UCB CS162 Stanford CS144 Information Theory(Math monk)

2024-04-07 19:58

本文主要是介绍UCB CS162 Stanford CS144 Information Theory(Math monk),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 History and Structure of OS
  • 3 Concurrency: processes, threads, and address spaces
  • 4 thread dispatching(派遣)
  • 1 IP service model
  • 2 TCP service model

1 Introduction

Software emulation of an abstract machines
programming simplicity:
each process thinks it has all memory/CPU time
each porcess thinks it owns all devices
didferent devices appear to have same interface

  • memory management
  • I/O management
  • CPU scheduling
  • communication
  • multitasking/multiprogramming

2 History and Structure of OS

  • ENIAC: 1945-1955
  • histroy phase 1:1948-1970
    lack of interaction between user and computer
    batch program: feed computer batches and make users wait
    no protection
  • history phase 1.5: multiprogramming、 DMA、interrupt
  • histroy phase 2:
    multiple users interact with the systems at the same time
    sacifice CPU time to get better response time
    users do debugging, editing, and email online
  • history phase 3: 1981-
    personal computing
    PC become powerful and OS become complexity
    GUI: graphical user interfaces
  • history phase 4: 1988-
    distributed systems
    networking: internet
    LAN: local area network
    NAP: network access point
  • history phase 5: 1995- mobile systems
    ubiquitous mobile devices
    wireless/wide area networking
    layered structure
    hardward->kernel layer->user layer

standard component and service:
process control, main memory, I/O, file system, UI

3 Concurrency: processes, threads, and address spaces

thread is the concurrent piece that’s executing an instruction stream that we can have multiple of them inside a process

4 thread dispatching(派遣)

process: OS abstraction to represent what is needed to ruan a single, multithreaded program.

CS144: Introduction to Computer Networking

1 IP service model

  • IP service
    IPv4: 32bit addresses
    IPv6: 128bit addresses

2 TCP service model


  • alternating-bit protocol每次只发一个带序号的
  • windowing protocol每次发很多带序号的
  • TCP: transmission control protocol
    use window-based acknowledgement protocol
    automatically retransmits lost packets
    adjusts rate of transmission to avoid congestion


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