- 通过实现石头剪刀布小游戏了解Shell编程数组的应用
## Author: sunmy
## MAil: sunmy@sunmy.pro
## Date: 2021-12-16
## FileName:Rock_Game_v2.sh
## URL: https://www.sunmy.pro
## Description:Play with PC.
## Copyright (C): 2021 All rights reserved
game=(Rock Paper Scissors) ## 定义数组
num=$[RANDOM%3] ## 定义数组下标
computer=${game[$num]} ## 定义计算机函数## 通过随机数对3取模,获取下标分别是0,1,2的数组内容,实现计算机随机出拳Show(){echo "Chose you want !"echo "1.${game[0]}"echo "2.${game[1]}"echo "3.${game[2]}"
}Choose(){read -p "Please Chose 1-3:" Playerecho "You ${game[$Player-1]}"case $Player in1)if [ $num -eq 0 ];thenecho "Draw!"elif [ $num -eq 1 ];thenecho "You win!"else echo "I win!"fi;;2)if [ $num -eq 0 ];thenecho "I win!"elif [ $num -eq 1 ];thenecho "Draw!"else echo "You win!"fi;;3)if [ $num -eq 0 ];thenecho "You win!"elif [ $num -eq 1 ];thenecho "You win!"else echo "Draw!"fi;; *)echo "You have to intup 1-3!" esac
}while : ; doShowsleep 1Choose && echo PC ${computer}" >> RockGame`date +%F`.logsleep 1echo "Pass Ctrl+D tu Quit Game!"sleep 1
- 后期可以加上颜色更好看一些,我懒得加了,就这吧。