Implementing ITIL Configuration Management

2024-04-18 20:09

本文主要是介绍Implementing ITIL Configuration Management,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Practical, Real-World ITIL Configuration ManagementCFrom Start to Finish

The IT Infrastructure Library® (ITIL) places the best practices in IT operations at your command. ITIL helps you make better technology choices, manages IT more effectively, and drives greater business value from all your IT investments. The core of ITIL is configuration management: the discipline of identifying, tracking, and controlling your IT environments diverse components to gain accurate and timely information for better decision-making.

Now, theres a practical, start-to-finish guide to ITIL configuration management for every IT leader, manager, and practitioner. ITIL-certified architect and solutions provider Larry Klosterboer helps you establish a clear roadmap for success, customize standard processes to your unique needs, and avoid the pitfalls that stand in your way.

Youll learn how to plan your implementation, deploy tools and processes, administer ongoing configuration management tasks, refine ITIL information, and leverage it for competitive advantage. Throughout, Klosterboer demystifies ITILs jargon, illuminates each technique with real-world advice and examples, and helps you focus on the specific techniques that offer maximum business value in your environment.

Coverage includes
*Assessing your current configuration management maturity and setting goals for improvement
*Gathering and managing requirements to align ITIL with organizational needs
*Describing the schema of your configuration management database (CMDB)
*Identifying, capturing, and organizing configuration data
*Choosing the best tools for your requirements
*Integrating data and processes to create a unified logical CMDB and configuration management service
*Implementing pilot projects to demonstrate the value of configuration management and to test your planning
*Moving from a pilot to wide-scale enterprise deployment
*Defining roles for deployment and ongoing staffing
*Leveraging configuration management information: Reporting and beyond
*Measuring and improving CMDB data accuracy

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