义过程:OPD,首先刻画当前的过程;(2)Measure 度量过程:MA,然后度量当前过程输入与输出,对当前的过程建立量化的了解;(3)Analysis 分析过程:OPP,CAR,判断过程的稳定性,建立过程性能基线与过程性能模型,识别过程

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CMMI将能力成熟度分为5个级别:初始级,已管理级,已定义级,量化管理级,优化级。     这5个成熟度等级为评价软件过程能力提供了一个有序的级别,如图5-10所示。同时也为软件过程改进工作指明了方向,让人们分清轻重缓急,指导人们一步一步地改进过程能力而不是企图跳跃式地前进。     1.初始化-->2.已管理级-->3.已定义级-->4.量化管理级-->5.优化级     除了成熟度等