Data Mining: Know It All

2024-04-18 17:08
文章标签 data know mining

本文主要是介绍Data Mining: Know It All,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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 Data Warehouse Sql Language
 ACCESS FileMaker
 Data Mining Database Design
 Database General MySql
 Oracle SQL Server 2005
 SQL Server 2008 DB2
 Sql Server Windows 2003
 Windows Server 2008 Linux
 Windows Unix
 Windows Vista OS General
 Flash Flex
 3D Animation PhotoShop
 SCM Project
 Software Test Object Oriented
 UML Service Oriented
 Patterns Extreme Programming
 Requirement Aspect Oriented
 Six Sigma Excel
 SAP Google
 Apple Exchange Server
 VPN Wireless
 IPv6 VoIP
 Mobile C C++
 Spring Ado.Net
 Programming General Dot Net
 C# CSharp Hibernate
 Java Delphi
 Eclipse Swing
 J2ME DirectX
 Algorithms OpenGL
 Visual Studio Web Services
 J2EE Crystal Reports
 JDBC WebLogic
 Grid Computing WPF
 Jakarta DreamWeaver
 Apache Asp
 Web Design Adobe AIR
 Web General Asp.Net
 Java Script SharePoint
 VBScript Ajax
 Python Ruby
 Perl CSS
 Game Programming Game General
Data Mining: Know It All
[LanguageEnglish ] [Channel: Data Mining ] 
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This book brings all of the elements of data mining together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases. It consolidates both introductory and advanced topics, thereby covering the gamut of data mining and machine learning tactics ? from data integration and pre-processing, to fundamental algorithms, to optimization techniques and web mining methodology.
The proposed book expertly combines the finest data mining material from the Morgan Kaufmann portfolio. Individual chapters are derived from a select group of MK books authored by the best and brightest in the field. These chapters are combined into one comprehensive volume in a way that allows it to be used as a reference work for those interested in new and developing aspects of data mining.
This book represents a quick and efficient way to unite valuable content from leading data mining experts, thereby creating a definitive, one-stop-shopping opportunity for customers to receive the information they would otherwise need to round up from separate sources.
* Chapters contributed by various recognized experts in the field let the reader remain up to date and fully informed from multiple viewpoints.
* Presents multiple methods of analysis and algorithmic problem-solving techniques, enhancing the reader's technical expertise and ability to implement practical solutions.
* Coverage of both theory and practice brings all of the elements of data mining together in a single volume, saving the reader the time and expense of making multiple purchases.

这篇关于Data Mining: Know It All的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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