CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide

本文主要是介绍CISSP: Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Building on the popular Sybex Study Guide approach, this book provides 100overage of the CISSP Body of Knowledge exam objectives. You'll find:
*Clear and concise information on crucial security topics.
*Practical examples and insights drawn from real-world experience.
*Leading-edge exam preparation software, including two full-length 250 bonus exams, as well as electronic flashcards.
*Authoritative coverage of key exam topics, including access control; application security; business continuity and disaster recovery planning; cryptography; information security and risk management; legal, regulations, compliance and investigations; operations security; physical (environmental) security; and security architecture and design telecommunications and network security.

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华为安全Security 认证包含HCIA-Security, HCIP-Security,HCIE-Security。HCIA-Security 掌握中小型网络信息安全基础知识与相关技术(华为防火墙技术、加解密技术、PKI 证书体系等),具备搭建小型企业信息安全网络的能力,实现中小企业网络和应用的安全保障。考试代码: H12-711 考试类型: 笔试 试卷题型: 单选题、多选题、判断题、填空题、